CPV Central Committee’s Publicity and Education Commission's guidance on oral propaganda work in the new situation in Vietnam

CPV Central Committee’s Publicity and Education Commission's guidance on oral propaganda work in the new situation in Vietnam
Quốc Tuấn

Below is the content specified in Instruction 155-HD/BTGTW on implementation of Directive 30-CT/TW on oral propaganda work in the new situation in Vietnam.

CPV Central Committee’s Publicity and Education Commission's guidance on oral propaganda work in the new situation in Vietnam

CPV Central Committee’s Publicity and Education Commission's guidance on oral propaganda work in the new situation in Vietnam (Internet image) 

On May 14, 2024, the CPV Central Committee’s Publicity and Education Commission issued Instruction 155-HD/BTGTW to implement Directive 30-CT/TW on oral propaganda work in the new situation in Vietnam.

CPV Central Committee’s Publicity and Education Commission's guidance on oral propaganda work in the new situation in Vietnam

(1) Organize conferences for studying, comprehending, and disseminating Directive 30-CT/TW  among Party members and officials; promote the directive to grassroots Party cells; conduct extensive dissemination through mass media and the activities of speakers and propagandists; and focus on the following key contents:

- Contributions of oral propaganda work and the team of speakers and propagandists in the Party's and the nation's revolutionary history. The position, role, importance, and requirements for innovation in oral propaganda work in the new situation.

- New aspects regarding the roles and responsibilities of Party committees and leaders in directing and implementing the Directive; in guiding, disseminating, and comprehending major policies and orientations; leadership and direction responsibilities in building, organizing, training, nurturing, managing, inspecting, and supervising the activities of the team of speakers and propagandists within their respective jurisdictions.

- New requirements for innovation in the content and methods of oral propaganda work in the new situation.

- New regulations on the responsibilities of leading, coordinating agencies, operational mechanisms, organizational structures, policies of the team of speakers and propagandists.

(2) Develop programs and plans to implement Directive 30-CT/TW ; clarify the following tasks:

- The leadership and direction roles of Party committees, Party organizations, especially the responsibilities of leaders in oral propaganda work; forms and methods of coordination to leverage the overall strength of the political system, with the core force being the Publicity and Education Commission at all levels, the team of speakers, and propagandists in oral propaganda work; and the responsibilities of each cadre and Party member in disseminating and mobilizing the people to implement the Party's guidelines, policies, and state laws.

- Identify essential propaganda content for concentrated innovation, especially innovation in safeguarding the Party's ideological foundation, disseminating the Party's lines and guidelines, policies, and state laws; working in Party building and the political system; spreading moral values, humanitarianism, and integrity within the Party and society; combating corruption, waste, and negativity; and countering false and hostile arguments.

- Identify traditional methods that are still effective and need to be promoted, as well as new methods to improve the quality and effectiveness of oral propaganda work and the activities of the team of speakers and propagandists, with a focus on utilizing information technology, digital technology, artificial intelligence, mass media, and social networks; particularly methods that target the grassroots and are tailored to specific audiences, local conditions, and material resources.

(3) Strengthen the team of speakers and propagandists:

- Define the necessary basic contents, criteria, and standards for building and enhancing the team of speakers and propagandists at the three levels, focusing on streamlining, quality, and effectiveness.

- Review and supplement existing regulations on the regime and policies for speakers at all levels, and core propagandists at the grassroots level; develop and issue new regulations following the guidance of the Commission for Information and Education, the CPV Central Committee Office, and the Organization Commission of the Central Committee, combined with the application of local conditions and units.

More details can be found in Instruction 155-HD/BTGTW, issued on May 14, 2024.


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