Latest procedures for admisstion to grade 10 in 2025 in Vietnam

Procedures for admisstion to high school in Vietnam according to Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT (admission to grade 10), effective from February 14, 2025, includes regulations on the admission procedures, organization of entrance exams, etc.

Latest    Grade    10    Admission    Process    in    2025    According    to    Circular    30/2024/TT-BGDDT

Latest procedures for admisstion to grade 10 in 2025 in Vietnam​ (Image from the Internet)

Latest procedures for admisstion to grade 10 in 2025 in Vietnam

According to Article 12 of Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT, procedures for admisstion to grade 10 are stipulated as follows:

(1) The Chairman of the People’s Committee of provinces and centrally-run cities (hereinafter referred to as the Provincial People’s Committee) shall approve the high school admission plan. The high school admission plan includes the following basic contents: admission subjects; targets and admission areas; admission methods; policies on direct admission, preference, encouragement; the time for admission consideration and announcement of admission results. The high school admission plan is announced before March 31 annually.

For high schools under the Ministry of Education and Training, universities, research institutes, the high school admission plan is decided by the Minister of Education and Training, the Director of the university, the Principal of the university, the Director of the research institute after consensus with the Department of Education and Training where the school is located.

(2) Based on the approved high school admission plan, the high school admission council establishes and publicly announces the school's admission plan; organizes the registration for admission, receives and prepares the admission registration contents.

(3) The high school admission council organizes the admission according to the approved admission plan; proposes the list of successful candidates to the school's Principal to submit to the Director of the Department of Education and Training for approval.

For high schools under the Ministry of Education and Training, universities, research institutes, the list of successful candidates is approved by the Minister of Education and Training, the Director of the university, the Principal of the university, the Director of the research institute.

Regulations on subjects and test papers of examination for admisstion to grade 10 in Vietnam

In Clause 1 Article 13 of Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT, the regulations on test papers and subjects are defined as follows:

- Number of subjects and test papers includes: Mathematics, Literature, and one (1) third test subject or paper selected by the Department of Education and Training from one of the two (2) following options:

+ The third test subject is chosen from the subjects assessed with numerical scores in the secondary school education program, ensuring not to choose the same third test subject for more than three (3) consecutive years;

+ The third test paper is a composite test paper of several subjects selected from the subjects assessed with numerical scores in the secondary school education program.

+ For high schools under the Ministry of Education and Training, universities, research institutes with their own entrance examinations, the third test subject or paper is selected by the Ministry of Education and Training, universities, research institutes managing directly.

- The third test subject or paper is announced after the end of the first semester but no later than March 31 every year.

- Duration of test: Literature: 120 minutes; Mathematics: 90 minutes or 120 minutes; third test subject: 60 minutes or 90 minutes; third test paper: 90 minutes or 120 minutes.

- The test content is within the secondary school education program, mainly grade 9.

- For admission to specialized high schools, students must take the above subjects and one (1) specialized subject. Each specialized subject has a separate test paper according to the secondary school level program, ensuring the selection of students with talent in that specialized subject.

Regulations on direct admission, priority policies for grade 10 admission in Vietnam

According to Clause 1 of Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT, direct admission to high school applies to the following subjects:

(1) Students of ethnic boarding secondary schools.

(2) Students who are members of very small ethnic minorities.

(3) Students with disabilities.

(4) Secondary school students who win national awards organized or cooperated by the Ministry of Education and Training with Ministries and equivalent agencies nationwide for competitions, exams, contests (hereinafter referred to as competitions) in culture, arts, sports; scientific or technical research competitions.

(5) Secondary school students who win international awards chosen by the Minister of Education and Training.

According to Clause 2 of Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT, subjects eligible for priority point addition include the following:

Priority points are added to the total score calculated according to a 10-point scale for each test subject. Group 1: adds 2.0 points; Group 2 adds 1.5 points; Group 3 adds 1.0 point.

(1) Group 1:

- Offspring of martyrs;

- Offspring of invalids with a labor capacity loss of 81% or higher;

- Offspring of patients with a labor capacity loss of 81% or higher;

- Offspring of individuals granted "Certificate of policies as invalids having a labor capacity reduction of 81% or higher";

- Offspring of individuals affected by toxic chemicals during resistance;

- Offspring of revolutionary activists before January 1, 1945;

- Offspring of revolutionary activists from January 1, 1945, to the August Revolution 1945.

(2) Group 2:

- Offspring of Heroes of the Armed Forces, offspring of Labor Heroes, offspring of Vietnamese Heroic Mothers;

- Offspring of invalids with a labor capacity loss below 81%;

- Offspring of patients with a labor capacity loss below 81%;

- Offspring of individuals granted "Certificate of policies as invalids having a labor capacity reduction below 81%".

(3) Group 3:

- Individuals with a parent or parents who are ethnic minorities;

- Ethnic minority individuals;

- Students in areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions.

According to Clause 2 of Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT, subjects eligible for encouragement points include the following:

(1) Secondary school students who win provincial awards organized by the Department of Education and Training or cooperated with provincial departments and authorities organized on a provincial scale for competitions organized at the national level as stipulated in point d, clause 1 of this Article.

(2) Encouragement points are added to the total score for admission calculated according to a 10-point scale for each test subject, test paper. First prize adds 1.5 points; second prize adds 1.0 point; third prize adds 0.5 points.

The above is the content of the latest procedures for admisstion to grade 10 in 2025 in Vietnam​ according to Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT.

Le Quang Nhat Minh


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