Establishment of the Steering Committee for the formulation of Law bill on Science and Technology (amended)

The Prime Minister of Vietnam has just issued Decision 457/QD-TTg on the establishment of the Steering Committee for the formulation of Law bill on Science and Technology (amended)

Establishment of the Steering Committee for the formulation of Law bill on Science and Technology (amended)

Establishment of the Steering Committee for the formulation of Law bill on Science and Technology (amended) (Internet image)

Establishment of the Steering Committee for the formulation of Law bill on Science and Technology (amended) in Vietnam

The Steering Committee for the formulation of Law bill on Science and Technology (amended) (hereinafter referred to as the Steering Committee) has been established according to Decision 457/QD-TTg. The committee consists of the following members:

- Committee Chairman: Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang.

- Committee Vice Chairman: Minister of Science and Technology.

- Committee members include:

   + Representative of the Government Office's leadership.

   + Representative of the Ministry of Science and Technology's leadership.

   + Representative of the Ministry of Finance's leadership.

   + Representative of the Ministry of Home Affairs' leadership.

   + Representative of the Ministry of Justice's leadership.

   + Representative of the Ministry of Education and Training's leadership.

   + Representative of the Ministry of Planning and Investment's leadership.

   + Representative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade's leadership.

   + Representative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development's leadership.

   + Representative of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology's leadership.

   + Representative of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences' leadership.

   + Representative of the People's Committee of Hanoi's leadership.

   + Representative of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City's leadership.

   + Representative of the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations' leadership.

- The Ministry of Science and Technology serves as the standing agency of the Steering Committee. It is responsible for compiling the list of Steering Committee members appointed by the Minister, heads of equivalent agencies, heads of government-affiliated agencies, the Chairman of the Hanoi People's Committee, and the Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee. The Ministry reports to the Committee Chairman.

Functions, tasks, and powers of the Steering Committee:

The Steering Committee provides advice and assists the Prime Minister in directing the construction of the revised Law on Science and Technology in accordance with the schedule and regulations of the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents. Its responsibilities include the following:

- Reviewing and approving the plan and schedule for the construction of the revised Law on Science and Technology prepared by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

- Directing the construction of the revised Law on Science and Technology, including the draft law, draft explanatory statement, and other required documents.

- Directing the collection of opinions from relevant ministries, sectors, localities, organizations, and individuals regarding the project dossier of the revised Law on Science and Technology

- Directing the incorporation of opinions from relevant agencies, organizations, and individuals regarding the project of the revised Law on Science and Technology.

- Coordinating with committees of the National Assembly during the process of construction, review, and submission of the revised Law on Science and Technology.

- Performing other assigned tasks and following the directions of the Government and the Prime Minister.

Organization and operation of the Steering Committee:

The regulations on the operation of the Steering Committee and the interdisciplinary expert group assisting the Committee are determined by the Committee Chairman. The members of the Steering Committee serve on a part-time basis and are individually responsible for their assigned areas of work. They must adhere to the regulations on the establishment, organization, and operation of inter-agency coordination organizations and the regulations on the operation of the Steering Committee.

The Office of the Prime Minister's seal is used by the Steering Committee. The Vice Chairman and members of the Steering Committee sign documents according to their assigned tasks or authorized duties and use the seal of their respective agencies.

The Ministry of Science and Technology is responsible for ensuring the operational conditions of the Steering Committee and the interdisciplinary expert group assisting the Committee.

The Steering Committee will dissolve itself upon completing the task of drafting the revised Law on Science and Technology.

Funding for the operation of the Steering Committee:

The general operational budget of the Steering Committee is covered by the state budget and allocated in the annual regular expenditure estimates of the Ministry of Science and Technology, in accordance with the regulations of the State Budget Law.

Steering Committee members are provided with funding, personnel, vehicles, and equipment managed by their respective agencies to carry out their assigned tasks.

Le Nguyen Anh Hao


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