Construction Acceptance Dossier in Land Management

Circular 49/2016/TT-BTNMT was issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, stipulating regulations on monitoring, inspection, assessment, and acceptance of works and products in the field of land management.

According to the provisions in Circular 49/2016/TT-BTNMT, the acceptance dossier for works and products in land management includes:

- Decision on approving the program, project, technical design - estimate, and tasks of the competent authority;- Economic contract or document assigning tasks to the executing unit;- Technical summary report of the executing unit;- Reports related to arising volume, obstacles during the execution process, and handling documents of the investor or investment decision-making agency;- Report from the executing unit on the correction of errors and confirmation document of product correction issued by the investor;- Minutes of quality inspection, and volume of works, and products issued by the investor;- Reports of supervision, and inspection of quality, and volume of works, and products issued by the investor;- Report on the appraisal of quality, and volume of works, and products;- Minutes of acceptance of the quality, and volume of works, and products.- Handover minutes of products or warehouse receipt for completed products;- Summary table of executed works and products volume for each year.

More details can be found in Circular 49/2016/TT-BTNMT which is effective from March 1, 2017.

- Thanh Lam -


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