Enhancement of communication on social and health insurance policies in Vietnam in the last months of 2024

Enhancement of communication on social and health insurance policies in Vietnam in the last months of 2024
Quốc Tuấn

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Strengthening  Communication  on  Social  Insurance,  Health  Insurance  Policies  in  the  Last  Months  of  2024

Enhancement of communication on social and health insurance policies in Vietnam in the last months of 2024 (Image from the internet)

On September 26, 2024, Vietnam Social Security issued Official Dispatch 3338/BHXH-TT on enhancement of communication on social and health insurance policies in Vietnam in the last months of 2024

Enhancement of communication on social and health insurance policies in Vietnam in the last months of 2024

To strive to complete the assigned targets and tasks in 2024, and to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Vietnam Social Security (February 16, 1995 - February 16, 2025), Vietnam Social Security requests provincial social insurance agencies to focus on implementing the following contents:

- Continue to adhere to the spirit of Directive 27-CT/TW dated December 25, 2023, of the Politburo on strengthening Communist Party leadership for practicing thrift and combating waste, along with Directive 07/CT-TTg. Based on the guidelines for information and communication work by Vietnam Social Security, the information and communication work plan, participant development scenarios, and the unit's communication scenarios, provincial social insurance agencies should proactively lead, direct, and implement social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance policies through the guided content, forms, and methods, ensuring flexibility, creativity, and suitability to the local socio-economic characteristics to achieve the highest results as planned.

- Closely follow the directives of Vietnam Social Security in the conclusions and documents of the Communist Party Executive Committee sent to the Provincial Party Secretaries of 63 provinces and cities on strengthening leadership and direction for the implementation of social insurance and health insurance policies. This aims to boost advice work and cooperation with the local party committees and authorities, especially at the grassroots level (district, commune); relevant departments and agencies; news agencies, and newspapers; and to harness the role of the local Steering Committee for Social Insurance and Health Insurance Policy Implementation in communication and motivating participants, contributing to fulfilling the goals outlined in the resolutions of the Communist Party, National Assembly, and Government of Vietnam.

- Further enhance the responsibility of heads and deputies in leading and implementing communication activities. Actively carry out communications campaigns according to themes, topics, and drives as guided by Vietnam Social Security in Plan 4518/KH-BHXH dated December 28, 2023, and communication guidance documents of the sector, focusing on the following:

+ Content: Proactively select practical topics to launch communication drives suitable to local characteristics; focus on communicating and motivating individuals to participate in mandatory social insurance, voluntary social insurance, household health insurance, and student health insurance; highlight the outstanding achievements of 2024 specifically and the 30-year history in general of Vietnam Social Security; and present new points of Social Insurance Law 41/2024/QH15, and the draft amendments to the Health Insurance Law,…

+ Form: Review and implement effective local communication methods focused on key areas, tailored to the characteristics, income, and professions of various target groups. Pay particular attention to conducting peak communication drives in the year-end period and continue to organize suitable deployment ceremonies as per the situation and effectiveness in each locality.

- Hold peak communication drives on the implementation of social insurance and health insurance policies during the 8th session of the 15th National Assembly: Communicate about the implementation results of social insurance and health insurance by Vietnam Social Security and key contents of the draft amendments to the Health Insurance Law.

- Utilize the role of communicative collaborators; boost communication, dissemination, and information provision to commune People's Committee officials, especially commune-level Culture - Social officials, Neighborhood Group Leaders, Village Heads, and Hamlet Chiefs to mobilize their participation in communication, motivation, and development of participants and maintaining the number of recurring participants in voluntary social insurance and household health insurance.

- Launch calls and motivate units and individuals for philanthropic work to donate social insurance books and health insurance cards to people in difficult circumstances (pay special attention to allocating mobilized resources to donate health insurance cards to those affected by post-storm No. 3 (Yagi) floods and the elderly facing difficulties in the area).

- Based on the provincial communication plan for social insurance, health insurance policies in the last months of 2024, provincial social insurance agencies are responsible for allocating and utilizing funds suitably according to local characteristics, sectoral guidance, and legal regulations, ensuring cost-effective, substantial utilization.

- Provincial social insurance agencies should proactively and regularly monitor and grasp information on the implementation of social insurance and health insurance policies, along with feedback, suggestions, and proposals from locals to promptly select suitable communication solutions and provide relevant information responses, aiming to effectively orient information policies, in accordance with their responsibilities and management scope, and report promptly to Vietnam Social Security.

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 3338/BHXH-TT issued on September 26, 2024.


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