Development of a system of Centers for excellence and talent in 4.0 technology until 2030 in Vietnam

According to Decision 374/QD-TTg of 2025, what are the tasks and solutions for developing a system of Centers of excellence and talent in 4.0 technology until 2030 in Vietnam?

Phát triển hệ thống trung tâm đào tạo xuất sắc và tài năng về công nghệ 4.0 đến năm 2030

Development of a system of Centers for excellence and talent in 4.0 technology until 2030 in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

Tasks and solutions for developing the system of Centers of excellence and talent in 4.0 technology in Vietnam

In Section III of Decision 374/QD-TTg, tasks and solutions for developing the system of centers of excellence and talent in 4.0 technology include the following contents:

(1) Research, review, and propose mechanisms and policies to create breakthroughs in training activities in some priority technology areas of Industry 4.0.

- Research and issue regulations, and guidelines for implementing investment projects under the public-private partnership method in the field of education and training.

- Research, propose amendments, and supplement mechanisms and policies supporting state investment in infrastructure, equipment for training activities, scientific research, innovation, and entrepreneurship based on investment cooperation between enterprises and higher education institutions.

- Support the development of models that link higher education institutions with scientific and technological organizations and enterprises to conduct activities in training, scientific research, technology transfer, innovation, and entrepreneurship through ordering, selection/direct allocation of scientific and technological tasks.

- Research, issue evaluation criteria for the quality of cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises, and policies for quality assurance in higher education, based on excellence and talent.

- Review, amend, and supplement regulations on managing intellectual property activities and research cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises.

- Develop mechanisms and preferential credit policies, tuition support, and scholarships to attract and enhance the quality of learners in some priority technology areas of Industry 4.0, initially implemented for graduate and doctoral students.

(2) Build, consolidate, and develop centers of excellence and talent in some priority technology areas of Vietnam's Industry 4.0.

- Support and invest in developing some higher education institutions to become strong training centers in the North, Central, and South in some priority technology areas of Industry 4.0.

- Build an online assessment platform for skills and professional competencies to connect higher education institutions, learners, businesses, organizations, and individuals. Implement information-sharing mechanisms and provide advice on priority policies in training, scientific research, and application activities in some priority technology areas of Industry 4.0.

(3) Develop and enhance teaching, research, innovation, and entrepreneurship capacities for centers of excellence and talent in some priority technology areas of Vietnam's Industry 4.0.

- Develop strong higher education institutions to become the nucleus of networks of excellence and talent training in graduate-level programs in some priority technology areas of Industry 4.0 such as: artificial intelligence, semiconductor industry; next-generation network technology, intelligent cybersecurity, and multimedia communication; educational technology; new materials; advanced and smart construction, transportation, and infrastructure technology; biotechnology in agriculture, industry, and biomedicine; renewable energy, hydrogen energy.

- Review, innovate, and develop training programs for various education levels within some priority technology areas of Industry 4.0.

- Prioritize the implementation of national-level scientific and technological tasks associated with doctoral training in some priority technology areas of Industry 4.0.

- Prioritize building and implementing scientific and technological tasks at the level of ministries and central authorities; support technology transfer and innovation activities for higher education institutions to create priority technology products of Industry 4.0. Focus on researching to produce scientific products published in prestigious international journals, integrate products in postgraduate training and create application and commercial products.

- Promote cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises in training activities adapted for students preparing to graduate or who have graduated, specialized training, advanced training at the request of businesses.

(4) Strengthen international cooperation and integration in training in some priority technology areas of Industry 4.0.

- Expand international cooperation and integration in training, science, technology, and innovation, especially in some priority technology areas, to actively participate in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

- Implement policies to attract talents, cooperate with global organizations and businesses to participate in training, scientific research, technology development, and innovation at higher education institutions; policies to attract scientists and experts who are overseas Vietnamese and foreigners to collaborate and participate in training and scientific research cooperation.

- Encourage and support domestic higher education institutions to link with foreign higher education institutions to undertake scientific and technological tasks in priority technology areas of Industry 4.0.

Le Quang Nhat Minh


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