Hanoi-Vietnam: Application for participation in the selection and direct assignment of ministerial-level scientific and technological tasks

This is one of the contents stipulated in Circular 33/2014/TT-BKHCN on the management of ministry-level scientific and technological tasks of the Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology issued on November 06, 2014.

Dossier  for  Participating  in  Selection  and  Direct  Assignment  of  Ministry-Level  Science  and  Technology  Tasks,  Circular  33/2014/TT-BKHCN

Hanoi-Vietnam: Application for participation in the selection and direct assignment of ministerial-level scientific and technological tasks (Illustrative Image)

Article 9 of Circular 33/2014/TT-BKHCN stipulates that the application for participation in the selection and direct assignment of ministerial-level scientific and technological tasks includes:

  1. A copy of the Certificate of Registration for Science and Technology Activities of the organization registering to lead the science and technology task (if available).

  2. An application form for leading the performance of the science and technology task as per the form (PL3-DONDK).

  3. A detailed explanation of the science and technology task as per the form (PL3-TMNV appropriate to each type of science and technology task).

Each ministerial-level scientific and technological task is hosted by one individual, with participating research members and one scientific secretary, without co-task hosts or vice-task hosts.

  1. A summary of science and technology activities of the organization registering to lead the performance of the science and technology task (for tasks carried out by selection) as per the form (PL3-LLTC).

  2. The scientific curriculum vitae of the individual registering to acct as the task host and participate in the main research work of the science and technology task, are confirmed by the personnel management agency as per the form (PL3-LLCN).

  3. The scientific curriculum vitae of domestic experts as per the form (PL3-LLCG); the scientific curriculum vitae of foreign experts as per the form (APPX-CVS applicable in cases where the explanation of the science and technology task involves hiring scientific experts).

  4. A document confirming the consent of organizations and individuals registering to cooperate in the performance of the science and technology task as per the form (PL3-PHNC).

  5. Documents proving the capacity to mobilize funds from other sources (for tasks that require it).

  6. Price quotations for assets, equipment, and materials to be purchased for performing the science and technology task (in cases where the explanation of the science and technology task includes the purchase or rental of assets, equipment, and materials).

  7. Results of information search regarding related science and technology tasks as per the form (PL3-KQTrC).

More details can be found in Circular 33/2014/TT-BKHCN, effective from December 20, 2014.

Thuy Tram


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