Guidelines for implementing the nutrition care model for the first 1000 days of a baby in Vietnam

Guidelines for implementing the nutrition care model for the first 1000 days of a baby in Vietnam
Dương Châu Thanh

What are the guidelines for implementing the nutrition care model for the first 1000 days of a baby in Vietnam? – Gia Khanh (Quang Ninh)

Guidelines for implementing the nutrition care model for the first 1000 days of a baby in Vietnam

Guidelines for implementing the nutrition care model for the first 1000 days of a baby in Vietnam (Internet image)

The content mentioned in Decision 2869/QD-BYT in 2023 on guiding the implementation of the nutrition care model for the first 1000 days a baby issued by the Minister of Health of Vietnam

Direct beneficiaries of the nutrition care model for the first 1000 days of a baby in Vietnam

- Pregnant women

- Mothers, caregivers of children under 2 years old

- Children from 0 to under 2 years old

- Households with children under 2 years old in the commune have implemented the model

Steps to implement the nutrition care model for the first 1000 days of a baby in Vietnam




Entities in charge

Step 1:

Selecting the location to implement the model

Based on local capacity and budget balance, select the number of communes to deploy the model as zone III communes in the management area (at least 40% of the total number of zone III communes in the province).

Dispatch announcing the policy to lower-level units (district health center, commune health station, commune People's Committee)

The provincial birth control center combines the district health centers with communes in zone III

Step 2:

Survey to assess the current situation in the commune deploying the model

Organize an initial survey on nutritional status, practice of taking care of pregnant mothers and child rearing, facilities and capacity of commune and village health workers to assess the ability to implement the model at communes and villages in selected areas, thereby proposing activities to meet the implementation of the model

Survey results

Provincial Preservation Control Center combines the health centers of districts with communes in zone III and the communes expected to deploy the model

Step 3:

Develop a plan, approve the model implementation plan

Based on the customer survey and professional and financial guidance to build the model implementation plan.

The model consists of two components: Child Feeding Counseling Room at the Health Station and Child Nurturing Support Group in some disadvantaged villages (it is best to start with 3 villages and then replicate in later years according to the instructions below)

The model implementation customer is approved and funded by the competent authority

Provincial Conservation Control Center guides districts and communes to build KH

Step 4:

Decision to establish the Executive Board to deploy the Model and the groups to implement the model

The Commune People's Committee made a decision to establish the Model with the participation of stakeholders: members and duties of the members of the Executive Board and the groups implementing the model.

Decisions Popular seminars for departments and communities

Commune People's Committee with the advice of the Health Station

Step 5:

Training to improve model implementation capacity

Based on the professional documents of the Institute of Nutrition, the Provincial Center for Disease Control trained trainers at the district level and then continued training for commune health station staff, village health workers, women officers and village/village heads.

Model implementation team members include: Executive Board, commune health officials, village health workers, women officers and village/village heads trained in knowledge and skills to implement the model.

The Provincial Preservation Center trains the district, the district trains the commune. The Provincial KSBT Center can provide direct training to the commune depending on the specific situation (in terms of human resources and funding).

Step 6:

Prepare facilities for model implementation

Based on the initial survey and based on the requirements of the Model, the implementation of the customer was approved to deploy the procurement and provision of facilities to serve the model.

- At the Health Station: nutrition counseling room/corner, Child Nurturing posters, counseling picture books, leaflets, health check books/growth charts, other communication materials; scale/ruler/arm measure; nutrition practice tools; tracking book.

- At the village sites (child feeding support groups): posters, nutrition practice tools, scales/rulers/arm measure, monitoring books, other communication materials.

The unit receiving direct funding will carry out the procurement. Provincial Health Centers, District Health Centers guide and supervise the implementation

Step 7:

Content of model deployment

Based on professional documents, the staff assigned at the commune carry out the activities of the model, including:

- Advice and guidance on nutrition care in the first 1000 days of life integrated into prenatal care at commune health stations and in the community:

+ Organize counseling sessions (individuals and groups) at the Health Station in accordance with the trained procedure

+ Organize group activities on Nurturing young children in the village (selected) in accordance with the training process combined with instructions to demonstrate food for children based on local products/foods

- Organizing screening and weighing, assessing nutritional status, assessing the diet of:

+ Pregnant mothers 3 times/pregnancy/person (can be integrated into antenatal care)

+ Children under 2 years old every 3 months/child (can be integrated into periodic health check for children)

- Micronutrient supplementation for pregnant women and lactating mothers, children under 2 years old.

The monitoring book regularly records the nutritional status of mothers and children.

Logbook to regularly record counseling activities at the Health Station and group activities in the village

Health station, village health coordinator, women cadres, village/village heads TT KS, district health centers to supervise and support

Step 8:

Evaluate model results annually and propose plans for next year

Every year in December, organizations evaluate the model according to the following contents:

- Evaluation of results achieved during the year: good operating model, participation of members, improvement of caregiver knowledge/behavior, improvement of children's nutritional status.

- Indicate the difficulties, the ability to sustainably.

- Proposal for the next year.

Annual assessment report on the implementation situation and lessons learned for the next year of the commune sent to the district and province. Determine the qualifying model.

The commune health station is supported by the Provincial Health Center and the district health center

Step 9:

Maintain operation model in 2024, 2025

Continue to maintain activities according to instructions, update if additional instructions are available.

Expand the Child Care group in other villages/villages

Every year, develop the plan, approve the plan and deploy the model right from the beginning of the year.

Annual operational plan approved and deployed.

The operation of the model is maintained and improved in quality.

The commune health station is supported by the Provincial Health Center and the district health center

Details of professional content in each step of counseling at health facilities and in Early Childhood Care support groups have been developed in manuals and training materials for 2 groups of subjects (medical staff; village officials) (Refer to Appendix 3).

More details can be found in Decision 2869/QD-BYT in 2023.

Duong Chau Thanh


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