Implementation plan for the state management of youth work for 2024 by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam

Implementation plan for the state management of youth work for 2024 by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam
Trần Thanh Rin

What are the contents of implementation plan for the state management of youth work for 2024 by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam? – Jackie Chan (Binh Thuan)

Implementation plan for the state management of youth work for 2024 by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam

Implementation plan for the state management of youth work for 2024 by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam (Internet image) 

Regarding this matter, LawNet would like to answer as follows: 

The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment issued Decision 825/QD-BTNMT on March 29, 2024, on the implementation plan for the state management of youth work for 2024 by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam.

Implementation plan for the state management of youth work for 2024 by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam

Specifically, the issuance of the implementation plan for the state management of youth work in 2024 aims to achieve the following objectives:

- Organize effective dissemination, promotion, guidance, and implementation of state management tasks regarding youth work; the policies and laws pertaining to youth as stipulated in the Youth Law, Decree 13/2021/ND-CP, Decree 17/2021/ND-CP by the Government, and other relevant policies and laws concerning youth.

- Enhance the awareness of leaders, officials, public employees and workers in fulfilling youth-related tasks; create positive and effective changes in the implementation of key tasks in 2024 to contribute to the achievement of objectives in the Ministry's Youth Development Program for the 2021-2030 period.

- Effectively implement state mechanisms and policies related to youth; create favorable conditions for comprehensive youth development to maximize the role, responsibility, and contribution of youth in fulfilling assigned tasks.

Under this plan, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has outlined the following tasks:

(1) Dissemination and raising awareness of youth work

- Implement state management tasks regarding youth; the policies and laws related to youth as stipulated in the Youth Law, Vietnam's Youth Development Strategy for the 2021-2030 period, Decree 140/2017/ND-CP dated December 5, 2017 of the Government on policies for attracting and recruiting outstanding graduates and young scientific officials; Decree 13/2021/ND-CP dated March 1, 2021 of the Government on dialogue with youth, and other relevant documents on youth work and youth development through appropriate forms.

- Organize meetings and dialogues between the Minister and the youth of the Ministry.

- Organize dialogues between the heads of units and the youth within the organization or unit.

- Continue organizing activities to promote awareness among members of organizations under the Ministry regarding the efficient use of resources, environmental protection, and climate change adaptation, towards the development of a green and circular economy.

(2) Strengthen training, development, training, and development of young human resources; maximize the role of youth in socio-economic development and safeguarding the homeland

- Implement the construction and implementation of the 2024 training and development plan, which includes sending youth as officials, public employees and workers for training and development to enhance their knowledge of political theory, professional expertise, and state management in accordance with the requirements of the tasks.

- Continue to attract and recruit officials and public employees in accordance with Decree 140/2017/ND-CP dated December 5, 2017 of the Government on policies for attracting and recruiting outstanding graduates and young scientific officials.

- Provide opportunities for the Ministry's youth team to implement and carry out creative ideas and scientific research tasks to harness the intellectual capacity of young officials and public employees, and workers in the formulation of policies and laws; strengthen the supervisory and social criticism role of union members, the youth.

(3) Innovate forms of youth activities linked to the implementation of conferences, workshops, and movements for innovation and patriotic protection by youth

(4) Build a professional, healthy, and effective working and learning environment; improve the health, cultural life, and mentality of youth

(5) Monitor, inspect, and urge the implementation of state management tasks regarding youth by units in accordance with the annual plan for youth work by the Ministry; promptly detect and propose measures to address any violations.

(6) Fully implement the information, reporting, and statistical regimes regarding youth as prescribed by law and the requirements of competent authorities.

When implementing the above contents, individuals and organizations related to this plan must comply with the following requirements:

- Adhere to the objectives, tasks, and solutions of the guiding documents of the Party, the Government, the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment regarding youth development programs.

- Regularly urge, guide, and promptly resolve difficulties and obstacles during the implementation process, ensuring the implementation of state management tasks regarding youth in the year according to the plan and schedule.

More details can be found in Decision No. 825/QD-BTNMT, taking effect on March 29, 2024.


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