Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment's guidance on estimating the budget for land inspection and preparation of land use map in Vietnam in 2024

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment's guidance on estimating the budget for land inspection and preparation of land use map in Vietnam in 2024
Quốc Tuấn

The following article will provide content of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) guidance on estimating the budget for land inspection and preparation of land use map in Vietnam in 2024

MONRE  provides  guidance  on  estimating  land  inventory  costs,  mapping  current  land  use  status  for  2024

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment's guidance on estimating the budget for land inspection and preparation of land use map in Vietnam in 2024​ (Image from the internet)

On September 12, 2024, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment issued Official Dispatch 6188/BTNMT-DKDLTTDD regarding the estimation of land inspection costs and the mapping of the current land use status for 2024.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment's guidance on estimating the budget for land inspection and preparation of land use map in Vietnam in 2024

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam received documents from several localities requesting guidance on building cost estimates for the task of land inspection and preparation of land use map for 2024. Regarding this issue, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has the following opinions:

According to Clause 2, Article 26 of Decree 32/2019/ND-CP dated April 10, 2019, from the Government of Vietnam, which regulates the assignment, ordering, or bidding for the provision of public products and services using state budget funds from recurrent expenditures, it stipulates the responsibilities of the Provincial People's Committee: (1) issuing, amending, and supplementing the list of public service activities using the state budget; the list of public utility products and services within the management scope of the locality; (2) issuing, amending, and supplementing economic-technical norms, cost norms (if any) applicable to public products and services as a basis for determining unit prices, the price of public service products within the management scope of the locality.

On November 18, 2020, the Office of the Government of Vietnam issued Official Dispatch 9652/VPCP-KTTH regarding the implementation of Decree 32/2019/ND-CP, which requests “The Chairpersons of the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities urgently complete the issuance under their jurisdiction of the list of public undertakings using the state budget within the management scope of the locality, which the locality performs, and the economic-technical norms applicable to sectors of public service activities as a basis for issuing the price of public service activities with full cost calculation and related regulations applied in the area and within the delegated state management scope. The completion time is before December 31, 2020.”

According to Clause 2, Article 37 of Decree 60/2021/ND-CP dated June 21, 2021, from the Government of Vietnam, which regulates the financial autonomy mechanism of public service providers, it stipulates the responsibilities of the Provincial People's Committee: Issuing, amending, and supplementing economic-technical norms, cost norms (if any) as a basis for determining unit prices, the price of public service activities using the state budget according to price law regulations and other related legal provisions to serve as the basis for the assignment, ordering, or bidding for providing public service activities under Decree 32/2019/ND-CP from the Government of Vietnam.

Based on the aforementioned regulations, for the task of land inspection and preparation of land use map, the Provincial People's Committees are responsible for issuing economic-technical norms, unit prices for land inspection products, and preparation of land use map at the provincial, district, and commune levels (within the local management scope).

To ensure consistency in preparing, appraising, and approving the estimation of land inspection costs and preparation of land use map for 2024 in localities, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment requests the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities to carry out the following specific tasks:

(1) For provinces that have issued economic-technical norms, unit prices for products according to regulations: urgently approve the cost estimates as a basis for the assignment, ordering, or bidding to ensure timely implementation.

(2) For provinces that have not issued economic-technical norms, unit prices for products: the Provincial People's Committee is requested to direct the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and relevant departments, agencies to prepare, appraise, and approve the cost estimates based on:

- Urgently issue economic-technical norms, unit prices for products under their jurisdiction. Approve the adjustment of cost estimates after the economic-technical norms, unit prices for products are issued by the Provincial People's Committee.

- Determine the tasks as per Circular 08/2024/TT-BTNMT dated July 31, 2024, from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment regulating land statistics, inventory, and preparation of land use map.

- Estimate the costs: determine the workload for each task and prepare cost estimates as per Circular 136/2017/TT-BTC dated December 22, 2017, from the Ministry of Finance regulating the preparation, management, use of economic activity funds for environmental and natural resource tasks.

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 6188/BTNMT-DKDLTTDD issued on September 12, 2024.


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