Contents of funding for building the movement of nationwide protecting national security in Vietnam

Contents of funding for building the movement of nationwide protecting national security in Vietnam
Trần Thanh Rin

Contents of funding for building the movement of nationwide protecting national security in Vietnam is notable point specified in Circular 40/2023/TT-BTC dated 09/6/2023.

Contents of funding for building the movement of nationwide protecting security in Vietnam

Contents of funding for building the movement of nationwide protecting national security in Vietnam (Internet image)

The Minister of Finance of Vietnam promulgates Circular 40/2023/TT-BTC dated June 9, 2023, providing for the management and use of funds for building the movement of nationwide protecting.

Contents of funding for building the movement of nationwide protecting national security in Vietnam

According to Article 3 of Circular 40/2023/TT-BTC, the content of funding for building the movement of nationwide protecting security in Vietnam is as follows:

(1) Expenditures made by ministries and central agencies:

- Expenses for promulgating, according to its competence, legal documents on the construction of the movement of nationwide protecting national security, spending on information and propaganda work, building specialized pages and columns, posting activities and contents related to building the movement of nationwide protecting national security on the media, portal/website;

Developing news, articles, reportages, clips, and exhibitions of content and images of the results of the construction of the movement of nationwide protecting;

- Expenses for organizing knowledge and training for agencies, organizations, and individuals in building the movement of the whole people to protect national security;

- Expenses for organizing conferences to propagate and replicate the typical model of mass organization to protect security and order at the grassroots;

- Expenses to visit and encourage the model of mass organizations and individuals with achievements in the movement of nationwide protecting.

(2) The expenditures for the construction of the movement of the whole people to protect national security shall be carried out by agencies and units at the provincial and district levels:

- Expenses for promulgating, according to its competence, legal documents on the construction of the movement of nationwide protecting national security;

- Expenses for information and propaganda work, building specialized pages and columns, and posting activities and contents related to building the movement of nationwide protecting on the media, portal/website;

Developing news, articles, reportages, clips, and exhibitions of content and images of the results of the construction of the movement of nationwide protecting;

- Expenses for directing, guiding, and organizing activities to respond to the "National Day for Security Protection" on August 19 every year;

- Expenses for surveying, guiding, building, and organizing propaganda conferences and replicating typical models of mass organization to protect security and order at the grassroots level;

- Expenses for organizing knowledge training (including certification and certification activities as prescribed (if any)), learning, seminars, exchange of experiences, and training for agencies, organizations, and individuals that carry out the work of building the movement of the whole people to protect national security;

- Expenses to reward collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in building the movement of nationwide protecting national security;

- Expenses to visit and encourage the model of mass organizations and individuals with achievements in the movement of nationwide protecting;

- Expenditure on organizing preliminary and final reviews of the construction of the movement of nationwide protecting national security;

- Expenses for stationery, printing of documents, and other expenses directly serving the construction of the movement of nationwide protecting national security.

(3) Expenditures for the construction of the movement of nationwide protecting national security shall be carried out by agencies and units at commune level:

- Expenses for propaganda and mobilization of the people to participate in building the movement of nationwide protecting;

- Expenses for surveying, guiding, building, and organizing propaganda conferences and replicating typical models of mass organization to protect security and order at the grassroots level;

- Expenses for travel expenses to study, participate in training courses, and exchange practical experiences with other localities on the construction of the movement of nationwide protecting national security;

- Expenses for stationery, printing of documents, and other expenses directly serving the construction of the movement of nationwide protecting national security.

Sources of funding for the construction of the movement of nationwide protecting national security in Vietnam

Funding for the construction of movement of nationwide protecting national security in Vietnam shall be secured from the following sources:

- The state budget ensures funding for the construction of the movement of nationwide protecting in accordance with the provisions of the Law on State Budget and current guiding documents on decentralization of state budget management.

- Funds integrated from other programs and projects as prescribed by law (if any).

- Funds mobilized from voluntary contributions of organizations and individuals in the form of socialization; complying with the principle that each level mobilizes that level to manage it, ensuring that it is used for the right purpose, openly, democratically, and transparently, in accordance with current regulations.

(Article 2 of Circular 40/2023/TT-BTC)

Circular 40/2023/TT-BTC takes effect from July 23, 2023.


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