Hanoi striving for 100% of residents to have personal electronic health records

The Prime Minister of Vietnam directs the effective implementation of the creation of personal electronic health records and electronic health books in the area of Hanoi city.

Hanoi  strives  for  100%  of  residents  to  be  issued  personal  electronic  health  records

Hanoi striving for 100% of residents to have personal electronic health records in Vietnam  (Internet image)

Hanoi striving for 100% of residents to have personal electronic health records in Vietnam 

On June 28, 2024, the People’s Committee (PPC) of Hanoi held a conference to review the first 6 months of implementing Scheme 06; assessing the results of the pilot program for creating electronic health records, issuing judicial record cards via the VNeID application, and announcing the operation of several platforms and applications within Scheme 06.

According to Notice 323/TB-VPCP dated July 15, 2024, after hearing reports on the situation and progress of implementing the tasks of Scheme 06 in Hanoi in the first 6 months of 2024, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam concluded and directed as follows:

(1) For ministries, agencies, and localities:

- Focus on directing the research and development of a digital transformation project for the sector and locality, similar to what the Ministry of Public Security has done, and connect with Scheme 06. Accelerate the digitization of data, and improve business processes to implement the Electronic Transactions Law, effective from July 1, 2024, and enforce regulations on integrated information on electronic identification accounts equivalent to paper documents when completing administrative procedures.

- Urgently complete the Decree stipulating the estimation, management, and use of regular state budget expenditures to purchase assets and equipment, renovate, expand, upgrade, and build new items in investment construction projects, report to the Government of Vietnam before July 15, 2024.

- Ministries and central authorities cooperate with the Ministry of Public Security to unify technical solutions and share data to ensure synchronization in the implementation of Scheme 06.

- PPCs of localities should study the 19 tasks of implementing Scheme 06 in Hanoi, select, develop plans, and have detailed roadmaps to organize, implement, and apply appropriately to the locality.

(2) For Hanoi:

- Review, reduce, simplify, and decentralize according to authority administrative procedures related to investment activities, production, business, and people's lives. Strive to reduce and simplify at least 50% of regulations and administrative procedures and reduce at least 50% of compliance costs.

- Develop a pilot model of a one-level public administrative service center under the City PPC, which will receive, resolve, control, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of administrative procedures and provide public services in the city according to a one-stop, interconnected mechanism, piloted from September 2024 to November 30, 2025.

- Ensure 100% synchronization of administrative procedure resolution files with the National Public Service Portal; achieve a 100% rate of electronic administrative procedure resolution results; ensure at least 80% digitization of files and procedure resolution results; and at least 50% rate of exploiting and reusing digitalized information and data.

- Effectively implement the creation of electronic health records and electronic health books in the locality, striving to provide 100% of residents with personal electronic health records.

- Promote the pilot implementation of digital student records for primary schools, striving to provide 100% of teachers and staff with personal digital signatures.

- Enhance information enrichment, provide utilities for the people, manage society on the VNeID platform, and issue level 2 identification accounts to 100% of Hanoi's population.

- Promote cashless payment and accelerate digital transformation in tax, fee, and charge management in the locality.

- Develop digital infrastructure, research, and effectively apply digital transformation tools.

- Extensively propagate to all segments of the population about the results and applications of Scheme 06.

Tran Trong Tin


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