Hanoi-Vietnam: Expenditures for tonic provided for coaches, athletes, and physical education and sports teachers in the Vietnam People's Army Force

The Ministry of National Defense issued Circular 34/2017/TT-BQP on daily food standards and rations, and daily meal allowances for coaches, athletes, and physical education and sports teachers in the Vietnam People's Army Force. This is the first Circular that provides detailed regulations on this matter.

The expenditures for tonic provided for coaches, athletes, and physical education and sports teachers in the Vietnam People's Army Force issued with Circular 34 are detailed as follows:

Unit: VND/person/day

No. Supplement Level Expenditure for tonic Notes
1 Level 1 19,000  
2 Level 2 17,000  
3 Level 3 15,000  
4 Level 4 12,000 Persons specified in Clause 7 Article 4 of this Circular are not entitled

Additionally, Circular 34 also stipulates the daily food standards and rations for coaches, athletes, and physical education and sports teachers in the Vietnam People's Army Force as follows:

No. Item Unit Food ration type 1 Food ration type 2 Food ration type 3 Food ration type 4
1 Fragrant rice grams 700 700 700 750
2 Pork with bones grams 80 60 60 60
3 Lean pork grams 150 140 140 100
4 Beef grams 50 50 50 20
5 Poultry grams 130 120 120 130
6 Eggs grams 100 100 50 25
7 Fresh fish grams 100 100 100 100
8 Tofu grams 50 50 50 70
9 Sesame peanuts grams 10 10 10 10
10 Fish sauce ml 30 30 30 30
11 Green vegetables grams 500 500 400 400
12 Iodized salt grams 20 20 20 20
13 Cooking oil/fat grams 25 20 20 20
14 MSG grams 1 1 1 1
15 Condensed milk grams 100 30 - -
16 Fresh fruit grams 400 300 100 -
17 Mineral water ml 750 500 300 300
18 Fuel (A-grade coal) grams 800 800 700 700
19 Seasoning (compared to food salary) % 5 5 5 5
20 Cleaning allowance for catering utensils (compared to food salary) % 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35
  Calories Kcal 4,130 3,810 3,500 3,500

Daily meal allowances may be found in Circular 34/2017/TT-BQP effective from March 28, 2017.

- Thanh Lam -


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