Key tasks of ensuring traffic order and safety in the fourth quarter of 2023 in Vietnam

Key tasks of ensuring traffic order and safety in the fourth quarter of 2023 in Vietnam
Dương Châu Thanh

What are key tasks of ensuring traffic order and safety in the fourth quarter of 2023 in Vietnam?

Key tasks of ensuring traffic order and safety in the fourth quarter of 2023 in Vietnam

Key tasks of ensuring traffic order and safety in the fourth quarter of 2023 in Vietnam (Internet image)

Key tasks of ensuring traffic order and safety in the fourth quarter of 2023 in Vietnam

Content mentioned in Notice 509/TB-UBATGTQG dated October 20, 2023 on the conclusion of Minister of Transport Nguyen Van Thang - Standing Vice Chairman of the National Traffic Safety Committee at the Conference summarizing the work of ensuring traffic order and safety in the first 9 months of the year and implementing key tasks in the fourth quarter of 2023

The National Traffic Safety Committee requests ministries, branches and localities to direct and organize the implementation of a number of key tasks in ensuring traffic order and safety in the fourth quarter of 2023.

For example, the Ministry of Transport is requested to carry out a number of key tasks as follows:

- Prioritize completing the draft Law on Road and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security to complete the draft Law on Road Traffic Safety and Order.

- Urgently research and propose to improve regulations to strengthen the management of transport business activities by car.

- Continue to build and complete the system of legal documents and policy projects on traffic safety; In particular, focusing on a number of tasks such as: researching, implementing, developing and adjusting the Law on Railway Transport and Law on Civil Aviation; Develop according to plan Circulars and Decrees related to traffic safety assurance.

- Coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and other ministries, branches and localities to apply information technology in the work of inspection, supervision, and handling of violations of traffic safety regulations, the goal is that transport enterprises and traffic participants do not want to violate, do not dare to violate, and cannot violate traffic regulations;

- Continue to direct Project Management Boards, Investors and related units to urgently implement investment procedures, closely follow the site, and promptly remove difficulties and obstacles to accelerate the progress of projects, especially key projects in the transportation industry... to complete and put into use more projects, contributing to facilitating circulation, minimizing accidents, ensuring traffic safety, and promoting socio-economic development in the areas the project passes through.

- Continue to review and handle new black spots and potential traffic accident spots; prioritize road markings, signs, reflective nails, navigation indicators, and lights at densely populated intersections and routes with a high risk of traffic accidents, such as steep passes, deep pools, etc. coordinate with local authorities and functional forces to ensure traffic safety on inland waterways during the rainy and flood season.

- Regularly maintain vehicle load control measures according to assigned functions and tasks.

- Direct and urge Departments of Transport to increase the exploitation and use of data processing systems from GSHT equipment to serve transport management, handle violations, and build industry databases; implement the construction and integration of level 4 public services for procedures for exchanging driving licenses and issuing new driving licenses on the National public service portal.

- Continue to carry out planned and unscheduled inspection and examination of the transport sector, focusing on the following contents:Inspect compliance with legal regulations on training, testing, and issuance of road licenses; business, conditions for car transport business, and operation of passenger car stations; management and maintenance of traffic infrastructure; and compliance with regulations on vehicle load control.

- Inspect and supervise flight operations, flight operations, and ground services at airports and aerodromes.

- Maintain stable operation of the electronic toll collection system without stopping at toll stations.

More content of work to ensure traffic order and safety in the fourth quarter of 2023 can be found in Notice 509/TB-UBATGTQG dated October 20, 2023.


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