Ministry of Health of Vietnam requests to strengthen food poisoning prevention works

Ministry of Health of Vietnam requests to strengthen food poisoning prevention works
Quốc Tuấn

Recently, the Ministry of Health of Vietnam has issued a request to strengthen food poisoning prevention and control efforts.

The    Ministry    of    Health    Requires    Strengthening    Food    Poisoning    Prevention

Ministry of Health of Vietnam requests to strengthen food poisoning prevention works​ (Image from the internet)

On June 7, 2024, the Ministry of Health of Vietnam issued Official Dispatch 3113/BYT-ATTP regarding the enhancement of food poisoning prevention efforts.

Ministry of Health of Vietnam requests to strengthen food poisoning prevention works

The Ministry of Health requests that the People's Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities direct and focus on implementing the following contents:

- Continue to strictly implement Directive 13/CT-TTg dated May 9, 2016, by the Prime Minister of Vietnam on enhancing state management responsibilities for food safety, Directive 17/CT-TTg dated April 13, 2020, by the Prime Minister of Vietnam on continuing to enhance state management responsibilities for food safety in the new situation, Directive 17-CT/TW dated October 21, 2022, by the Secretariat on strengthening security and food safety in the new situation, Official Telegram 44/CD-TTg dated May 3, 2024, by the Prime Minister of Vietnam on preventing and handling food poisoning, Official Telegram No. 50/CD-TTg dated May 15, 2024, by the Prime Minister of Vietnam on handling the food poisoning incident in Vinh Phuc province; and the proposals and guidelines in Official Dispatch 2487/BYT-ATTP dated May 11, 2024, by the Ministry of Health on preventing and handling food poisoning, Announcement 684/TB-BYT dated June 4, 2024, by the Ministry of Health at the online conference on enhancing efforts to ensure food safety and prevent food poisoning. Emphasizing the point that the heads of levels and units must take responsibility when violations of food safety laws occur in their areas.

- Strengthen inspection, supervision, and control of food safety, strictly handle and suspend operations of facilities that do not meet food safety conditions or lack a food safety certification (for facilities that require one); focus on facilities that produce ready-to-eat food, street food vendors, beverage and ice businesses, food service establishments, canteens at schools, hospitals, industrial zones, export processing zones, etc. Pay attention to controlling food safety quality for food items, beverages provided by organizations or individuals for charity, or support to people during hot weather, rainy season, floods to ensure these products are not spoiled, moldy, damaged, unclear in origin, or expired before reaching the people.

- Enhance regular and continuous communication on measures to ensure food safety in the production, processing, business, and consumption of food, appropriate to local characteristics (using ethnic languages for ethnic regions, paying attention to remote and isolated areas). Educate people not to collect, catch, sell, or use toxic plants and animals such as poisonous mushrooms, strange and toxic insects, puffer fish, marine catfish, strange snails, and unfamiliar plants or fruits; not to use animals that have died of disease or unknown causes for food or food processing; to eat cooked food, drink boiled water, use clean or sterilized water for food and drink preparation, especially during hot weather, rainy season, and floods. In areas with a high risk of storms and floods, follow forecasts, monitor storm and flood developments, and proactively plan to stockpile processed foods, bottled drinking water, vitamins, medicines, and sanitizing chemicals from the healthcare sector.

- In the event of a food poisoning incident, promptly organize emergency treatment for patients to minimize the impact on their health and lives. Immediately suspend the operation of the establishment causing the food poisoning, require appropriate remediation before resuming activities; investigate, collect food samples, biological samples to determine the cause, and conduct thorough traceability of food and food ingredients; strictly handle violations of food safety regulations, publicly announce results to warn the community. Regularly report the situation, developments, and results of handling the food poisoning incident to the Ministry of Health (Standing Committee of the Central Intersectoral Steering Committee for Food Safety) as prescribed.

For detailed content, refer to Official Dispatch 3113/BYT-ATTP issued on June 7, 2024.


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