Key tasks and solutions for urgently addressing the damages caused by No. 3 typhoon (Yagi) in Vietnam

Key tasks and solutions for urgently addressing the damages caused by No. 3 typhoon (Yagi) in Vietnam
Quế Anh

Below are the key tasks and solutions for urgently addressing the damages caused by No. 3 typhoon (Yagi) in Vietnam

Key tasks and solutions for urgently addressing the damages caused by No. 3 typhoon (Yagi) in Vietnam (Image from the internet)

On September 17, 2024, the Government of Vietnam issued Resolution 143/NQ-CP on Key tasks and solutions for urgently addressing the damages caused by No. 3 typhoon (Yagi) in Vietnam, quickly stabilize the situation for the people, vigorously restore production and business, actively promote economic growth, and effectively control inflation.

Key tasks and solutions for urgently addressing the damages caused by No. 3 typhoon (Yagi) in Vietnam

To urgently overcome the aftermath of No. 3 typhoon (Yagi), quickly stabilize the situation for the people, vigorously restore production and business, actively promote economic growth, and effectively control inflation, continue striving for an economic growth rate of about 6.8-7% for the entire year of 2024, the Government of Vietnam requires ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, agencies under the Government of Vietnam, other central agencies, Chairpersons of the People's Committees of 26 provinces, centrally-run cities affected by No. 3 typhoon (hereinafter referred to as ministries, agencies, and localities), based on their functions, tasks, and powers assigned, to implement promptly, decisively, and effectively the conclusions of the Politburo, resolutions, and directives of the Government of Vietnam, Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam, focusing on the following key tasks and solutions:

Tasks and key solutions to protect people's lives, safety, and health

- The Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Public Security, and local authorities at all levels to mobilize maximum forces to search for missing people; increase the deployment of forces, means to patrol, relocate, and evacuate people from high-risk areas and transport relief goods, supplies to residents.

- The Ministry of Health to cooperate with ministries, central authorities, and local authorities to mobilize and arrange adequate medical forces, ensure medicines and medical supplies to treat the injured and sick; do well in the work of disease prevention and control, environmental sanitation, water source sanitation, and ensure food safety, absolutely preventing the outbreak of diseases after floods, especially in localities experiencing flash floods, mudslides, and landslides.

- The Ministry of Finance, local authorities

+ Ensure state budget funds to implement policies directly supporting funeral arrangements for deceased persons, families with deceased, missing, or injured persons hospitalized due to No. 3 typhoon; ensure full and prompt resolution and disbursement of policies for next of kin of the deceased.

+ Use contingency state budget funds and other lawful sources to urgently relocate households and settlements from high-risk landslide areas, completing before September 30, 2024.

- The Ministry of Finance, related ministries, and agencies to urgently distribute food, equipment, supplies, chemicals, environment cleaning materials, disinfectants, water treatment chemicals, disease prevention medicines from national reserves to support localities.

- Local authorities to cooperate with the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Public Security to review, inspect, and access isolated areas by all means necessary for relief and rescue; focus on arranging temporary shelters for displaced residents, and providing food, water, and necessities to the people.

Tasks and key solutions to support the restoration of social activities to stabilize people's lives

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to take the lead in determining the extent of damage and support needs of localities, sending them to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, and the Ministry of Finance to consolidate and submit them to the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam for central budget reserve allocation in 2024 to support localities according to legal regulations.

- The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Finance, ministries, agencies, and localities according to their authority, functions, and tasks assigned:

+ Increase support levels for poor, near-poor, and financially challenged households with houses that collapsed, were completely damaged and need to be rebuilt, severely damaged and need repairs, and require relocation from state's budget, the national "solidarity" fund for eliminating temporary and dilapidated houses, the fund for the poor, support sources through the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, and private investments.

+ Quickly and effectively implement existing emergency support policies for poor, near-poor, and financially challenged households to repair severely damaged houses, relocate houses... according to the principle "determine damage, promptly support."

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, ministries, agencies, and localities to mobilize financial and material support from international partners, donors, promptly delivering support to affected residents and localities.

- The State Capital Management Committee at Enterprises to direct corporations, general corporations, and enterprises to fully mobilize resources to restore essential infrastructures (electricity, water, telecommunications...) as soon as possible to meet the living, information, and communication needs of the people; ensure continuous electricity, telecommunications, and other essential services.

- The Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, localities:

+ Use state budget reserves to promptly repair and restore public works, schools, hospitals, medical facilities, health stations, irrigation works...

+ Mobilize maximum lawful capital sources to immediately reinforce vulnerable, heavily damaged dikes and embankments; repair and restore transport infrastructure on main routes; bridges, and culverts in vulnerable positions; specifically restore transportation connectivity in residential areas isolated after storms and floods; plan reconstruction of irreparably damaged works.

+ Direct investors, contractors to promptly address natural disaster impacts, construct suitable implementation plans, and quickly resume construction projects to ensure progress, especially strategic national infrastructure projects.

+ Urgently restore medical examination and treatment at medical facilities, teaching and learning activities at schools. For heavily damaged schools and medical facilities that cannot continue to be used, temporarily set up schools for students to study within September 2024, and temporary medical facilities for examination and treatment, then plan to rebuild irreparably damaged structures.

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, localities to closely monitor supply and price movements of goods, particularly in areas recently affected by landslides, flash floods, promptly ensuring supply and price control, preventing speculation, hoarding, price inflation, profiteering from natural disasters.

- The Ministry of Education and Training and localities to implement tuition fee exemptions and reductions for students affected by No. 3 typhoon in the academic year 2024-2025.

- Ministry of Public Security

+ Strengthen the work of ensuring security, social order, and safety, especially in areas affected by storms and floods; direct grassroots police forces to actively advise local authorities to coordinate and participate in ensuring social welfare and public security.

+ Focus on combating hostile forces, reactionary organizations, and opportunistic elements exploiting the natural disaster situation, flood recovery efforts to oppose the Communist Party and State, disseminating malicious information.

+ Actively tight control cyberspace, resolutely combat and refute wrong, hostile views and misinformation causing public anxiety. Prevent and neutralize groups in cyberspace under the guise of "support, relief, volunteering" gathering forces, inciting disturbances, spreading malicious information, and scamming online.

Additionally, the Government of Vietnam also outlines other groups of tasks and solutions including:

* Tasks and key solutions to support production facilities, business households, cooperatives, enterprises to quickly restore production, supply chains, labor, and promote economic recovery and growth;

* Tasks and key solutions to prepare for future natural disasters, storms, floods, landslides...;

* Tasks and solutions on mechanisms, policies to reduce, simplify administrative procedures for implementing support policies;

* Tasks and solutions for inflation control and economic growth promotion.

More details can be found in Resolution 143/NQ-CP issued on September 17, 2024.


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