Latest procedures for changing the military driving license issued by the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam

Latest procedures for changing the military driving license issued by the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam
Quốc Tuấn

On May 10, 2024, the Ministry of Transport issued Decision 545/QD-BGTVT on promulgating amended and annulled administrative procedures related to road transport under Ministry of Transport of Vietnam.

Latest procedures for changing the military driving license issued by the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam

Latest procedures for changing the military driving license issued by the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam (Internet image) 

Regarding this matter, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

Latest procedures for changing the military driving license issued by the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam

(1) Procedures:

* Submitting dossier:

- The driver prepares the dossier and submits it to the Department of Transport.

* Processing:

- The Department of Transport examines the dossier upon receipt. If the dossier does not comply with the regulations, the individual must be directly notified or notified in writing of the additional or amended contents within a period of 2 working days from the date of receiving the dossier.

- In case of suspicion, the Department of Transport sends a written request to the Vehicle and Machinery Department under the Ministry of Defense for verification.

- Individuals who submit the dossier in person are responsible for fulfilling the obligation to pay the license fee upon receipt of the dossier, according to regulations.

- When performing the procedure to change the driving license, the driver must take a direct photo at the Department of Transport and present the original copies of the documents for comparison (excluding the copies already submitted).

- Within a period of 5 working days from the date of receiving the complete dossier according to the regulations, the Department of Transport carries out the driving license replacement. If the driving license is not changed, a clear reason must be provided in response.

- The Department of Transport keeps a copy of the dossier for changing the driving license or the military driving license issued by the Ministry of Defense for a period of 2 years from the date of issuing the driving license. The corner of the old driving license is cut off and handed over to the driver for safekeeping.

(2) Submission method: Direct submission.

(3) Composition and quantity of documents:

* Composition of the dossier:

- Application for changing the driving license according to the prescribed form.

- Copy of the Decision on Service Termination in the Military, signed by the Regiment-level Commander or higher. For contracted labor in defense enterprises: Copy of the decision to terminate the labor contract, valid for no more than 6 months from the authorized date of the defense enterprise.

- Health examination certificate of the driver issued by the authorized medical facility according to regulations, except for the change of A1, A2, A3 driving licenses.

- Copy of the valid military driving license.

* Quantity of documents: 01 set.

(4) Processing time:

- Within a period of 5 working days from the date of receiving the complete dossier, according to the regulations.

(5) Subjects performing administrative procedures: Individuals.

(6) Agency performing administrative procedures:

- Competent authority: Department of Transport.

- Authorized agency or person: None.

- Direct agency for administrative procedures: Department of Transport.

- Cooperating agency: None.

(7) Result of administrative procedure implementation:

- Motor vehicle driving license.

(8) Fees:

- Driving license issuance fee: 135,000 Vietnamese dong per time.

(9) Name of application form, administrative declaration form; form of administrative procedure result:

- Application for changing (reissuing) the driving license.

- Motor vehicle driving license.

(10) Requirements, conditions for implementing administrative procedures:

- Individuals who have a valid military driving license when they terminate their service in the military (retirement, discharge, transfer of occupation, termination of labor contract in defense enterprises, etc.) and have a need to change the driving license.

More details can be found in Decision 545/QD-BGTVT, which comes into force from May 10, 2024.


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