Guiding the registration of information of organizations and individuals performing the constructional judicial expertise in Vietnam

This is a notable content of Circular No. 04/2014/TT-BXD of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam guiding some contents on judicial expertise in constructional investment.

đăng ký thông tin cá nhân, tổ chức giám định tư pháp XD, Thông tư 04/2014/TT-BXD

According to Clause 1 Article 9 of Circular No. 04/2014/TT-BXD of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam, registration of information of organizations and individuals performing the constructional judicial expertise is guided as follows:

- For constructional judicial experts, the dossier for appointment registration is the dossier for registration of information announcement. The Ministry of Construction and the provincial People’s Committee shall announce information on constructional judicial experts on their website as stipulated under Point a, Clause 2 of this Article;

- Individuals have a need to become the ad hoc constructional judicial experts shall provide information as per the Annex 01 attached to this Circular to be sent to the Ministry of Construction (in case such individuals are public servants of the Ministries and ministerial-level organs; individuals of public non-business units or state-owned enterprises of the Ministries and ministerial-level organs) or sent to the provincial People’s Committee (for other individuals) to be considered for prescribed announcement;

- Constructional consulting organizations have a need to become the ad hoc constructional judicial expertise organizations shall gather their information specified in Annex 02 attached to this Circular to be sent to the Ministry of Construction (in case such organizations are public non-business units or state-owned enterprises of the Ministries and ministerial-level organs) or sent to the provincial People’s Committee (for other individuals) to be considered for prescribed announcement;

- Constructional judicial expertise office shall provide information specified in Annex 02 attached to this Circular to be sent to the provincial People’s Committee which permits the operation to be considered for prescribed announcement;

- The Ministry of Construction and the provincial People’s Committee shall receive, verify the registration information of the dossier for announcement of ad hoc constructional judicial individuals, organizations and offices under their authority. Where the dossiers are not valid, within 07 working days after receipt of dossiers, the Ministry of Construction and the provincial People’s Committee shall send a written proposal to such organizations and individuals for prescribed completion and supplementation.

- When there are changes or modifications of information of constructional judicial expertise individuals (working place, permanent address, contents of constructional judicial expertise, diplomas, and certificates of professional training related to the constructional judicial expertise) and constructional judicial expertise organizations (name of organization, certificate of business registration, address or contents of constructional judicial expertise), the organizations and individuals announced must provide the changed information for the Ministry of Construction or the provincial People’s Committee. After 10 working days after fully receiving information, the Ministry of Construction or the provincial People’s Committee shall verify and update such information again on their website.

View details at Circular No. 04/2014/TT-BXD of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam, effective from June 15, 2014.

Ty Na


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