Job descriptions of 26 leadership positions in the public service units in transport sector in Vietnam

Job descriptions of 26 leadership positions in the public service units in transport sector in Vietnam are specified in Circular 36/2022/TT-BGTVT.

Job descriptions of 26 leadership positions in the public service units in transport sector in Vietnam

Job descriptions of 26 leadership positions in the public service units in transport sector in Vietnam (Internet image)

1. Principles and grounds for determining leadership positions in the transport sector in Vietnam

- Leadership, management job positions and professional positions of specialized public employees in public service units are determined according to the principles specified in Article 3 of Decree 106/2020 /ND-CP.

- Basis for determining leadership, management job positions and job positions of professional titles of specialized public employees in public service units shall comply with the provisions of Clause 1, Article 4 of Decree 106/2020 /ND-CP.

2. Job description of leadership positions in the public service units in transport sector in Vietnam



(Basic, general tasks)



Job position name

Transportation industry and field






A. Management Council


HĐ 1.1

Chairman of the Management Board


Direct and organize the implementation of tasks and powers of the Management Council; direct the development of policies, directions, programs and activity plans; inspect and supervise the implementation of goals and operational plans according to the functions and tasks of public service units; direct the organization and chair meetings of the Management Council; Sign documents under the authority of the Management Council. Carry out the duties of council members, other duties and powers according to the provisions of law and regulations on organization and operation of the Management Council.


HĐ 1.2

Member of the Management Board


Carry out and be responsible for the tasks of the Management Council assigned by the Chairman of the Management Council; Fully participate in meetings of the Management Council.

B. Ministries and ministerial-level agencies

I. Leadership and management in public service units under ministries and ministerial-level agencies



Head of a public service unit under a Ministry or ministerial-level agency (level 1 public service unit under a ministry or ministerial-level agency)

Director of Project Management Department

Manage and administer the activities of public service units according to the provisions of law; Advise competent authorities to organize the implementation of work according to the functions and tasks of the unit; Direct the construction according to authority and organize the implementation of policies, directions, programs, operational plans, finance and human resources; Inspect and supervise the implementation of goals and operational plans according to the functions and tasks of public service units. Assign work to unit deputies, decide on the functions and tasks of affiliated and subordinate organizations according to authority. Evaluate the level of completion of duties and responsibilities of unit deputies and heads of affiliated organizations.



Deputy heads of public service units under ministries and ministerial-level agencies (level 1 public service units under ministries and ministerial-level agencies)

Deputy Director of Project Management Department

Help the head of the organizational unit implement the unit's policies, directions, programs and work plans; Inspect and supervise the implementation of the unit's objectives and operational plans according to assigned tasks. Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by competent authorities.



Head of department and equivalent (belonging to a level 1 public service unit under the Ministry or ministerial-level agency)

Chief of Office/Head of Department

Manage and operate all department activities; Advise unit leaders on issues within assigned functions and tasks; Preside over planning the department's work, assigning work to deputies, public employees and contract workers under the department's management authority; direct the implementation or coordinate with relevant agencies and units to carry out tasks; Evaluate the level of completion of duties and responsibilities of deputies, public employees, and contract workers under your authority; Carry out planning, training and fostering of department staff; Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by superiors.



Deputy Head of Department and equivalent (belonging to a level 1 public service unit under the Ministry or ministerial-level agency)

Deputy Chief of Office/Deputy Head of Department

Help the Chief of Office/Department Head organize and perform department tasks as assigned. Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by competent authorities.

II. Leadership and management in public service units under the Department and organizations equivalent to Departments under Ministries and ministerial-level agencies



Head of a public service unit under a Department or equivalent to a Department under a Ministry or ministerial-level agency (level 1 public service unit under a Department under a Ministry or ministerial-level agency)

Center General Director/ Center Director/ Director of Project Management Board

Manage and administer the activities of public service units according to the provisions of law; Advise competent authorities on organizing the implementation of work according to the functions and tasks of the unit; Direct the construction according to authority and organize the implementation of policies, directions, programs, operational plans, finance and human resources; Inspect and supervise the implementation of goals and operational plans according to the functions and tasks of public service units. Assign work to unit deputies, decide on the functions and tasks of affiliated and subordinate organizations according to authority. Evaluate the level of completion of duties and responsibilities of unit deputies and heads of affiliated organizations.



Deputy head of a public service unit under the Department or equivalent to a Department under the Ministry or ministerial-level agency (level 1 public service unit under the Department under the Ministry or ministerial-level agency)

Deputy General Director of the Center/ Deputy Director of the Center/ Deputy Director of the Project Management Board

Help the head of the organizational unit implement policies, directions, programs, operational plans, finance and human resources; Inspect and supervise the implementation of the unit's objectives and operational plans according to assigned tasks. Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by competent authorities.



Heads of public service units belonging to public service units under the Department and equivalent organizations of Departments under Ministries and ministerial-level agencies (level 2 public service units under Departments under Ministries and ministerial-level agencies)

Center Director

Manage and administer the activities of public service units according to the provisions of law; Advise competent authorities on organizing the implementation of work according to the functions and tasks of the unit; Direct the construction according to authority and organize the implementation of policies, directions, programs, operational plans, finance and human resources; Inspect and supervise the implementation of goals and operational plans according to the functions and tasks of public service units. Assign work to unit deputies, decide on the functions and tasks of affiliated and subordinate organizations according to authority. Evaluate the level of completion of duties and responsibilities of unit deputies and heads of affiliated organizations.



Deputy heads of public service units belonging to public service units under the Department and organizations equivalent to Departments under Ministries and ministerial-level agencies (level 2 public service units under Departments under Ministries and agencies) horizontal Ministry)

Deputy Director of the Center

Help the head of the organizational unit implement policies, directions, programs, operational plans, finance and human resources; Inspect and supervise the implementation of the unit's objectives and operational plans according to assigned tasks. Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by competent authorities.



Head of department and equivalent (belonging to a level 1 public service unit under a Department under a Ministry or ministerial-level agency)

Chief of Office/Head of Department

Manage and operate all department activities; Advise unit leaders on issues within assigned functions and tasks; Preside over planning the department's work, assigning work to deputies, public employees and contract workers under the department's management authority; direct the implementation or coordinate with relevant agencies and units to carry out tasks; Evaluate the level of completion of duties and responsibilities of deputies, public employees, and contract workers under your authority; Carry out planning, training and fostering of department officials; Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by superiors.



Deputy Head of Department and equivalent (belonging to a level 1 public service unit under a Department under a Ministry or a ministerial-level agency)

Deputy Chief of Office/Deputy Head of Department

Help the Chief of Office/Department Head organize and perform department tasks as assigned. Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by competent authorities.



Head of department and equivalent (belonging to a level 2 public service unit under a Department under a Ministry or ministerial-level agency)


Manage and operate all department activities; Advise unit leaders on issues within assigned functions and tasks; Preside over planning the department's work, assigning work to deputies, public employees and contract workers under the department's management authority; direct the implementation or coordinate with relevant agencies and units to carry out tasks; Evaluate the level of completion of duties and responsibilities of deputies, public employees, and contract workers under your authority; Carry out planning, training and fostering of department officials; Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by superiors.



Deputy Head of Department and equivalent (belonging to a level 2 public service unit under a Department under a Ministry or ministerial-level agency)

Deputy Head of Department

Help the Head of Department organize and carry out department tasks as assigned. Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by competent authorities.

III. Leadership and management in public service units under the Department of the Ministry



Head of a public service unit in a Zone under a Department under the Ministry (level 1 public service unit in a Zone under a Department under the Ministry)

Center Director/Ferry Cluster Director

Manage and administer the activities of public service units according to the provisions of law; Advise competent authorities on organizing the implementation of work according to the functions and tasks of the unit; Direct the construction according to authority and organize the implementation of policies, directions, programs, operational plans, finance and human resources; Inspect and supervise the implementation of goals and operational plans according to the functions and tasks of public service units. Assign work to unit deputies, decide on the functions and tasks of affiliated and subordinate organizations according to authority. Evaluate the level of completion of duties and responsibilities of unit deputies and heads of affiliated organizations.



Deputy head of a public service unit in a Zone under a Department under the Ministry (level 1 public service unit in a Zone under a Department under the Ministry)

Deputy Director of the Center/ Deputy Director of the Ferry Cluster

Help the head of the organizational unit implement policies, directions, programs, operational plans, finance and human resources; Inspect and supervise the implementation of the unit's objectives and operational plans according to assigned tasks. Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by competent authorities.



Head of department and equivalent (belonging to a level 1 public service unit in a Zone under a Department under the Ministry)

Head of department/Head of wharf/Head of workshop

Manage and operate all department activities; Advise unit leaders on issues within assigned functions and tasks; Preside over planning the department's work, assigning work to deputies, public employees and contract workers under the department's management authority; direct the implementation or coordinate with relevant agencies and units to carry out tasks; Evaluate the level of completion of duties and responsibilities of deputies, public employees, and contract workers under your authority; Carry out planning, training and fostering of department staff; Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by superiors.








Deputy Head of Department and equivalent (belonging to a level 1 public service unit in a Zone under a Department under the Ministry)

Deputy Head of Department/ Deputy Head of Wharf/ Deputy Head of Workshop

Help the Head of Department / Head of Station / Head of Workshop to organize and carry out department tasks as assigned. Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by competent authorities.

C. Provincial People's Committee

I. Leadership and management in public service units under the Provincial People's Committee



Head of a public service unit under the Provincial People's Committee (level 1 public service unit under the Provincial People's Committee)

Director of Project Management Department

Manage and administer the activities of public service units according to the provisions of law; Advise competent authorities on organizing the implementation of work according to the functions and tasks of the unit; Direct the construction according to authority and organize the implementation of policies, directions, programs, operational plans, finance and human resources; Inspect and supervise the implementation of goals and operational plans according to the functions and tasks of public service units. Assign work to unit deputies, decide on the functions and tasks of affiliated and subordinate organizations according to authority. Evaluate the level of completion of duties and responsibilities of unit deputies and heads of affiliated organizations.



Deputy heads of public service units under the Provincial People's Committee (level 1 public service units under the Provincial People's Committee)

Deputy Director of Project Management Department

Help the head of the organizational unit implement policies, directions, programs, operational plans, finance and human resources; Inspect and supervise the implementation of the unit's objectives and operational plans according to assigned tasks. Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by competent authorities.



Head of department and equivalent (belonging to a level 1 public service unit under the Provincial People's Committee)


Manage and operate all department activities; Advise unit leaders on issues within assigned functions and tasks; Preside over planning the department's work, assigning work to deputies, public employees and contract workers under the department's management authority; direct the implementation or coordinate with relevant agencies and units to carry out tasks; Evaluate the level of completion of duties and responsibilities of deputies, public employees, and contract workers under your authority; Carry out planning, training and fostering of department staff; Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by superiors.



Deputy Head of Department and equivalent (belonging to a level 1 public service unit under the Provincial People's Committee)

Deputy Head of Department

Help the Head of Department organize and carry out department tasks as assigned. Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by competent authorities.

II. Leading and managing public service units under specialized agencies under the Provincial People's Committee



Head of a public service unit under a specialized agency under the Provincial People's Committee (level 1 public service unit under a specialized agency under the Provincial People's Committee)

Director of Project Management Board/ Director of Bus Station/ Director of Port Management Board/ Director of Road Management and Maintenance Area/ Director of Center/ Head of Project Management Board/ Head of Station/ Director of Management Board Traffic maintenance manager/ Director of Maintenance Department/ Director of Public Transportation Management and Maintenance Center/ Director of Traffic Management and Supervision Center

Manage and administer the activities of public service units according to the provisions of law; Advise competent authorities on organizing the implementation of work according to the functions and tasks of the unit; Direct the construction according to authority and organize the implementation of policies, directions, programs, operational plans, finance and human resources; Inspect and supervise the implementation of goals and operational plans according to the functions and tasks of public service units. Assign work to unit deputies, decide on the functions and tasks of affiliated and subordinate organizations according to authority. Evaluate the level of completion of duties and responsibilities of unit deputies and heads of affiliated organizations.



Deputy head of a public service unit under a specialized agency under the Provincial People's Committee (level 1 public service unit under a specialized agency under the Provincial People's Committee)

Deputy Director of Project Management Board/ Deputy Director of Bus Station/ Deputy Director of Port Management Board/ Deputy Director of Road Management and Maintenance Area/ Deputy Director of Center/ Deputy Head of Project Management Board/ Deputy Director Station Chief/ Deputy Director of the Traffic Works Maintenance Management Board/ Deputy Director of the Maintenance Department/ Deputy Director of the Public Transportation Management and Maintenance Center/ Deputy Director of the Traffic Management and Supervision Center

Help the head of the organizational unit implement policies, directions, programs, operational plans, finance and human resources; Inspect and supervise the implementation of the unit's objectives and operational plans according to assigned tasks. Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by competent authorities.



Head of department and equivalent (belonging to a level 1 public service unit under a specialized agency under the Provincial People's Committee)

Head of department/ Team leader/ Shift leader/ Wharf manager

Manage and operate all department activities; Advise unit leaders on issues within assigned functions and tasks; Preside over planning the department's work, assigning work to deputies, public employees and contract workers under the department's management authority; direct the implementation or coordinate with relevant agencies and units to carry out tasks; Evaluate the level of completion of duties and responsibilities of deputies, public employees, and contract workers under your authority; Carry out planning, training and fostering of department staff; Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by superiors.



Deputy Head of Department and equivalent (belonging to a level 1 public service unit under a specialized agency under the Provincial People's Committee)

Deputy Head of Department/Deputy Captain/Deputy Head of Wharf

Help the Department Head/ Team Leader/ Shift Leader/ Wharf Head organize and carry out department tasks as assigned. Chair or participate in meetings, conferences and perform other tasks assigned by competent authorities.

Diem My


36 lượt xem

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    Phone: (028) 7302 2286
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