Compilation of Common Violations by Vietnam Communist Party Members and Corresponding Disciplinary Actions (Part 3)

Continuing from part one and part two regarding violations that Vietnam Communist Party members are prone to commit, Lawnet continues to present to our esteemed customers and members a compilation of violations that Vietnam Communist Party members are likely to commit regarding population policy, family planning; domestic violence; professional ethics, etc.

Template for Personal Self-Assessment and Group Assessment Report in Vietnam

Type of violation


Handling methods

Violation of political views and internal politics

Obstructing illegal marriage or divorce or letting children marry early.

- Causing less serious consequences: Reprimand.

- If you have been reprimanded and commit a repeat offense or the first violation causes serious consequences, you will be warned or dismissed (if you have a position).

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

Avoiding the obligation to care for and raise children, and abusing the labor of minor children.

Preventing the person who does not directly raise the child from visiting the child after a divorce (except in cases where the parents are limited in their right to visit the child by court decision).

Avoiding or failing to perform guardianship obligations after completing procedures for recognition of guardianship at the People's Committee of the commune, ward or town according to the provisions of law.

Correcting, falsifying content, forging documents to register adoption.

Violations in correcting, falsifying content or forging documents for marriage registration.

- Warning or dismissal (if there is a position)

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

Irresponsibility and incorrect confirmation of marital status lead to illegal marriage registration.

Intentionally making false statements or committing fraudulent acts when registering marriage or giving or adopting children.

Violating regulations on marriage prohibition, violating the monogamous marriage regime.


Forcing spouses and children to do unethical or illegal things that do not rise to the level of criminal prosecution.

Refuse to perform or not fulfill the parental support obligation or child support obligation after divorce according to the provisions of law.

Violation of regulations on marriage with foreigners

Having a child married to a foreigner or Vietnamese residing abroad without truthfully reporting in writing to the cell or standing party committee of his/her management on the background and political attitudes of the seal (or son-in-law) and their biological father and mother.

- Causing less serious consequences: Reprimand.

- If you have been reprimanded and commit a repeat offense or the first violation causes serious consequences, you will be warned or dismissed (if you have a position).

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

I know, but letting my child marry a foreigner violates the law on marriage and family in Vietnam.

Having a spouse who is a foreigner, Vietnamese residing abroad or married to a foreigner, Vietnamese residing abroad but not reporting to the directly managing party committee and party committee of his/her locality living.

- Warning or dismissal (if there is a position)

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

I personally know that there are no measures to prevent my children from marrying foreigners, and Vietnamese people residing abroad are committing acts against the Party and the State.

There are acts of forcing children to marry foreigners or Vietnamese residing abroad for personal gain.

Brokering marriages between Vietnamese and foreigners is against the provisions of Vietnamese law.

Intentionally marrying a foreigner or Vietnamese residing abroad who is not eligible for marriage according to Vietnamese law.


Marrying a foreigner or Vietnamese residing abroad knowing that person has committed serious crimes, has attitudes or activities against the Party or State.

Marrying a foreigner or Vietnamese residing abroad without reporting in writing to the party cell about that person's background, or having reported but the competent party organization disagrees but still intentionally perform.

Intentionally concealing the party organization; forcing children to marry foreigners or Vietnamese residing abroad in contravention of Party regulations and State laws.

Violation of regulations on relationships with foreign organizations and individuals

Allow your parents, spouse, children, brothers, sisters, or siblings to travel, visit, study, or receive medical treatment at home or abroad on your own or through the organization's sponsorship. foreign individuals without permission from competent authorities.

- Causing less serious consequences: Reprimand.

- If you have been reprimanded and commit a repeat offense or the first violation causes serious consequences, you will be warned or dismissed (if you have a position).

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

Accepting work in foreign agencies, organizations or individuals without reporting to the competent party organization.

Having a close relationship with a foreigner, but not reporting according to regulations.

Arbitrarily going abroad without reporting or without the consent of the directly managing party committee and the party committee of the place of residence.

Having money, precious metals, gemstones, and valuable papers such as money deposited in foreign banks contrary to State regulations.

- Warning or dismissal (if there is a position)

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

Transferring money and assets to foreigners abroad illegally.

Acting as a consultant for foreign enterprises, business organizations, services, organizations and individuals that are harmful to national interests.

Joint venture, association, capital investment in any form with foreign individuals, organizations or Vietnamese residing abroad without reporting or without the consent of the competent party organization.

Relationships with foreign organizations and individuals, Vietnamese people residing abroad who commit acts against the Party and State, harming national interests.


Knowing but still receiving funding from individuals and organizations with anti-Party and State activities.

Agreeing, covering up, and abetting activities of foreigners or Vietnamese people abroad against the Party and State.

Providing and disclosing information, documents and artifacts within the Party and State's secrets to foreign countries, to hostile and reactionary individuals and political organizations in any form.

Active in hostile and reactionary foreign political parties and organizations.

Violation of regulations on population and family planning policies

Obstructing or forcing the implementation of family planning; Participate in testing and diagnostic activities to determine the sex of the fetus against regulations.

- Causing less serious consequences: Reprimand.

- If you have been reprimanded and commit a repeat offense or the first violation causes serious consequences, you will be warned or dismissed (if you have a position).

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

Untruthful declaration or request for confirmation or assessment of the health status of spouse and children to comply with regulations or to avoid being handled for violating population and planning policies family.

Violations in case of giving birth to a fourth child (except in cases where the law provides otherwise)

Warning or dismissal (if there is a position)

Violation in case of giving birth to the fifth child or more


Fraud in giving birth or adopting a child that is actually a biological child in order to intentionally have another child outside the regulations.

Violation of regulations on professional ethics in the health sector

Violation of professional regulations and rules in the health sector.

- Causing less serious consequences: Reprimand.

- If you have been reprimanded and commit a repeat offense or the first violation causes serious consequences, you will be warned or dismissed (if you have a position).

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

Not being truthful in declaring and paying medical examination and treatment costs.

Discriminating against patients, having a favoritism attitude, abusing their profession and causing trouble and harassment to patients; Refusing medical examination and treatment for patients.

Giving patients poor quality, expired drugs, prescribing drugs that do not match the requirements and severity of the disease.

Prescribing and instructing patients to buy medicine at drug stores, suggesting that patients be transferred to medical examination and treatment facilities related to them to earn illegal commissions.

Using patients as experiments for diagnostic, treatment, and scientific research methods without permission from the Ministry of Health and the patient's consent.

- Warning or dismissal (if there is a position)

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

Not doing your best to cure the patient can lead to serious consequences for the patient.

Prescribing drugs to patients that are not consistent with the diagnosis and having no measures to ensure reasonable and safe use of drugs.

Producing, trading, licensing or permitting the import and supply of medical equipment and modern drugs that do not meet quality standards, are expired or have not been permitted for circulation and use in Vietnam.

If you have shortcomings or shortcomings, you do not consciously accept responsibility for yourself and blame others.

Lack of responsibility in medical examination and treatment; requiring patients to come for examination and treatment at a private medical facility that they established or a medical facility that they participated in establishing in order to profit.

Violating professional and technical regulations in medical examination and treatment, causing serious consequences for patients.


Arbitrarily abandoning one's position while on duty, failing to promptly monitor and handle patient developments leading to death.

Lack of responsibility, failure to promptly provide first aid, emergency care, timely diagnosis and treatment of patients leads to the patient's death.

Setting material conditions or soliciting money or gifts of great value from the patient or patient's family during the medical examination and treatment process.

Erasing or altering medical records to avoid responsibility; taking advantage of medical examination and treatment to profit from health insurance.

Violations of social evils

Know but let parents, spouses, and children living in the same family participate in gambling or loan sharking in any form without taking preventive measures or not reporting to competent state agencies. .

- Causing less serious consequences: Reprimand.

- If you have been reprimanded and commit a repeat offense or the first violation causes serious consequences, you will be warned or dismissed (if you have a position).

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

Know but let parents, spouses, and children living in the same family use or store, circulate, buy, sell, or transport cultural products with prohibited or harmful content without reporting to the authorities competent country.

Participate in gambling or using drugs or participating in other social evils.

- Warning or dismissal (if there is a position)

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

People who have the responsibility to directly fight against social evils but tolerate, cover up, assist or fail to promptly handle violators of the acts of buying and selling sex, using drugs, gambling, etc. lending at high interest rates or storing, circulating, buying, selling, and transporting cultural products with prohibited or harmful content.

Storing, circulating, trading, or transporting cultural products with prohibited or harmful content.

Tolerating, harboring or being irresponsible allowing acts of prostitution, drugs, gambling and other social evils to occur in the units, agencies, organizations and areas under their direct management and responsibility. .

Know but let parents, spouses, and children living in the same family use, produce, store, buy, sell, and transport illegal drugs.

Organizing the production, sale, circulation or distribution of cultural products with prohibited or harmful content.


Illegally producing, storing, trading, transporting or organizing the illegal use of narcotics.

Lending high interest rates, using illegal acts in any form to collect debt.

Organizations that harbor and broker prostitution; organizing prostitution activities; patronizing prostitution; taking advantage of service business to engage in prostitution.

Initiate, initiate, or organize gambling in any form or have been punished for gambling but continue to re-offend.

Domestic violence violations

Using and spreading information, images, and sounds that incite domestic violence.

- Causing less serious consequences: Reprimand.

- If you have been reprimanded and commit a repeat offense or the first violation causes serious consequences, you will be warned or dismissed (if you have a position).

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

Preventing the exercise of rights and obligations in family relationships between grandparents and grandchildren; between father, mother and child; between husband and wife; between brothers and sisters.

Prevent the detection, reporting, prevention and handling of domestic violence.

Appropriating, destroying or intentionally damaging other family members' private property or common family property.

- Warning or dismissal (if there is a position)

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

Forcing family members to work too hard or contribute financially beyond their ability; Control the income of family members to create a situation of financial dependence.

There is an illegal act of forcing a family member out of their place of residence.

Forcing, inciting, inciting, or assisting others to commit acts of domestic violence.

Tolerating, covering up, not handling, and improperly handling acts of domestic violence.

Revenge and repress those who discover, report, and prevent acts of domestic violence.


Harassing, mistreating, beating or committing other acts harmful to health or life; insulting and insulting honor and dignity; Isolate, drive away or put constant psychological pressure on family members or people who have contributed to raising you.

Violation of ethics and civilized lifestyle

Organize weddings, funerals, holidays, birthdays, longevity celebrations, wedding anniversaries, new homes, promotions, job transfers that are lavish, wasteful or illegal.

- Causing less serious consequences: Reprimand.

- If you have been reprimanded and commit a repeat offense or the first violation causes serious consequences, you will be warned or dismissed (if you have a position).

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

Violating regulations prohibiting the consumption of alcohol and beer affects party membership.

There is sexual harassment in any form.

Disrupting, causing trouble, fighting or engaging in unethical behavior that disrupts public security and order.

Organizing weddings and funerals on a large scale, lasting many days; Organizing death anniversaries, birthdays, longevity celebrations, promotions, and new home celebrations on a large scale causes offense or anger among the people, and is condemned by society.

- Warning or dismissal (if there is a position)

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

Lacking responsibility or for personal reasons, condoning or inciting others to violate the law.

Being a leader or commander but committing acts that seriously offend dignity and honor or using corporal punishment on officers, soldiers, and employees under his command


Being a subordinate but committing acts that seriously offend dignity and honor or assault leaders, managers, commanders and colleagues.

Violation of belief and religion

Knowing and not taking measures to educate or prevent the spouse or children living in the same family from participating in illegal religious organizations or illegally proselytizing.

- Causing less serious consequences: Reprimand.

- If you have been reprimanded and commit a repeat offense or the first violation causes serious consequences, you will be warned or dismissed (if you have a position).

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

Superstitious and superstitious: Organize a ceremony to pray for promotion; fortune-telling, card-switching, asking a teacher to cast spells to exorcise evil spirits and other superstitious things.

Committing acts of coercion or preventing the freedom of belief or lawful religion of others.

Arbitrarily following a religion or accepting positions of dignitaries from religious organizations without reporting or consulting with directly managed party cells and organizations or having reported but not being approved by competent party organizations written comments.

- Warning or dismissal (if there is a position)

- If you cause very serious consequences, you will be expelled

Discrimination based on belief or religion in any form.

Organizing, mobilizing, seducing, inciting, manipulating, threatening, forcing others to participate in illegal religion.

Support or participate in illegal religious organizations. Violating citizens' right to freedom of belief and religion negatively impacts national unity and the nation's fine cultural traditions.

Covering up and abetting superstitious activities during festivals; Taking advantage of beliefs and religions in any form for personal gain.

The inciting organization aims to divide and unite religions at home and abroad.


Superstitious and superstitious activities to the point of fanaticism and blindness; practicing the profession of mediums, shamans, fortune tellers, and geographers for profit or other purposes.

Taking advantage of freedom of belief and religion to sabotage peace, independence, and national unity; inciting violence or war propaganda, propaganda contrary to State policies and laws.

Taking advantage of freedom of belief to divide people, ethnic groups and religions; disrupting public order, harming the life, health, dignity, honor, and property of organizations and individuals; hinders the exercise of civic rights and obligations

Presiding over, participating in or advocating, supporting or covering up or abetting individuals or organizations to establish and build new temples, pagodas, temples, shrines, worship facilities of religions without permission of competent state agencies.

Nguyen Trinh


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  • Address: 19 Nguyen Gia Thieu, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
    Phone: (028) 7302 2286
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