Communal police authorities now eligible to grant certificate of satisfaction of security and order conditions in from August 15, 2023

Are communal police authorities eligible to grant certificate of satisfaction of security and order conditions in Vietnam? - Hoang Nam (Ha Giang)

Communal police authorities now eligible to grant certificate of sastisfaction of security and order conditions in Vietnam  from August 15, 2023

Communal police authorities now eligible to grant certificate of satisfaction of security and order conditions in Vietnam from August 15, 2023 (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

Communal police authorities now eligible to grant certificate of satisfaction of security and order conditions in Vietnam from August 15, 2023

According to Article 24 of Decree 96/2016/ND-CP (amended and supplemented in Decree 56/2023/ND-CP), regulations on the Power to issue certificate of satisfaction of security and order conditions are as follows:

(i) The Police Department manages the administrative management of social order of the Ministry of Public Security

The Police Department for Administrative Management of Social Order directly under Ministry of Public Security shall assume the following responsibilities:

Issue Certificates of satisfaction of security and order conditions and manage the following business establishments:

- Traders in small-size handguns;

- Traders in industrial explosives;

- Traders in explosive precursors;

- Blasting service providers;

- Business establishments engaging in business sectors with use of industrial explosives for exploration/exploitation of minerals/petroleum in the continental shelf of vietnam;

- Providers of accommodation rated at 05 stars or above; traders in combat gears;

- Traders in paintball guns (except for paintball shooting service providers); traders in firecrackers; casino service providers;

- Providers of electronic casino game services for foreigners;

- Security service providers with foreign investment and those with functions to provide security guard training courses;

- Business establishments affiliated to ministry of public security;

(ii) Police Offices for Administrative Management of Social Order directly under Police authorities of central-affiliated cities or provinces

Police Offices for Administrative Management of Social Order directly under Police authorities of central-affiliated cities or provinces shall assume the following responsibilities:

Issue the certificate of satisfaction of security and order conditions and manage the following business establishments (except for those specified in point a clause 1 of this Article), including

- Traders in pyrotechnics;

- Industrial explosive transport service providers;

- Explosive precursor transport service providers;

- Seal manufacturing establishments;

- Establishments engaging in business lines using industrial explosives;

- Establishments manufacturing, buying and selling military clothes and hats, army badges and insignia of people’s military forces and people’s public security forces;

- Betting service providers;

- Printing service providers;

- Accommodation establishments featuring more than 20 rooms;

- Traders in mobile phone jammers;

- Plastic surgery service providers;

- Discotheque business establishments; security service providers;

- Traders in the following machinery and equipment (including parts, components and equipment for manufacturing thereof): radar speed guns; gsm phone trackers and other types of phone trackers;breathanalyzers.

Business establishments affiliated to the Army and for-profit administrative units of central and provincial agencies and organizations under their management.

Other business establishments not specified in (i) and (iii); business establishments upon the authorization in writing by the Police Department for Administrative Management of Social Order under Ministry of Public Security.

(iii) Police authorities of districts affiliated to provinces or central-affiliated cities

Police authorities of districts affiliated to provinces or central-affiliated cities shall issue certificates of satisfaction of security and order conditions and manage the following business establishments (except for those provided for in (i)(ii) and (iv)), consisting of

- Accommodation establishments featuring 10 to 20 rooms;

- Paintball shooting service providers;

- Karaoke business establishments;

- Massage service providers;

- Pawnshop service providers;

- Traders in warning devices of emergency vehicles;

- Gas business establishments;

- Business establishments other than printing service providers;

- For-profit administrative units that are affiliated to district-level agencies or organizations and engage in business lines subject to security and order conditions.

(iv) Communal police authorities

Communal police authorities shall issue the certificate of satisfaction of security and order conditions to the following business establishments: accommodation establishments featuring fewer than 10 rooms, gas business establishments that are household businesses.

Thus, the Commune Police will have the authority to issue certificates of satisfaction of security and order conditions from August 15, 2023.

Decree 56/2023/ND-CP takes effect on August 15, 2023.

Nguyen Ngoc Que Anh


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