Hanoi-Vietnam: Regulations on regular salary step advancement for officials and public employees

Hanoi-Vietnam: Regulations on regular salary step advancement for officials and public employees
Duy Thịnh

The regular salary step advancement in Vietnam is stipulated in Decree 204/2004/ND-CP (amended and supplemented by Decree 17/2013/ND-CP and Circular 08/2013/TT-BNV). The officials and public employees must meet the conditions for salary step advancement and have sufficient working time depending on each entity. To be specific:

Standards for salary step advancement

For officials:

- Be assessed by competent authorities at the level of task completion or higher but with limited capabilities;

- Not be under any one of disciplinary measures: Reprimand, warning, demotion, or dismissal.

For public employees and workers:

- Be assessed by competent authorities at the level of task completion or higher;

- Not be under any one of disciplinary measures: Reprimand, warning, demotion, or dismissal.

Regarding the working time and method of determining the salary step:

Senior Experts: If not yet placed at the final salary step of the payroll, after 5 years (a full 60 months) of holding the salary step in the payroll applicable to senior experts (Table 1 Decree 204/2004/ND-CP), they are considered for a one-salary-step advancement.

Officials, public employees, and administrative staff in state agencies and public service providers:

- For those in the groups below who have not yet reached the final salary step, after 3 years (a full 36 months) of holding the salary step in the grade, they are considered for a one-salary-step advancement.

official/public employee grades


Group of officials applying Table 2 of Decree 204:

category A3 official

Group 1

Senior Statistician; Senior controllers of product and goods quality; Senior Enforcer (THADS); Senior Inspector (THADS); Senior tax inspectors; Senior Specialist; Senior Inspector; Senior Tax Controller; Senior Auditor; Senior Controller of the Bank; Senior customs inspectors; Senior Auditors; Senior market controller.

Group 2

Senior accountant; Senior animal and plant quarantiner.

category A2 official

Group 1

Principal Statistician; Principal controllers of product and goods quality; Intermediate Enforcers (THADS); Principal Inspector (THADS); Principal tax inspectors; Chief Ranger; Principal Specialist; Enforcers of provinces and centrally-run cities; Principal Inspector; Principal tax controllers; Principal Auditor; Principal Controller of the bank; Chief customs inspector; Principal Auditor; The main controller of the market.

Group 2

Principal accountant; Plant and animal quarantine officers; The main controller of the dike.

category A1 official

Statistician; Product and goods quality controllers; Storage technicians; Primary Enforcers (THADS); Examiners (THADS); Judgment enforcement clerk (civil); Tax inspectors; Forest Rangers; Expert; Enforcers of districts, provincial towns and cities; Notary; Inspectors; Accountant; Tax controllers; Auditors; Bank controllers; Customs inspectors; Animal and plant quarantine; Chief Ranger; dike controllers; Auditors; Market controllers.

category A0 official

applicable to official grades requiring college training (or bachelor's degree)

Group of officials applying Table 3 of Decree 204

category A3 public employee

Group 1

Senior Investigator of Natural Resources and Environment; Senior Hydrometeorological Forecaster; Senior Hydrometeorological Controller; Senior Architect; Senior Researcher; Senior Engineer; Senior Calibrator; Senior assessor; Senior forecaster; Professor - Senior Lecturer; Senior Doctor; Senior pharmacist; Editor - Screenwriter - Senior Translator; Reporter-Senior Commentator; Senior Director; Grade I Actor; Senior painter; Senior coach.

Group 2

Senior archivist; Senior Diagnostician of Animal Diseases; Senior forecaster of plant protection; Senior Inspector of Plant Protection Drugs - Veterinary Medicine; Senior plant variety testers; Senior announcer; Senior cinematographer; Senior museum; Senior librarians; Advanced Methodist; High-end audiophiles; Senior Librator.

category A2 public employee

Group 1

Principal social worker; Principal Legal Aid Officer; Primary midwifery; Principal Medical Technician; Primary Public Health; Primary Nursing; Principal Population; Principal inspector of occupational safety techniques; Geodetic map of the main unit; Principal cadastral officer; Principal investigator of natural resources and environment; Principal observer of environmental resources; Hydrometeorological chief forecaster; Hydrometeorological chief controller; Principal Architect; Principal Investigator; Principal Engineer; Principal Calibrator; Principal Assessor; Principal forecaster; Associate Professor - Principal Lecturer; Principal Doctor; Principal Pharmacist; Editor- Screenwriter- Principal Translator; Reporter-Main Commentator; Main Director; Principal Painter; Head coach.

Group 2

Principal Archivist; Chief Diagnostician of Animal Diseases; Plant protection chief forecaster; Principal Assessor of Plant Protection Drugs - Veterinary Medicine; Plant variety testers; Senior high school teachers; Main announcer; Principal Cinematographer; Senior Cinematographer; Grade II Actor; Main Museum; Principal Librarian; The main pellet method; Main Speaker; Principal Bibliographer.

category A1 public employee

Social worker; Legal aid workers; Midwife; Medical technicians; Public Health; Nursing; Population officers; Senior primary school teachers; Senior preschool teachers; Primary secondary school teachers; Occupational safety technical inspector; Geodetic mapping; Cadastral officers; Investigators of natural resources and environment; Monitors of natural resources and environment; Hydrometeorological forecaster; Hydrometeorological controllers; Archivist; Animal Disease Diagnostic; Plant Protection Forecasters; Examination of pesticide-veterinary protection pills; Testing of plant varieties; Architect; Researcher; Engineer; Calibrator; Assessor; forecasters; Principal Observer; Lecturer; Secondary school teachers; Physician; Senior Nurse; Senior midwife; Senior medical technician; Pharmacist; Editor - Screenwriter - Translator; Reporter-Commentator; Cinematographer; Lead Cinematographer; Director; Painter; museums; Librarians; Methodist; Lead guide; Principal propagandist; Coaches; Sound Pellets; Bibliographer.

category A0 public employee

College social worker; College midwifery; Medical College Technician; College Nursing; College Population; College Surveying and Mapping Tablets; College cadets; Investigator of the College of Natural Resources and Environment; Observer of the College of Natural Resources and Environment; Controller of Hydrometeorological College; Forecaster of the College of Hydrometeorology; Junior high school teachers (level 2); Announcer.

- For those in the groups below who have not yet reached the final salary step, after 2 years (a full 24 months) of holding the salary step in the grade, they are considered for a one-salary-step advancement.

official/public employee grades


Group of officials applying Table 2 of Decree 204

category B official

Intermediate statistician; Intermediate controllers of product and goods quality; THA intermediate secretary (civil); Intermediate tax inspectors; intermediate rangers; Intermediate preservation technician; Warehouse keeper for preservation; Officers; Intermediate accountant; tax inspectors; Treasurer of money, gold, silver and gems (banks); Customs intermediate inspectors; Animal and plant quarantine technicians; Forest Rangers; dike intermediate controller; Technician testing and preservation; Intermediate market controllers.

category C official

Group 1

Treasurers of treasuries and banks; Auditors; Customs officers; Primary rangers; Warehouse keeper for group I; Warehouse keeper of group II; Guard, patrol and guard.

Group 2

Treasurer of agencies and units; Tax Officer.

Group 3

Junior accountant rank.

Group of public employees applying Table 3 of Decree 204

category B public employee

Social workers; Intermediate midwifery; Medical intermediate technicians; Intermediate Nursing; Intermediate population; Occupational safety technical inspection technicians; Intermediate geodetic and cartographic maps; Intermediate cadastral officer; Intermediate investigator of natural resources and environment; Hydrometeorological intermediate forecaster; Hydrometeorological intermediate controller; Intermediate observer of natural resources and environment; Intermediate archivists; Storage technicians; Technician diagnosing animal diseases; Plant Protection Forecasting Technicians; Technicians for pesticide – veterinary drug inspection; Plant variety testing technicians; Technicians; Observers; Primary school teachers; preschool teachers; Doctors; Principal Nurse; The main midwife; Principal Medical Technician; Intermediate pharmacist; Pharmacy technicians; Cinematographer; Grade III Actor; Intermediate painter; Conservation and museum technicians; Intermediate librarians; Tour guide (culture and information sector); Propagandists; Instructor (physical education and sports).

category C public employee


Group 1

Primary social worker; Primary midwifery; Primary medical technicians; Primary Nursing; Primary population officers; Primary environmental resources monitors; Primary observers; Nurse; Midwife; Medical technicians; Assistants; Pharmacist; Pharmacy technician.

Group 2

Mortuary Staff Rank

Group 3

Medical Rank

The group of employee ranks applying Table 4 of Decree 204 includes:


Agency drivers; Typing technicians; Technical staff; Technical staff; Security guards; Clerical staff; Waitstaff.

See more:

- Decree 204/2004/ND-CP

Decree 17/2013/ND-CP

Circular 08/2013/TT-BNV


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