Guidelines for implementation of renovation and reconstruction of apartment buildings in Vietnam from September 16, 2024

Guidelines for implementation of renovation and reconstruction of apartment buildings in Vietnam from September 16, 2024
Quốc Trình

The Ministry of Construction of Vietnam issued Official Dispatch on the implementation of the renovation, reconstruction of apartment buildings in Vietnam.

Guidance  on  Implementation  of  Renovation  and  Reconstruction  of  Apartment  Buildings  from  September  16,  2024

Guidelines for implementation of renovation and reconstruction of apartment buildings in Vietnam from September 16, 2024 (Image from the Internet)

On September 16, 2024, the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam issued Official Dispatch 5297/BXD-QLN regarding the implementation of the Housing Law 2023, Decree 98/2024/ND-CP on renovating and reconstructing apartment buildings in Vietnam.

Guidelines for implementation of renovation and reconstruction of apartment buildings in Vietnam from September 16, 2024

In Official Dispatch 5297/BXD-QLN dated September 16, 2024, to ensure the safety of the lives and property of residents living in old apartment buildings before the stormy season of 2024; and to promote renovation and reconstruction projects of apartment buildings in the area, the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam requests the following:

- Immediately implementing measures to relocate residents from dangerous, degraded old apartment buildings that need to be demolished as per regulations, and arrange temporary housing for relocated households to ensure the safety of lives and property of residents.

- Urgently organizing inspections and quality assessments of old apartment buildings in the area; for apartment buildings that have been inspected and assessed for quality but need to be renovated and reconstructed but have not yet been included in the renovation and reconstruction plan, develop a renovation and reconstruction plan for apartment buildings according to the provisions of the Housing Law 2023, Decree 98/2024/ND-CP as a basis for implementing the project.

- Urgently organizing the formulation and approval of 1/500 scale zoning plans for areas with apartment buildings that need renovation and reconstruction to provide a basis for investors to participate in formulating investment plans, compensation plans, support, and resettlement plans when registering to become project investors.

- Urgently formulating and approve renovation and reconstruction plans for apartment buildings that need to be demolished for renovation and reconstruction with contents as regulated by the Housing Law 2023, Decree 98/2024/ND-CP; at the same time, determine the K coefficient for compensation of apartment area applicable for each area and location with apartment buildings constructed before 1994 that need renovation and reconstruction to provide a basis for owners and project investors to agree on the compensated area according to the K coefficient to include in the compensation and resettlement plan.

- Organizing the selection of investors to accelerate the implementation of renovation and reconstruction projects of apartment buildings according to the provisions of the Housing Law 2023, Decree 98/2024/ND-CP.

- Organizeing training and widespread dissemination to all levels, sectors, and residents living in areas with old apartment buildings that need renovation and reconstruction to create consensus and widespread participation of residents, providing a basis for the quick and smooth implementation of mechanisms and policies on renovating and reconstructing apartment buildings as regulated by the Housing Law 2023, Decree 98/2024/ND-CP.

- For the cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City that have many old apartment buildings that need renovation and reconstruction, especially renovation and reconstruction projects of apartment buildings that were implemented before the Housing Law 2023 became effective but have not yet completed the procedures in the project preparation stage such as approving compensation plans, support, resettlement; land allocation, land leasing, issuance of Construction Permits, etc., it is requested to follow the provisions of the Housing Law 2023, Decree 98/2024/ND-CP to urgently complete the procedures for investors to promptly implement emergency construction of projects, arrange resettlement for residents, and ensure the rights of apartment owners and project investors.

The People's Committees of provinces and central affiliated cities in Vietnam are requested to pay attention and direct the implementation.

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 5297/BXD-QLN issued on September 16, 2024.


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