Guidelines for implementing the tasks for continuing education in 2024-2025 academic year in Vietnam

The article below will provide guidelines for implementing the tasks for continuing education in 2024-2025 academic year in Vietnam

Guidelines  for  Implementing  the  2024-2025  Academic  Year  Tasks  for  Continuing  Education

Guidelines for implementing the tasks for continuing education in 2024-2025 academic year in Vietnam (Image from the internet)

On July 30, 2024, the Ministry of Education and Training (Hanoi, Vietnam) issued Official Dispatch 3933/BGDDT-GDTX concerning guidelines for implementing the tasks for continuing education in 2024-2025 academic year in Vietnam

Guidelines for implementing the tasks for continuing education in 2024-2025 academic year in Vietnam

Based on the actual situation of localities to effectively implement tasks, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam (MOET) provides the following guidance to the Departments of Education and Training (DOET) for implementing tasks for the 2024-2025 academic year for continuing education (CE):

* General Tasks

- Promote activities to build a learning society (LS).

- Strengthen advice and direction to complete the CE network and diversify educational programs in CE establishments.

- Enhance efforts to eradicate illiteracy (IE). Focus on IE in areas with special socio-economic difficulties and high illiteracy rates.

- Mobilize resources to implement CE tasks in localities. Organize training to improve the quality of management staff (MS), teachers (T), and collaborators in CE establishments.

- Promote the application of information technology and digital transformation in management and administration of CE establishments and activities.

- Enhance inspection of CE regulations implementation.

- Intensify communication to raise public awareness of CE, lifelong learning (LLL), and building LS.

- Promote emulation movements and related commendations. Actively participate in policy development for CE.

* Specific Tasks

For instance, the task of promoting activities to build a learning society includes:

- Develop and implement the plan for the Scheme “Building a Learning Society for the period 2021-2030” (Scheme to build LS), enhancing regular and effective coordination between the Education sector with other sectors, departments, agencies, Vietnam Fatherland Front, political-social organizations, and localities within the province in implementing the plan. Launch the Movement “The whole country competes to build a learning society, promoting LLL for the period 2023 - 2030” in various flexible forms suited to current conditions.

- Advise the Provincial People’s Committee (PPC), the Provincial Steering Committee for Building LS to direct provincial departments, agencies, localities in the province to effectively organize the Lifelong Learning Week 2024; Guide district DOET offices, regular schools, CE centers, vocational education-CE centers (VE-CE), and affiliated educational institutions to organize Vietnam Reading and Culture Day 2025 with practical and effective activities.

- Advise the PPC on key contents including:

+ Guide and allocate funding to ensure that provincial departments, agencies, localities in the province implement the Scheme to build LS according to Circular 17/2022/TT-BTC dated March 08, 2022 of the Ministry of Finance regarding management and use of funds for the Scheme to build LS. The implementation plan needs to integrate with political, professional tasks; associated with implementing programs, socio-economic development projects to efficiently utilize resources; continue encouraging, mobilizing social resources for effective implementation.

+ Issue guidelines to evaluate and recognize “Learning Units” at district and provincial levels; evaluate and recognize “Learning Communities” at commune, district, and provincial levels according to Circular No. 24 and Circular No. 25 of MOET; direct provincial departments, agencies, units, localities to build plans and conduct the evaluation and recognition of “Learning Units” and “Learning Communities” ensuring practical and effective results.

+ Direct and guide recognized cities as members of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities; develop plans to cooperate with provincial departments, agencies to build substantial, effective learning cities. Advise PPC to study, select, and propose cities to join the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities and develop an implementation plan for joining the network.

+ Summarize 5-year implementation of the Scheme to build LS according to MOET’s plan (MOET will issue specific guidelines).

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 3933/BGDDT-GDTX issued on July 30, 2024.


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