Level of Autonomy and Job Positions in the Pharmaceutical Sector with Intermediate-Level Qualifications

On February 10, 2019, Circular 54/2018/TT-BLDTBXH issued by BLDTBXH prescribing the minimum knowledge volume and competency requirements that learners must achieve upon graduation from intermediate and college levels in health and social service sectors shall take effect.

Level of Autonomy, Job Positions After Graduating from Secondary Pharmacy, Circular 54/2018/TT-BLDTBXH

Level of autonomy, job positions in the intermediate-level pharmacy industry - Illustrative image

According to the regulation on the minimum amount of knowledge, the competency requirements that learners must achieve upon graduation from intermediate and college levels in the pharmacy sector, issued along with Circular 54/2018/TT-BLDTBXH, the degree of autonomy and responsibility that learners must achieve after graduating from the intermediate pharmacy level are as follows:

- Comply with standard operating procedures (SOPs), GPs, and ISO in the pharmaceutical field;

- Comply with safety regulations, use, and maintenance of facilities and equipment;

- Take responsibility for assigned tasks in analysis, storage, production, sales, transportation, distribution, and instruction of use of drugs – cosmetics – food products;

- Demonstrate professional demeanor and high sense of responsibility;

- Have the ability to work independently or in a team;

- Adhere to professional ethics, practice according to the law, be honest, objective; preserve and promote the good traditions of the industry;

- Be dedicated to the cause of caring, protecting, and improving public health, and wholeheartedly serve patients.

Furthermore, it is also stipulated that upon graduation, learners have the capabilities to meet the requirements of job positions in the sector, including:

- Drug production;

- Drug – cosmetics – food product testing;

- Quality assurance;

- Pharmaceutical and medical supplies warehouse management;

- Retail pharmacies;

- Pharmaceutical duties in medical facilities.

In addition, the minimum knowledge and competency requirements that learners must achieve after graduating from the intermediate pharmacy level can be further developed at higher levels; graduates can continue self-learning, self-updating scientific and technological advances within the sector to enhance their expertise or pursue higher education in the same sector or within related disciplines or fields of study.

For detailed regulations, please refer to Circular 54/2018/TT-BLDTBXH, issued on December 28, 2018.

Le Vy


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