Hanoi-Vietnam: Validity period of foreign language and informatics certificates for teachers at all educational levels

According to current regulations, at each educational level, teachers must meet different requirements regarding foreign language and informatics standards. So, what is the validity period of foreign language and informatics certificates for teachers at all educational levels in Vietnam? Lawnet would like to address this matter in the article below.


1. Validity period of informatics certificates

According to current regulations, the informatics certificate is a certificate of the national education system aimed at certifying the level and capacity of IT usage as per the IT Usage Skill Standards prescribed in Circular 03/2014/TT-BTTTT.

According to Circular 03/2014/TT-BTTTT, IT usage skill standards include Basic and Advanced IT usage skills. To be specifiic:

- Basic IT usage skills include the following 06 modules: Basic understanding of IT; Basic computer usage; Basic word processing; Basic spreadsheet usage; Basic presentation usage; and Basic internet usage.

- Advanced IT usage skills include the following 09 modules: Advanced word processing; Advanced spreadsheet usage; Advanced presentation usage; Database management system usage; 2D graphic design; Photo editing; Web content editing; Information security and safety; and Project planning software usage.

The organization of exams and issuance of informatics certificates mentioned above is carried out according to the provisions of the Joint Circular href="https://lawnet.vn/vb/thong-tu-lien-tich-17-2016-ttlt-bgddt-btttt-thi-cap-chung-chi-cong-nghe-thong-tin-4cb30.html">17/2016/TTLT-BGDĐT-BTTTT.

The basic informatics certificates are issued to individuals passing the test for the Basic IT Usage Skill Standards (including all 6 basic modules). The advanced informatics certificates are issued to individuals who hold basic informatics certificates and also pass the tests corresponding to 03 modules among the modules of the Advanced IT Usage Skill Standards.

For training courses that issue A, B, and C informatics certificates (as per Decision 21/2000/QD-BGD&DT) being conducted before the effective date of Joint Circular 17/2016/TTLT-BGDĐT-BTTTT, they will continue to be implemented and certificates will be issued until completion.

The A, B, and C informatics certificates already issued have a usage value equivalent to the basic informatics certificates.

However, if teachers wish to hold a new certificate, they must retake the exam or complete the training course instead of direct conversion from the old certificates.

Current legal documents do not specify the validity period of the certificate. The current types of informatics certificates do not state the expiration date. Thus, it can be understood that these certificates have indefinite validity.

2. Validity period of foreign language certificates

According to the current regulations in Circular href="https://lawnet.vn/vb/thong-tu-23-2017-tt-bgddt-danh-gia-nang-luc-ngoai-ngu-theo-khung-nang-luc-dung-cho-viet-nam-58b83.html">23/2017/TT-BGDĐT, foreign language certificates are issued to individuals who meet the requirements corresponding to the 6-level Foreign Language Proficiency Framework for Vietnam, ranging from level 1 to level 6 (equivalent to levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2).

According to this Circular, the validity period of foreign language certificates will be determined by the organization or unit using the certificates, depending on the purpose and requirements of each specific job.

Additionally, on August 3, 2016, the Ministry of Education and Training issued Official Dispatch href="https://lawnet.vn/cv/cong-van-3755-bgddt-gdtx-2016-quy-doi-chung-chi-ngoai-ngu-tin-hoc-4dd3f.html">3755/BGDĐT-GDTX to the provincial Departments of Education and Training, providing detailed guidance on this issue. Accordingly, the acceptance of a foreign language proficiency certificate/certification and its validity period is determined by the Chairman of the Provincial/Municipal People's Committee or the Director of the Department of Education and Training (if authorized by the Chairman of the Provincial/Municipal People's Committee) based on the foreign language proficiency requirements for the job position.

Thus, the current legal documents do not specify the validity period of foreign language certificates. The validity period of these certificates will be determined by the employer depending on the purpose and requirements of the job.

Note: Foreign language certificates and informatics certificates are only recognized when being issued by units qualified to organize exams and issue certificates. According to the 2019 Official Dispatch 538/QLCL-QLVBCC, the list of units eligible to organize exams and issue foreign language certificates according to the 6-level Foreign Language Proficiency Framework for Vietnam and informatics certificates, the 08 units authorized to issue 6-level foreign language proficiency certificates includes:

- University of Foreign Languages ​​- Hanoi National  Parent University;

- University of Foreign Languages ​​- Parent University of Da Nang;

- University of Foreign Languages ​​- Hue Parent University;

- Ho Chi Minh City University of Education;

- Hanoi University of Education;

- Hanoi University

- Thai Nguyen University;

- Can Tho University.

See the list of units eligible to organize exams and issue informatics certificates HERE.

Nguyen Trinh


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