Implementation Plan for Administrative Violations Handling in 2024 by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam

What are the details of the implementation Plan for Administrative Violations Handling in 2024 by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam? - Quang Huy (Binh Thuan)

Implementation Plan for Administrative Violations Handling in 2024 by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam

Implementation Plan for Administrative Violations Handling in 2024 by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam (Internet image)

On March 29, 2024, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam issued Decision 542/QD-BKHCN on the Implementation Plan for Administrative violations handling in 2024.

Implementation Plan for Administrative Violations Handling in 2024 by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam

The Implementation Plan for Administrative violations handling in 2024 by the Ministry of Science and Technology includes:

(1) Formation and improvement of laws on administrative violations handling

  * Implementation content:
   - Constructing, amending, and supplementing legal documents on administrative violations handling in the field under the management authority of the Ministry of Science and Technology, issued by competent agencies or issued according to jurisdiction.
   - Reviewing and monitoring the implementation of legal documents on administrative violations handling in the field under the management authority of the Ministry of Science and Technology to timely detect infeasible provisions, provisions that are not in line with reality, or overlapping and conflicting provisions for amendment, supplementation, or recommendation to competent agencies for amendment and supplementation.

  * Implementation assignment:
   - The Inspectorate of the Ministry, the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality, the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Department, and the Intellectual Property Office propose and implement within their assigned functions and tasks.
   - The Department of Legal Affairs takes the lead in synthesizing and proposing the handling of issues related to multiple fields, multiple agencies, units, and reports to the leadership of the Ministry for consideration and decision-making.
  * Implementation period: Within 2024.

(2) Dissemination of laws, guidance, training, and professional development on administrative violations handling.

  * Implementation content:
   - Conducting extensive dissemination of legal documents on administrative violations handling in the field of science and technology to specific target groups through various appropriate forms.
   - Organizing training and professional development for officials and civil servants involved in administrative violations handling, with special emphasis on topics directly related to the management scope of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
  * Implementation assignment:
   Relevant agencies and units, including the Inspectorate of the Ministry, the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality, the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Department, and the Intellectual Property Office, based on their jurisdiction, responsibilities, tasks, and allocated resources, proactively coordinate with the Department of Legal Affairs to implement this work.
  * Implementation period: Within 2024.

(3) Inspection of the implementation of laws on administrative violations handling.

  * Implementation content:
   - Self-inspection: The agencies responsible for inspection and administrative violations handling conduct self-inspections.
   - Organizing inspection teams to assess the implementation of laws on administrative violations handling in the field under the management authority of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and summarizing and reporting the results to the Minister in a timely manner.

   The inspection content is implemented according to the provisions of Article 11 of Decree No. 19/2020/ND-CP dated February 12, 2020, of the Government on inspection, handling of disciplinary violations in the implementation of laws on administrative violations handling.

  * Implementation assignment:
   - The Inspectorate of the Ministry, the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality, the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Department, and the Intellectual Property Office carry out self-inspections and report the results to the Department of Legal Affairs for synthesis and reporting to the leadership of the Ministry and submission to the Ministry of Justice.
   - When necessary, the Department of Legal Affairs takes the lead in coordinating with relevant agencies and units to organize inspections of certain agencies or units under the Ministry or at the local level.
  * Implementation period: Within 2024.

(4) Statistics on administrative violations handling.

  * Implementation content: Assessing the situation, forecasting trends in administrative law violations, proposing solutions to overcome shortcomings, improve policies and laws, and serve the work of reporting on the implementation of laws on administrative violations handling and state management of administrative violations handling.

  * Implementation assignment:
   - The Inspectorate of the Ministry, the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality, the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Department, and the Intellectual Property Office carry out statistics within their jurisdiction, responsibilities, and assigned tasks and submit them to the Department of Legal Affairs for synthesis.
   - The Department of Legal Affairs takes the lead in synthesizing and reporting to the leadership of the Ministry and submitting to the Ministry of Justice according to regulations.

  * Implementation period: Within 2024.

More details can be found in Decision 542/QD-BKHCN, effective from March 29, 2024.

Ho Quoc Tuan


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