Difference between Transfer and Secondment in Vietnam

I have just received the secondment decision from my unit. Until now, I have only heard of transfer but have never heard of secondment before. Could you please explain the difference between these two terms?

Perhaps everyone has heard of the term of transfer, but few are familiar with "secondment". In essence, both terms describe the transfer of an individual to perform a different task or duty, either within or outside the current organization. However, there are distinct differences between them. For clarity, please refer to the table below:

Criteria Transfer Secondment
Definition The decision by a competent authority to transfer officials from one agency, organization, or unit to another. The secondment of officials from one agency, organization, or unit to another based on task requirements. Or:

The secondment of a public employee from one public service provider to another agency, organization, or unit based on task requirements for a specified period.
Duration Indefinite Secondment duration does not exceed 03 years, except for certain sectors regulated by the Government of Vietnam.
  • Based on task requirements, political qualities, ethics, capabilities, and professional expertise of the official.
  • Must meet the professional requirements appropriate for the new position.
No specific conditions stipulated.
Applicable Entities Officials
  1. Officials;
  2. Public employees.
Priority Subjects No regulations Officials, and public employees who are pregnant or nursing a child under 36 months of age.

The above contents are stipulated in detail in Law on Officials 2008 and Law on Public Employees 2010.


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