Criteria for firm rating eligible for dissemination to viewers from 16 years old or older from 20/05/2023 in Vietnam

Criteria for firm rating eligible for dissemination to viewers from 16 years old or older from 20/05/2023 in Vietnam is the content specified in Circular 05/2023/TT-BVHTTDL dated April 5, 2023.

Tiêu chí phân loại phim 16 tuổi trở lên từ ngày 20/05/2023

Criteria for firm rating eligible for dissemination to viewers from 16 years old or older from 20/05/2023 in Vietnam (Internet image)

The Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam promulgates Circular 05/2023/TT-BVHTTDL dated May 20, 2023 on film rating criteria and display of film ratings and warnings.

1. Criteria for firm rating eligible for dissemination to viewers from 16 years old or older from 20/05/2023 in Vietnam

7 criteria for firm rating eligible for dissemination to viewers from 16 years old or older as specified in the Appendix to Circular 05/2023/TT-BVHTTDL dated April 5, 2023 inlcude:

(1) Theme and content

- The film's content deals with several adult matters, such as political, social, psychological, and criminal ones, provided that they are suitable for the perception, psychological, and physiological state of viewers aged 16 or over;

- For action, horror, or child abuse films, the theme and content of action, horror or child abuse may be depicted at a medium level without going into detail, occurring regularly, and being explored in a deep manner.

- Themes, such as self-harm, life-threatening for objective reasons or suicide, should be presented indirectly, depicted at a mild level without lasting for the lengthened duration, and need to be appropriate to the content of the film to be rated.

(2) Violence

- Images, sounds, or language showing violent behaviors, such as killing people, inflicting pain, injury, or bleeding,  are depicted at a mild level; do not occur regularly; do not last for the lengthened duration, depress and have an  impact on viewers at a medium level, except as they are fitted to the content of the film to be rated;

- Implied depiction of sexual violence scenes is allowed as long as these scenes are depicted at a mild level, and fitted into the content of the film to be rated.

(3) Nudity and sex

- Images showing nudity may be accepted if they are depicted at a medium level; do not occur regularly; do not last for the lengthened duration; do not involve close-ups or detailed descriptions of genital; are not associated with sexual activities; and are fitted to the content of the film to be rated;

- Funny contexts, humorous situations, or language showing allusions may be used to depict nudity in detail provided that they do not occur regularly; do not last for the lengthened duration; and are fitted to the content of the film to be rated;

- The film to be rated may contain images showing full-body views of characters involved in sexual activities, or sexual activities of educational value that are depicted at a mild level; do not occur regularly; do not appear for the lengthened duration.

(4) Drugs, stimulants and addictive substances

- Images, sounds, or language associated with drugs, stimulants, or addictive substances may be accepted if they are not depicted in detail; do not occur regularly; do not last for the lengthened duration; and are fitted to the content of the film to be rated. In general, the film to be rated is not allowed to promote, provide detailed instructions about, or encourage the use of drugs, stimulants, or addictive substances;

- Images, sounds, or language showing the abuse of highly dangerous and easily accessible substances, such as solvents and acids, are not accepted.

(5) Horror

- Films contain horror images, sounds, and language depicted at a strong level without lasting for the lengthened duration and exploring threats of violence in a deep manner;

- Films cause depression or a sense of threat for viewers at a medium level.

(6) Vulgar language

- Films contain vulgar images, sounds, or language if they are depicted at a medium level; do not appear frequently, and are fitted to the content of the film to be rated;

- Villains in the film to be rated may use some swear or slang words if they are not meant to hurt viewers and community. Use of language intended for sexual harassment or abuse is prohibited.

(7) Dangerous and easily imitable behaviors

Images, sounds, or language that encourage or incite the imitation of actions in films, such as drug use; suicide; school violence; weapon use; or other illegal acts, may be accepted if they are depicted at a mild level without going into detail; do not occur regularly; have a slight level of impact on viewers.

The result of such images, sounds or language must deliver the message of condemnation and opposition of these wrongful acts.

2. Film rating in Vietnam according to Circular 05/2023/TT-BVHTTDL

Specifically, in Article 2 of Circular 05/2023/TT-BVHTTDL dated April 5, 2023, film ratings are arranged in ascending order as follows:

- P rated: Eligible for dissemination to viewers of all ages;

- K rated: Eligible for dissemination to viewers under 13 years old, provided that they are with their parents or guardians;

- T13 rated (13+): Eligible for dissemination to viewers from 13 years old or older;

- T16 rated (16+): Eligible for dissemination to viewers from 16 years old or older;

- T18 rated (18+): Eligible for dissemination to viewers from 18 years old or older;

- C rated: Prohibited from dissemination.

More details can be found in Circular 05/2023/TT-BVHTTDL effective from 20/05/2023

Vo Van Hieu


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