Circular 09 providing guidance on staffing norms in public service providers in the field of labor in Vietnam

Circular 09 providing guidance on staffing norms in public service providers in the field of labor in Vietnam
Trần Thanh Rin

Circular 09/2024/TT-BLDTBXH has provided guidelines on staffing norms in public service providers in the field of labor in Vietnam from October 15, 2024.

On August 31, 2024, the Minister of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam issued Circular 09/2024/TT-BLDTBXH guiding the staffing norms in public service providers in the sectors of labor, people with meritorious services, and social affairs.

Circular 09 providing guidance on staffing norms in public service providers in the field of labor in Vietnam

Circular 09/2024/TT-BLDTBXH sets out the norms for the number of workers in public service providers in the sectors of labor, people with meritorious services, and social affairs, effective from October 15, 2024, as specified below:

(1) Norms for the number of workers in public service providers offering vocational education services in Vietnam

Public service providers in the field of vocational education shall determine the appropriate number of teachers and lecturers based on the actual operational situation, the scale of training, and the criterion of the maximum ratio of 25 converted students per converted teacher or lecturer.

(Article 4, Circular 09/2024/TT-BLDTBXH)

(2) Norms for the number of workers in public service providers offering occupational safety and hygiene services

Public service providers offering occupational safety and hygiene services shall determine the minimum number of workers for each position based on the actual situation, organizational structure, and the roadmap for staff streamlining (if any), ensuring compliance with the following regulations:

Ensure a minimum of 15 workers in the unit (excluding public service providers offering basic and essential public services established according to specialized industry regulations).

(Article 5, Circular 09/2024/TT-BLDTBXH)

(3) Norms for the number of workers in public service providers offering social assistance and child protection services; social services in public social protection establishments

- Public service providers offering social assistance and child protection services; social services in public social protection establishments, based on the characteristics, scale, and number of service recipients, shall determine the number of workers with specific professional titles according to the following norms:

No Specialized Professional Title Maximum Number of Recipients per Worker
1. Senior Social Worker 01 senior social worker managing 30 recipients
2. Social Worker 01 social worker managing 25 recipients
3. Social Service Staff 01 social service staff managing 20 recipients
4. Direct Care Staff at Establishments  
a) Child Care Staff 01 staff caring for 01 child under 18 months old, up to 06 normal children aged 18 months to under 6 years, or up to 10 normal children aged 6 to under 16 years; caring for up to 04 disabled or mentally ill or HIV/AIDS-infected children aged 18 months to under 6 years; caring for up to 05 disabled or mentally ill or HIV/AIDS-infected children aged 6 years to under 16 years
b) Staff Caring for Disabled People 01 staff caring for up to 10 self-sufficient disabled persons or up to 04 non-self-sufficient disabled persons
c) Staff Caring for the Elderly 01 staff caring for up to 10 self-sufficient elderly persons or up to 04 non-self-sufficient elderly persons
d) Staff Caring for Mentally Ill Persons 01 staff caring for up to 02 extremely mentally ill persons, up to 04 severely mentally ill persons, or up to 10 recovered and stable mentally ill persons
e) Staff Caring for Wanderers 01 staff caring for up to 12 wanderers (this norm applies to the periods of admission into the establishment for evaluation and return to the local area)
5. Psychologist Each establishment must have at least 01 psychologist
6. Healthcare Staff 01 healthcare staff caring for up to 50 recipients
7. Nutrition Staff 01 nutrition staff serving up to 20 recipients
8. Rehabilitation Staff 01 rehabilitation staff guiding the rehabilitation of up to 05 recipients
9. Culture and Vocational Training Teachers 01 teacher responsible for culture and vocational training for up to 09 recipients
10. Professional and General Support Positions percentage of total workforce not exceeding 20%  

- For units with functional specialization in healthcare or other specialized fields, they shall determine the number of workers according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health or relevant sectoral management ministries to align with the assigned functions and tasks.

(Article 6, Circular 09/2024/TT-BLDTBXH)

More details can be found in Circular 09/2024/TT-BLDTBXH which takes effect in Vietnam from October 15, 2024.


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