Implementation plan of the National Action Program to overcome the consequences of landmines in Vietnam

Implementation plan of the National Action Program to overcome the consequences of landmines in Vietnam
Dương Châu Thanh

The following are some specific tasks of the implementation plan of the National Action Program to overcome the consequences of landmines in Vietnam

Implementation plan of the National Action Program to overcome the consequences of landmines in Vietnam

Implementation plan of the National Action Program to overcome the consequences of landmines in Vietnam (Internet image)

The Prime Minister of Vietnam promulgates Decision 748/QD-TTg in 2023 approving the implementation plan of the National Action Program to overcome the consequences of landmines and UXO in the period of 2023-2025.

Task of implementation plan of the National Action Program to overcome the consequences of landmines in Vietnam

**Complete organizational structure system

From the current objectives, requirements, tasks, and preliminary results of post-war mine remedial work in the period 2010–2020, it is required to study and propose to perfect the organizational structure system from the central to the local level accordingly in order to promote capabilities, mobilize, and use domestic and international resources to implement the National Action Program to overcome the consequences of landmines and UXO in Vietnam (Program 504).

**Improving laws, mechanisms, policies, and national regulations and standards

- Formulate and promulgate the Ordinance on Overcoming the Post-War Consequences of Landmines and Mines to perfect the system of legal documents, serving as a basis for effective management, mobilization, and use of resources to step up activities to overcome the consequences of war in general and the consequences of landmines and mines in particular.

- Update, amend, supplement, and perfect the system of national standards and the system of national technical regulations in post-war bomb disposal activities according to international standards suitable to domestic conditions.

- Perfect the legal system related to standards and regimes of the forces directly performing the tasks of investigation, survey, and demining.

- Adjust the regulations on management and administration of the implementation of the National Action Program to overcome the consequences of landmines and mines after the war in the period 2010–2025.

- Develop a national strategy on UXO risk education as a basis for formulating plans and implementation contents to meet the requirements of synchronization and uniformity nationwide.

- Research, develop, and organize the implementation of methods of management of post-war bomb and mine recovery activities on the principle of initiative.

- Study and summarize Program 504 for the period 2010–2025 and propose to develop a national action plan to overcome the consequences of landmines and mines after the war in Vietnam in the period 2025–2045 with a vision to 2050.

**Implement international cooperation activities to mobilize funding

- Develop plans and promote the activities of the Post-War Mine Action Partnership Group (MAPG) in order to actively mobilize international resources.

- Expand relations with countries, international organizations, and foreign non-governmental organizations, actively supporting organizations to operate in the field of mine/UXO remedial work, and wishes to operate in Vietnam in accordance with the law.

- Accelerate the implementation of the National Program on strengthening cooperation and mobilizing foreign non-governmental aid for the period of 2019–2025 to attract resources from foreign NGOs and international donors for mine action in Vietnam.

- Research and integrate demining objectives into other socio-economic development activities such as improving water and land resources, projects towards green and sustainable development.

**Research and Development

- Research and develop training programs for managers, surveyors, and deminers according to Vietnamese standards and international mine action standards.

- Increase the number of human resources in the fields of investigation, survey, demining, risk education, and support for mine victims to meet prescribed standards.

- Continue to carry out research and develop technology to design and manufacture equipment for clearing and handling mines and explosives.

**Building a national mine information and data base

Implement a mine and mine pollution investigation and survey (phase 2) and collect information and data to build and manage a national database of contaminated areas, areas that have been detected and handled, mine victim data, and mine/UXO remedial activities nationwide.

** Clearing mines

Deploy mine clearance programs, plans, and projects in service of socio-economic development and to ensure people's safety, with a target of about 500,000 hectares.

**Propaganda and education to prevent landmine accidents

- Actively implement propaganda and education activities to raise people's awareness of mine accident prevention. By 2025, there will be no more accidents caused by bombs and mines nationwide.

- Implement a unified and effective National Strategy on Mine Risk Education.

- Formulate and implement projects of propaganda and education on mine accident prevention for people in heavily polluted localities in order to raise public awareness and change behavior.

**Support for landmine victims

- Research and promote mechanisms and policies to develop public services on social work and social assistance for landmine victims; researching, building and upgrading the software for registration and management of mine victims' information, ensuring the infrastructure to meet the management of the mine/UXO victim database; supporting localities in implementing livelihood models, vocational training and employment for landmine victims and their families; capacity building for officials, employees and collaborators in supporting victims and people in polluted areas; support investment in equipment, hotline consultation for social work service providers to provide counseling, reception and assistance to UXO victims; supporting a number of orthopedic and rehabilitation facilities to assist landmine victims.

- Invest in upgrading at least 05 orthopedic and functional rehabilitation facilities in the area, building at least 15 models of commune-level health stations to assist UXO victims (priority is given in heavily polluted areas); organizing timely treatment of victims of accidents caused by mines and explosives, and actively supporting sustainable livelihoods. Capacity building for officials, employees, social work collaborators, and orthopedic and rehabilitation staff to support landmine victims; building a database to support landmine victims.

More details can be found in Decision 748/QD-TTg issued on June 22, 2023.

Duong Chau Thanh


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