Instructions for updating and supplementing personal record of monthly Social Insurance beneficiaries in Vietnam

Instructions for updating and supplementing personal record of monthly Social Insurance beneficiaries in Vietnam
Quốc Tuấn

The following article will provide detailed content on instructions for updating and supplementing personal record of monthly Social Insurance beneficiaries in Vietnam

Instructions  for  updating  and  supplementing  personal  information  of  monthly  Social  Insurance  beneficiaries

Instructions for updating and supplementing personal record of monthly Social Insurance beneficiaries in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

On July 19, 2024, Vietnam Social Security issued Official Dispatch 2430/BHXH-CSXH guiding certain contents of Decision 686/QD-BHXH of 2024.

Instructions for updating and supplementing personal record of monthly Social Insurance beneficiaries in Vietnam in Vietnam

(1) General provisions

- The reception of dossiers and the return of results for updating personal record as per the Citizen Identity Card are conducted according to Decision 475/QD-BHXH dated March 27, 2023, of the General Director of Vietnam Social Security on the promulgation of the Regulation on the organization and operation of the Reception and Return of Administrative Procedure Results Division according to the one-stop-shop mechanism in the Vietnam Social Security sector, Official Dispatch 2048/BHXH-VP dated July 5, 2023, of Vietnam Social Security regarding the use of integrated information and documents on the VNeID application in receiving dossiers, returning administrative procedure results, and other related documents, including both paper and electronic dossiers.

- The Social Insurance agency where monthly Social Insurance is being paid receives the dossier and resolves the update of personal record for the beneficiary.

- The information updated according to the Citizen Identity Card is not used as a basis for adjusting resolved Social Insurance policies; it does not include cases where workers borrow the profiles of others to work, contribute, and benefit from Social Insurance (borrow legal profiles).

(2) Applicable cases

- Persons currently receiving monthly Social Insurance whose information recorded in the Social Insurance dossier does not match the information in the national population database, who request to update their personal record according to the Citizen Identity Card.

- Persons receiving monthly Social Insurance who have passed away, but their information in the Social Insurance dossier does not match the national population database, and next of kin request to update the beneficiary's personal record according to the Citizen Identity Card.

(3) Adjusted scope

- Inconsistent information regarding surname, middle name, first name; date of birth; gender recorded in the monthly Social Insurance dossier with the information in the national population database shown on the Citizen Identity Card.

- The updated and supplemented information mentioned above is used to correct the information on the health insurance card (health insurance); create a payment list and confirm the monthly Social Insurance management information in case the beneficiary requests issuance.

(4) Dossier components

Request to change the beneficiary's information (Form 2-CBH issued with Decision 686/QD-BHXH).

(5) Implementation procedure

(5.1) For cases where the person receiving monthly Social Insurance or next of kin of a deceased beneficiary requests an update of beneficiary's personal record according to the Citizen Identity Card

- One-Stop Shop Division

+ Receive the dossier as stipulated in Section 4 Part I of this document and request the dossier submitter to provide identity information as prescribed in Clause 2 of Official Dispatch 2048/BHXH-VP; compare the beneficiary's information on the Policy Management System software (TCS) with the national population database, guide the dossier submitter to clarify cases not sufficiently verified to reflect in Form 2-CBH, then transfer the dossier to the Social Insurance Regimes Department/Division.

+ Receive the Identity Information Update Confirmation according to Citizen Identity Card (Form 29-HSB issued with Decision 686/QD-BHXH) prepared and digitally signed by the Social Insurance Regimes Department/Division to return to the beneficiary or next of kin as per their chosen method of result receipt and store the dossier according to regulations.

+ Receive the health insurance card from the Collection – Book, Card Department/Division to return to the beneficiary as per their chosen method of result receipt.

+ Return results: Implement as stipulated in Section 1 Part I of this document.

- Social Insurance Regimes Department/Division

+ Receive the dossier as stipulated in Section 4 Part I of this document from the One-Stop Shop Division, conduct a comparison of the information on Form 2-CBH with the beneficiary's information in the policy review database and the national population database (Function of verifying beneficiary's information with the national population database on TCS software).

+ If the information in the policy review database is sufficiently validated with the national population database:

++ Update the beneficiary's personal record on the TCS software.

++ Prepare Form 29-HSB and submit to the leader for digital signature on the TCS software; update the dossier on the Dossier Reception software and transfer it to the One-Stop Shop Division.

++ Create a payment list for pensions, monthly Social Insurance benefits according to the updated beneficiary's information as prescribed in Clause 11 Article 1 Decision 686/QD-BHXH.

++ Create a list of those only participating in health insurance (Form D03-TS issued with Decision 490/QD-BHXH dated March 28, 2023, of Vietnam Social Security) according to the updated beneficiary's information as prescribed in Clause 11 Article 1 Decision 686/QD-BHXH.

++ For cases where the beneficiary is 80 years old and above and receiving monthly death benefits, issue a decision to stop monthly death benefits according to the form issued in Official Dispatch 4967/BHXH-CSXH dated December 12, 2016 (amended and supplemented by Decision 706/QD-BHXH dated May 19, 2023, of the General Director of Vietnam Social Security on the electronic inter-agency process for the resolution of administrative procedures “Death registration - Permanent resident cancellation - Funeral allowance” on the National Public Service Portal according to Decision 06/QD-TTg dated January 6, 2022, of the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam).

+ If the information in the policy review database is not sufficiently validated with the national population database:

++ Create a list of monthly Social Insurance beneficiaries whose information managed by the Social Insurance agency does not match the information on the national population database (Form 30-HSB issued with Decision 686/QD-BHXH) to transfer to the service organization for verification.

++ Coordinate with the payment service organization to verify the personal record of cases with mismatched information; guide, request the beneficiary to confirm inconsistent content, prepare Form 2-CBH and send it to the Social Insurance agency (directly or through the payment service organization) as a basis for updating the database.

++ Receive back the cases after verification from the payment service organization or from the beneficiary who requests an update according to Citizen Identity Card to implement as per sub-item b above.

+ Processing time: 5 days from the date of receiving sufficient dossier.

+ During the period when the TCS software does not meet the function of verifying beneficiary's information with the national population database, the Social Insurance Regimes Department/Division will create lists of cases verified with the management information on the TCS software (including beneficiary information such as: Full name, date of birth, gender, Social Insurance code, Citizen Identity Card number, benefit policies...) and transfer to the Collection – Book, Card Department/Division for verification with the national population database.

++ If the Collection – Book, Card Department/Division verifies with the national population database, the Social Insurance Regimes Department/Division will implement as per sub-item b above.

++ In cases where the Collection – Book, Card Department/Division encounters verification errors, they will return the information to the Social Insurance Regimes Department/Division for review and information supplementation of the beneficiary; if the Collection – Book, Card Department/Division cannot verify with the national population database, the Social Insurance Regimes Department/Division will implement as per sub-item c above.

- Collection – Book, Card Department/Division

Receive the list according to form D03-TS from the Social Insurance Regimes Department/Division; reissue the health insurance card for the beneficiary as stipulated in Decision 490/QD-BHXH.

(5.2) Implement tasks according to the Scheme to develop population data, identity identification, and electronic authentication applications to serve national digital transformation for the period 2022-2025, and vision to 2030; implement coordination procedures No. 2286/C06-TCKT with the Department of Administrative and Social Order Management to coordinate the development of cashless payment for pensions, Social Insurance benefits on the national population database platform to promote cashless payments, combined with updating and verifying monthly Social Insurance beneficiary information at the residence (implemented from April 2024, expected to be completed by October 2024).

- In cases where the beneficiary's information is consistently verified across the Social Insurance sector databases and the national population database, Vietnam Social Security will update the Citizen Identity Card numbers according to the Collection and Management of Book, Card data into the policy review management database. Provincial Social Insurance will base on Citizen Identity Card information on the payment list to review and compare Citizen Identity Card information with the beneficiary when making payments.

- In cases where the beneficiary's information is inconsistent, Vietnam Social Security will transfer the information to the Provincial Social Insurance. The Social Insurance Regimes Department/Division will cooperate with the Collection – Book, Card Department/Division to proactively review the management data of the beneficiary in the policy review database with the Collection and Management of Book, Card data and the national population database to identify cases with mismatched information and proceed according to the above-mentioned process.

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 2430/BHXH-CSXH dated July 19, 2024.


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