Detailed regulations on recruitment procedures for civil servants for 2024 in Vietnam

Detailed regulations on recruitment procedures for civil servants for 2024 in Vietnam
Tran Thanh Rin

What are the detailed regulations on recruitment procedures for civil servants for 2024 in Vietnam? – Duc Chinh (Ninh Thuan)

Detailed regulations on recruitment procedures for civil servants for 2024 in Vietnam

Detailed regulations on recruitment procedures for civil servants for 2024 in Vietnam (Internet image) 

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

On December 31, 2023, the Minister of Home Affairs issued Decision 1098/QD-BNV announcing administrative procedures specified in Decree 85/2023/ND-CP amending Decree 115/2020/ND-CP on recruitment, use, and management of public employees.

Detailed regulations on recruitment procedures for civil servants for 2024 in Vietnam

The recruitment of civil servants in 2024 will have to go through the following steps:

Step 1. Recruitment announcement and receipt of the civil servant recruitment registration form (Article 14 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP amended and supplemented by Clause 8 of Article 1 of Decree 85/2023/ND-CP)

- Agencies and units with recruitment authority must post public recruitment notices at least once on one of the following mass media: print newspaper, electronic newspaper, audio newspaper, video newspaper; At the same time, post it on the website or portal and post it publicly at the headquarters of the agency or unit with recruitment authority.

- The content of the recruitment announcement includes:

+ Number of employees needing to apply for each job position;

+ Number of job positions for which examination and selection are conducted;

+ Standards and conditions for registration;

+ Time limit, address, and location for receiving the application form; mobile or landline phone number of the individual or department assigned to receive the application form;

+ Form and content of entrance examination and admission; time and location of entrance examination and admission.

+ Job positions are registered with 02 wishes (Recruitment registration form according to Form No. 01 issued with Decree 115/2020/ND-CP)

- In case of changing the content of the recruitment announcement, it can only be done before the opening of the recruitment period and must be made public according to regulations.

- The applicant must submit the application registration form according to Form No. 01 issued with Decree 115/2020/ND-CP (amended in Decree 85/2023/ND-CP) at the location receiving the application form or send it by post or via the website or electronic information portal of the agency or unit with recruitment authority.

- The deadline for receiving the application form is 30 days from the date of the recruitment announcement published in the mass media on the website or electronic information portal of the agency or unit with recruitment authority.

- The competent recruitment agency determines the job positions to be registered according to Option 1 and Option 2 if the following conditions are met:

+ Job positions have the same standards and conditions but are recruited by different agencies and units;

+ In the same recruitment council;

+ The method and form of organizing the written exam and exam content are the same;

+ Already being included in the plan approved by competent authorities.

Step 2. Admission organization

The establishment of the Civil Service Recruitment Council (Article 8 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP, amended and supplemented by Clause 3, Article 1 of Decree 85/2023/ND-CP) is decided by the head of the agency or unit with recruitment authority.

- In case a public service unit is assigned recruitment authority, the Recruitment Council has 05 or 07 members, including:

+ The Chairman of the Council is the head or deputy head of the public service unit;

+ The Vice Chairman of the Council is the person in charge of the organization and personnel work of the public service unit;

+ Member and Secretary of the Council is an officer assisting in the organization and staff work of public service units;

+ Other members are people with expertise and skills related to recruitment, as decided by the head of the public service unit.

In case the Chairman of the Recruitment Council cannot be arranged according to the provisions of Point a of this Clause, the agency competent to manage the public service unit shall consider and decide.

- In case the agency competent to manage a public service unit conducts the recruitment, the Recruitment Council has 05 or 07 members, including:

+ The Chairman of the Council is the head or deputy head of the agency with recruitment authority;

+ The Vice Chairman of the Council is the leader of the staff organization advisory department of the agency with recruitment authority;

+ Member and Secretary of the Council is the representative of the staff organization advisory department of the agency with recruitment authority;

+ Other members are people with expertise and skills related to recruitment organization, as decided by the head of the agency with recruitment authority.

In case of recruiting public employees to work at many public service units, the number of members (odd numbers) and the composition of the Council are decided by the head of the agency with recruitment authority.

- The recruitment council works according to collective principles, making decisions by majority; In cases of equal voting, the opinion that the Chairman of the Recruitment Council has voted for will be implemented. The Recruitment Council has the following duties and powers:

+ Based on recruitment form and job requirements, decide to establish an appropriate assisting department among the following departments: Examination Board of Admission Registration Form, Question Paper Board, Invigilation Board, Script Header Removal Board, Examination Board, Review Board (if any), Examination Inspection Board (in case of organizing oral or practice sessions in round 2). In case of necessity, the Chairman of the Recruitment Council shall establish a Secretariat Team to assist;

+ Organize the collection of recruitment fees and use the recruitment fees according to regulations;

+ Check application registration forms, organize exams, mark exams, and review assessments according to regulations;

+ Report to the head of the agency or unit with recruitment authority to decide on the recognition of the exam and admission results;

+ Resolve complaints and denunciations during the process of organizing exams and admission;

+ The recruitment council will self-dissolve after completing its tasks.

+ Do not arrange people who are related to husband, wife, biological father, or biological mother; father, mother (spouse), adoptive father, adoptive mother; biological children, adopted children; siblings; aunts, uncles, uncles; siblings of the spouse; spouse of the applicant's brother or sister; those who are under disciplinary action or are implementing disciplinary decisions; Those who have been handled for corrupt and negative behavior in personnel work are members of the Recruitment Council and members of the supporting departments of the Recruitment Council.

- Establishment of the Examination Board of Admission Registration Form (Clause 1 and 2, Article 15 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP)

+ The Chairman of the Recruitment Council decides no later than 05 working days from the date of the establishment of the Recruitment Council.

+ In case the candidate does not meet the conditions and criteria for admission, no later than 05 working days from the date of completion of checking the application registration form, the recruitment council is responsible for sending a written notice to the candidate registered at the address where the candidate has registered.

- Content and form of public employee recruitment (Article 11 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP, amended and supplemented by Clause 6, Article 1 of Decree 85/2023/ND-CP)

Recruitment of civil servants is carried out in 02 rounds as follows:

+ Round 1: Check the application conditions on the application registration form according to the requirements of the job position to be filled. If they meet all requirements, the candidate can participate in round 2.

In case the job position requires foreign language proficiency in the training and retraining standards and according to the job description and job position competency framework, the recruitment agency must specifically notify the requirements for foreign language diplomas and certificates. If you have one of the diplomas or certificates specified in Clause 3 of Article 9 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP, it can be used instead.

If you do not have a suitable foreign language diploma or certificate, the Admissions Council will organize a test to assess your foreign language ability according to the requirements of the vacancy.

The recruitment council checks compliance with foreign language requirements according to the information declared by the candidate in the application registration form. After being admitted, the successful candidate must submit a copy of their diploma and foreign language certificate as prescribed in Clause 1 of Article 17 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP.

- Round 2: Exam for specialized professional subjects

+ Exam format: Based on the nature, characteristics, and requirements of the job position to be filled, the head of the recruitment agency chooses one of three exam formats: Oral or practical or written.

In case of choosing the written exam form, you can choose one of three forms: Multiple choice or essay or multiple choice combined with essay.

+ Exam content: Test the candidate's knowledge and professional skills according to the requirements of the job position to be filled.

The content of the specialized professional exam must be based on the tasks and standards of professional capacity and professionalism of the civil servant's professional title and must be consistent with the requirements of the job position being filled. In the same entrance exam, if there are job positions requiring different expertise and skills, the civil servant recruitment council must organize and develop exam questions for different specialized professional subjects corresponding to the requirements of the job position to be filled. Work related to setting exam questions must be kept confidential according to the provisions of the law.

+ Exam time: Question and answer for 30 minutes (candidates have no more than 15 minutes to prepare, not included in exam time); 180 minutes of writing (excluding copying time); The duration of the practical exam is decided by the head of the recruitment agency based on the nature and characteristics of the professional activities of the job position to be filled.

- Scoring scale (answer, practice, writing): 100 points.

- Based on the needs and characteristics of the agency or unit, the head of the recruitment agency shall decide on higher requirements regarding the content, form, and time of the second round exam specified in this Clause.

Step 3. Determine the successful candidate in the civil servant recruitment exam (Articles 10, 12 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP amended and supplemented by Clause 5, Article 1 of Decree 85/2023/ND-CP)

- Candidates admitted in the civil servant recruitment examination must meet the following conditions:

+ Have test scores in round 2 of 50 points or more.

+ Have round 2 points plus higher priority points taken in order of points from high to low in the recruitment criteria for each job position.

- In case there are 02 or more people whose total points calculated as prescribed in Point b, Clause 1 of this Article are equal in the final quota of the job position to be filled, the successful person will be the person who passes the exam. General knowledge in round 1 is higher (if any).

In case it is still not possible to determine, the head of the recruitment agency shall decide on the successful candidate.

- In case of registering for 02 wishes but not being accepted in choice 1, the job position registered in choice 2 still has recruitment quota after considering all wishes 1, including considering the wishes of the person with the adjacent lower admission result as prescribed in Clause 4, Article 18 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP

In case there are 02 or more people with the same score in the 2nd choice, the successful candidate will be determined according to the provisions of Clause 2 of this Article.

In case the job position still has recruitment quota after considering 02 applications, based on the exam results, the recruitment decision-making authority's Report Examination Committee will decide on the recruitment of candidates who have lower recruitment results compared to the adjacent candidate selected for a job position in another unit, but who has the same standards and conditions as the recruitment criteria for the job position in the unit, the same Examination Committee, and the same form of examination or written test (round 2) and the same examination paper.

The person recruited in this case must meet the provisions in Point a, Clause 1 of this Article. For job positions with no applicants, the head of the recruitment agency decides on recruitment according to this regulation.

- People who do not pass the civil servant recruitment exam cannot reserve their exam results for future recruitment exams.

- Subjects and priorities in public employee recruitment:

+ Heroes of the Armed Forces, Labor Heroes, war invalids, policy beneficiaries such as war invalids, and class B war invalids: 7.5 points are added to the round 2 score results;

+ Ethnic minority people, military officers, police officers, professional military personnel, personnel working in critical positions and transferred to another field, graduates of reserve officer training, graduates of military command training for military command headquarters at the groundswells level in the military sector, who have been appointed as reserve officers and registered for reserve officer positions, children of martyrs, children of wounded soldiers, children of disabled soldiers, children of policy beneficiaries such as wounded soldiers, children of Category B wounded soldiers, children of individuals involved in the resistance war exposed to chemical toxins, children of Armed Forces Heroes, children of Labor Heroes: will receive an additional 5 points to their round 2 scores;

+ People who complete military service, people's police service, and youth volunteer team members: 2.5 points are added to the round 2 score results.

+ Trade union officials who grew up from the grassroots in the labor movement: 1.5 points are added to the results of round 2.

Step 4. Notification of civil servant recruitment results (Article 16 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP)

- After completing the marking of round 2 according to regulations, no later than 05 working days, the recruitment council must report to the head of the agency or unit with authority to recruit public employees to consider and recognize the recruitment results.

- Within a period of 10 days from the date of the decision to recognize the recruitment results, the Recruitment Board must publicly announce on the electronic information page or portal of the recruiting authority and send a written notification of the admission results to the candidates at the address they have registered. The notification must clearly state the deadline for the admitted candidates.

Step 5. Completing recruitment documents (Article 17 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP, amended by Clause 10, Article 1 of Decree 85/2023/ND-CP)

- Within 30 days from the date of receiving notice of admission results, the successful candidate must complete the recruitment profile, including:

+ Copies of diplomas and certificates as required by the job position applied for; certification of priority subjects (if any);

In case you have one of the diplomas or certificates specified in Clause 3 of Article 9 of this Decree, it can be used instead of a foreign language certificate.

+ Judicial record card No. 1 issued by a competent authority.

- In the case where the successful candidate does not complete the recruitment dossier as required, engages in fraudulent activities in completing the Recruitment Registration Form or is found to use diplomas, certificates, or certifications that do not comply with regulations to participate in the recruitment process, the head of the authorized agency or unit for the recruitment of officials shall make a decision to cancel the admission results.

In the case where the applicant engages in fraudulent activities in completing the Recruitment Registration Form or uses diplomas, certificates, or certifications that do not comply with regulations to participate in the recruitment process, the authorized agency or unit for recruitment shall publicly announce on the electronic information page or portal of the agency or unit and shall not accept the Recruitment Registration Form in the next recruitment cycle.

Step 6. Concluding a work contract and accepting the job (Articles 18 and 19 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP)

- At least 15 days from the date the successful candidate completes the recruitment application, the head of the agency or unit with authority to recruit public employees shall make recruitment decisions and, at the same time, send the decision to the successful candidate at the registered address, and the public service unit employing the employee shall know and sign a working contract with the employee.

- Within 30 days from the date of receiving the recruitment decision, the person recruited as an employee must go to the public service unit employing the employee to sign a working contract and accept the job unless the recruitment decision stipulates a different deadline or the agency or unit with authority to recruit public employees agrees to extend it.

- A fixed-term working contract is a contract in which the two parties determine the term and termination date of the contract within a period of 12 to 60 months (Form No. 02 or Form No. 03).

- An indefinite-term working contract is a contract in which the two parties do not specify the term or termination date of the contract (Form No. 04).

More details can be found in Decision 1098/QD-BNV taking effect on December 31, 2023.


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