Circular 18: Connection and Integration Packages with the National Public Service Portal of Vietnam

This is important content mentioned in Circular 18/2019/TT-BTTTT stipulating National Technical Regulations on the structure and format of data packets for connecting the National Public Service Portal of Vietnam with the Public Service Portal, ministerial-level, provincial-level single-window electronic information systems, and national, specialized databases.

basic  connection  packages,  integrated  with  the  National  Public  Service  Portal,  Circular  18/2019/TT-BTTTT

Illustrative image (source: internet)

The basic packets serving the connection between the National Public Service Portal of Vietnam and the Ministry/Province-level Single-window Electronic Information Systems with the National Public Service Portal of Vietnam are specified in detail in Table 1 of the National Technical Regulation on structure and data format of connection packets for the National National Public Service Portal of Vietnam with the Ministry/Province-level Public Service portal, Electronic Single-window Information System, and national, specialized databases (QCVN 120:2019/BTTTT) issued together with Circular 18/2019/TT-BTTTT. Specifically, as follows:

No Packet Description
1 Status synchronization packets, result delivery of administrative procedure resolution
1.1 DongBoHoSoMC Objective: Synchronize administrative procedure resolution records from the Ministry/Province-level Single-window Electronic Information System/Public Service portal to the National Public Service Portal (send or update the resolution record information of ministries/provincial agencies and units to the National Public Service Portal, serving citizens and organizations in record information lookup).

Components: Consists of 27 information fields. These fields are formatted as specified in Table 2.
1.2 CapNhatTienDoHoSoMC Objective: Update the resolution record processing progress of ministries/provincial agencies and units to the National Public Service Portal, serving citizens and organizations in processing progress lookup.

Components: Consists of 09 information fields and is formatted as specified in Table 3.
2 Synchronization packets of survey data, evaluation of public administrative service quality
  DongBoDanhGia Objective: Update user survey data on the quality of online Public Services of ministries/provincial agencies and units to the National Public Service Portal.

Components: Consists of 08 information fields formatted as specified in Table 4.
3 Synchronization packets of statistics on acceptances, processing, and result lookup of administrative procedures (Statistics)
3.1 DongBoThongKeHoSo Objective: Update statistical data from ministries/provincial units processing administrative procedures to the National Public Service Portal.

Components: Consists of 18 information fields formatted as specified in Table 5.


- This packet only supports statistics for fixed time points: Monthly, annually;

- In case of summarizing data for any period: The ministry/province must provide an Application programming interface/service for the National Public Service Portal to call for information upon request.
4 Information sharing packets on administrative procedures in the national database on administrative procedures
4.1 LayThuTuc Objective: Provide a method to retrieve information on administrative procedures.

Components: Consists of 25 information fields formatted as specified in Table 6.
4.2 LayQDCB Objective: Provide a method to retrieve the list of publication decision information on administrative procedures.

Components: Consists of 05 information fields formatted as specified in Table 7.
5 Sharing and synchronization packets of reflection and petition information
5.1 Packet group serving local authorities in sharing reflection and petition information to the National Public Service Portal (Reflection and Petitions: Questions, answers processed on the Public Service Portal, Ministry/Province-level Single-window Electronic System)
5.1.1 DongBoPAKNDiaPhuong Objective: Share reflection and petition information to the National Public Service Portal.

Components: Consists of 23 information fields formatted as specified in Table 8.
5.2 Packet group serving local authorities to retrieve pending reflection and petition data on the National Public Service Portal of their unit and synchronize the processing results to the National Public Service Portal

(Reflection and Petition: Questions retrieved from the National Public Service Portal, answers processed at the reflection and petition on the Public Service Portal, Ministry/Province-level Single-window Electronic System)
5.2.1 DanhSachPAKNChoXuLy Objective: Retrieve the list of citizen reflections and petitions pending processing on the National Public Service Portal.

Components: Consists of 24 fields of returning information as specified in Table 9.
5.2.2 DongBoKetQuaXuLyPAKN Objective: Share reflection and petition processing results to the National Public Service Portal (questions retrieved from the National Public Service Portal).

Components: Consists of 07 information fields as specified in Table 10.
5.2.3 LayTaiLieuPAKN Objective: Retrieve document information attached to a reflection and petition on the National Public Service Portal.

Components: Consists of

- Sent information includes 01 information field as specified in Table 11.

- Received information includes 03 information fields as specified in Table 12.
5.3 Packet group serving local authorities to retrieve information on their unit's processed and public reflections and petitions on the National Public Service Portal to the Public Service Portal, Ministry/Province-level Single-window Electronic System. (Reflection and Petition: Questions and answers on the National Public Service Portal)
5.3.1 DanhSachPAKNCongKhai Objective: National Public Service Portal, Ministry/Province-level Single-window Electronic Information System retrieves the list of reflections and petitions accepted and publicly processed by the National Public Service Portal to display on their unit's Public Service Portal.

Components: Consists of 26 information fields as specified in Table 13.
6 Answer feedback information packets
6.1 Packet group serving local authorities to share Q&A data from the Public Service Portal, Ministry/Province-level Single-window Electronic System to the National Public Service Portal
6.1.1 DongBoHoiDap Objective: National Public Service Portal, Ministry/Province-level Single-window Electronic System synchronizes Q&A to the National Public Service Portal, questions citizens send from their local authorities's Portal.

Components: Consists of 11 information fields as specified in Table 14.
6.2 Packet group serving local authorities to retrieve the list of citizen questions, businesses sent on the National Public Service Portal and synchronize answers from the Public Service Portal, Ministry/Province-level Single-window Electronic System to the National Public Service Portal
6.2.1 LayDanhSachHoiDapGuiTuPublic ServiceQG Objective: Share Q&A list from the National Public Service Portal to the Public Service Portal, Ministry/Province-level Single-window Electronic System.

Components: Consists of 12 information fields as specified in Table 15.
6.2.2 DongBoKetQuaHoiDapGuiTuPublic ServiceQG Objective: Synchronize Q&A results from the Public Service Portal, Ministry/Province-level Single-window Electronic System to the National Public Service Portal.

Components: Consists of 06 information fields as specified in Table 16.
6.3 Packet group serving the National Public Service Portal to share the Q&A set that ministries have compiled according to administrative procedures for provinces/cities
6.3.1 LayDanhSachHoiDapBoCoQuan Objective: National Public Service Portal shares the Q&A set compiled by local authorities according to each administrative procedure for local authorities.

Components: Consists of 11 information fields as specified in Table 17.

See the full regulations at Circular 18/2019/TT-BTTTT, which takes effect from July 1, 2020.

Thu Ba


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