Guidance on Implementing Rescue Operations on Highways

Circular 08/2015/TT-BGTVT2015

Guidance on steps to organize rescue operations on highways, 08/2015/TT-BGTVT

Guidance on steps to organize rescue operations on highways (Illustrative image)

Circular 08/2015/TT-BGTVT stipulates that immediately after receiving rescue request information, the exploitation and maintenance unit shall verify the information if necessary, directly organize the rescue operation or send the rescue request to the rescue unit. The rescue request includes the following details:

- Location: kilometer marker, highway entry point, and direction of travel;- Rescue target: quantity, weight, and type of goods; quantity, type, and condition of the vehicles needing rescue; number of people needing rescue support;- Time of arrival at the scene and estimated time to complete the rescue;- Assembly point for each rescue target.

The exploitation and maintenance unit must promptly dispatch forces to the scene to coordinate initial first aid, cooperate with relevant authorities to protect the scene, regulate traffic within the rescue site as per regulations throughout the rescue operation period.

Specifically, the order of rescue operations is stipulated as follows:

- Assist in moving rescued individuals to the assembly point;- Rescue of goods on the vehicle: The rescue of goods on the vehicle is carried out in the following order: unload goods from the vehicle needing rescue, move to a temporary assembly point (within the warned area); cover and protect the goods if necessary; load goods onto the rescue vehicle; transport goods to the assembly point; arrange goods at the assembly point. The loading, unloading, transporting, and arranging of goods must comply with legal regulations;- Vehicle rescue: Carry out vehicle rescue to the assembly point as stipulated by this Circular and other relevant legal regulations. Only travel on the lane adjacent to the emergency stopping lane;- Hand over the rescue results and move the rescue vehicle off the highway;- Confirm the rescue execution result;- Determine the extent and value of damage to the highway works caused by the rescued vehicle;- Clean up and sanitize the scene after the rescue.

If necessary, the highway exploitation and maintenance unit is permitted to mobilize suitable vehicles currently circulating on the highway to transport people needing rescue support to the assembly point when conditions allow and must ensure traffic safety. This volume of rescue is not included in the rescue volume performed by the rescue unit.

Details can be found at Circular 08/2015/TT-BGTVT, effective from June 1, 2015

Le Hai


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