Latest procedures for renewal of the driving license issued by the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam

Latest procedures for renewal of the driving license issued by the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam
Quốc Tuấn

What are the regulations on the procedures for renewal of the driving license issued by the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam?

Latest procedure for renewal of the driving license issued by the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam

Latest procedures for renewal of the driving license issued by the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam (Internet image) 

On May 10, 2024, the Ministry of Transport issued Decision 545/QD-BGTVT on the announcement of amended and annulled administrative procedures related to road transport under the management of the Ministry of Transport.

Latest procedures for renewal of the driving license issued by the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam

(1) Procedures:

* Submitting the application:

- Individuals prepare the application and submit it to the Department of Transport.

* Processing:

- The Department of Transport checks the file upon receipt; in case the file does not comply with the regulations, direct notification or notification via online public service system will be given to individuals regarding the necessary additional or revised contents within 2 working days from the date of receiving the file;

- Individuals who submit the file directly are responsible for fulfilling the obligation of paying the driving license issuance fee upon receiving the file according to regulations; when submitting the file via the online public service system, they must fulfill the obligation of paying the driving license issuance fee through the payment function of the online public service system as well as other service fees according to their needs;

- Within 5 working days from the date of receiving the complete file in accordance with the regulations (including electronic account authentication through the identification and electronic authentication system), the Department of Transport carries out the renewal of driving license; in case the renewal of driving license is not granted, clear reasons must be provided;

- The Department of Transport keeps the original file of the renewal of driving license issued by the Ministry of Transport (except for the renewal of driving license through the online public service system). The old driving license is cut off (except for driving licenses issued by foreign countries) and handed over to the driver for safekeeping (in the case of the online renewal of driving license, the driver is responsible for sending the old driving license to the authority issuing the driving license for cancellation according to regulations);

- In case the driver wants to downgrade the driving license, this must be clearly stated in the application for renewal (reissuance) of the license, and the driver is responsible for the declared information.

(2) Implementation method: Submit directly or through the online public service system.

(3) Components, number of applications:

* File components:

- Application for renewal off driving license according to the prescribed form;

- Health certificate of the driver issued by the authorized medical establishment according to regulations, except for the renewal of A1, A2, A3 driving licenses;

- Copy of the driving license and valid passport (for foreigners and Vietnamese residing abroad).

* Number of application: 01 set.

(4) Processing time:

- Within 5 working days from the date of receiving the complete file in accordance with the regulations (including electronic account authentication through the identification and electronic authentication system).

(5) Subjects performing the administrative procedure: individuals.

(6) Agency performing the administrative procedure:

- Competent authority to handle: Department of Transport;

- Authorized agency or person: None;

- Direct agency performing the administrative procedure: Department of Transport;

- Coordinating agency: None.

(7) Result of administrative procedure: road vehicle driving license.

(8) Fees:

- Driving license issuance fee for direct submission: 135,000 VND/time, online submission: 115,000 VND/time.

More details can be found in Decision 545/QD-BGTVT, which comes into force from May 10, 2024.


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