Change in organizational structure of the State Bank of Vietnam: Some departments no longer listed in the organizational structure

From March 1, 2025, the organizational structure of the State Bank of Vietnam shall be implemented according to Decree 26/2025/ND-CP, replacing Decree 102/2022/ND-CP, which was amended by Decree 146/2024/ND-CP.

Thay  đổi  cơ  cấu  tổ  chức  Ngân  hàng  Nhà  nước:  Một  số  cơ  quan  không  còn  tên  trong  cơ  cấu  tổ  chức

Change in organizational structure of the State Bank of Vietnam: Some departments no longer listed in the organizational structure (Image from the Internet)

Change in organizational structure of the State Bank of Vietnam

According to Article 3 of Decree 26/2025/ND-CP, the organizational structure of the State Bank of Vietnam is defined as follows:

The units are administrative organizations assisting the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam in performing the functions of state management and central banking:

- Monetary Policy Department.

- Payment Department.

- Credit Department for Economic Sectors.

- Forecasting and Statistics Department - Monetary and Financial Stability.

- International Cooperation Department.

- Legal Department.

- Finance and Accounting Department.

- Personnel and Organization Department.

- Office.

- State Bank of Vietnam Inspectorate.

- Transaction Office.

- Information Technology Department.

- Issuance and Treasury Department.

- Foreign Exchange Management Department.

- Anti-money Laundering Department.

- Credit Institution Management and Supervision Department.

- Credit Institution System Safety Department.

- State Bank of Vietnam branches in regions (Regional State Bank of Vietnams).

Public service providers serving the state management functions of the State Bank of Vietnam:

- National Credit Information Center of Vietnam.

- Banking Times.

The Monetary Policy Department, Forecasting and Statistics Department - Monetary and Financial Stability have 6 divisions. The Credit Department for Economic Sectors, International Cooperation Department, Finance and Accounting Department, Personnel and Organization Department have 5 divisions. The Payment Department has 4 divisions. The Legal Department has 3 divisions.

The Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam submits to the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam for promulgation the list of other public service providers under the State Bank of Vietnam.

Some departments no longer listed in the organizational structure of the State Bank of Vietnam

The agencies in Article 3 of Decree 102/2022/ND-CP (amended by Article 1 of Decree 146/2024/ND-CP) are no longer listed in the organizational structure of the State Bank of Vietnam according to Decree 26/2025/ND-CP including:

- Internal Audit Department.

- Communication Department.

- Administration Department.

- Branches in provinces and centrally-run cities.

- Banking Strategy Institute.

- Banking Magazine.

- Banking Academy.

Tasks and powers of the State Bank of Vietnam

Pursuant to Article 2 of Decree 26/2025/ND-CP, the tasks and powers of the State Bank of Vietnam are specified as follows:

(1) Submitting to the Government of Vietnam draft laws, draft resolutions of the National Assembly, draft ordinances, draft resolutions of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly; draft decrees, resolutions of the Government of Vietnam according to the annual legislative program, plan of the State Bank of Vietnam approved, and the resolutions, projects, schemes as assigned by the Government of Vietnam, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam; strategy, planning, annual and long-term development plans; national target programs, action programs, and major national projects under the field managed by the State Bank of Vietnam.

(2) Submitting to the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam draft decisions, directives, and other documents in the field managed by the State Bank of Vietnam or as assigned.

(3) Issuing circulars and other documents within the scope of state management of the State Bank of Vietnam. Directing, guiding, inspecting, and being responsible for organizing the implementation of legal normative documents; programs, projects, and development plans already issued or approved under the management of the State Bank of Vietnam.

(4) Establishing the annual inflation target for submission to the Government of Vietnam; utilizing tools to implement national monetary policy, including: refinancing, interest rates, exchange rates, reserve requirements, open market operations, issuance of State Bank of Vietnam bills, and other tools, measures to implement national monetary policy.

(5) Organizing statistics, statistical investigations, collecting, and storing information on domestic and foreign economics, finances, monetary and banking within the authority of the State Bank of Vietnam; conducting monetary and banking analysis and forecasting; disclosing information on monetary and banking according to law.

(6) Granting, amending, supplementing, revoking establishment and operation licenses of credit institutions, foreign bank branch licenses, representative office licenses of foreign credit institutions, other foreign organizations with banking operations; granting, amending, supplementing, revoking licenses for providing intermediary payment services to non-bank organizations; issuing, reissuing, changing content, and revoking credit information service operational licenses (certificates of eligibility for credit information service operation) for organizations; issuing, revoking registration certificates for microfinance programs, projects; approving purchases, sales, divisions, mergers, consolidations, and dissolutions of credit institutions according to law.

(7) Deciding on the application of special handling measures for credit institutions severely violating legal regulations on money and banking, facing financial difficulties, at risk of causing instability to the banking system, including: purchasing shares of credit institutions; suspending, temporarily suspending, dismissing managers, executives of credit institutions; deciding on merger, consolidation, dissolution of credit institutions; placing credit institutions under special control; exercising its duties, powers under the law on bankruptcy for credit institutions.

(8) Approving the proposed list of individuals to be elected, appointed as members of the Board of Directors, Members’ Council, Supervisory Board, General Director (Director) of credit institutions; approving other changes according to the Law on Credit Institutions.

(9) Implementing state management on anti-money laundering according to the law on anti-money laundering.

(10) Inspecting, examining, supervising banks; inspecting, examining foreign exchange activities, gold trading, anti-money laundering activities; credit control; having the right to require bank inspection subjects, bank supervision subjects to hire independent audit organizations to conduct independent audits according to law; handling law violations in the field of money, banking activities, foreign exchange, and anti-money laundering according to law.

(11) Implementing state management on deposit insurance according to the law on deposit insurance.

(12) Leading the preparation, monitoring, forecasting, and analyzing the results of the international balance of payments; reporting on the implementation status of Vietnam's international balance of payments according to the law; serving as the focal point to provide Vietnam's balance of payments data to domestic and international organizations according to the law.

(13) Organizing, managing, operating, and monitoring to ensure safety, efficiency of the national payment system, providing payment services for banks; overseeing the intermediary payment services; participating in organizing and overseeing the operation of payment systems in the economy; managing payment instruments in the economy.

(14) Managing state on foreign exchange, foreign exchange activities, and gold trading.

(15) Representing the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Government of Vietnam at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank Group (WB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Investment Bank (IIB), International Bank for Economic Co-operation (IBEC), Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), and other international monetary, banking organizations.

Implementing the rights and obligations of Vietnam at international monetary and banking organizations where the State Bank of Vietnam acts as representative; proposing to the Government of Vietnam, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam policies, measures to develop and expand cooperation relations with these organizations.

(16) Proposing to the Government of Vietnam regarding the signing of specific international treaties on non-refundable ODA capital not attached to loans from international financial, monetary, and banking organizations for which the State Bank of Vietnam acts as representative according to law.

(17) Implementing international cooperation in the field of money, banking, and foreign exchange according to the law; participating, executing Vietnam's obligations as a member of international anti-money laundering organizations.

(18) Stabilizing the monetary, financial system.

(19) Performing central bank operations.

(20) Extending special loans to credit institutions according to law.

(21) Organizing the credit information system and providing credit information services; implementing state management functions over credit information organizations; analyzing and rating credit of legal entities and individuals within the territory of Vietnam.

(22) Acting as an agent and providing banking services for the State Treasury.

(23) Participating with the Ministry of Finance in issuing bonds of the Government of Vietnam, bonds guaranteed by the Government of Vietnam.

(24) Deciding on the approval of investment policies, investment decisions for programs, projects under the management of the State Bank of Vietnam; organizing tracking, evaluating, monitoring, inspecting, examining the implementation status of plans, programs, projects under the management of the State Bank of Vietnam according to the law.

(25) Organizing and directing scientific research, application of scientific and technological advancements, and environmental protection in the banking field according to the law.

(26) Organizing training, professional development in the field of money and banking according to the law.

(27) Deciding on specific directives, measures and directing the implementation of operational mechanisms for public service units in the field of money, banking activities, and foreign exchange; managing public service providers under its authority according to law.

(28) Implementing the duties, powers over associations, non-governmental organizations under the state management by the State Bank of Vietnam according to law.

(29) Inspecting, checking, resolving complaints, accusations; anti-corruption, receiving citizens; practicing thrift, combating waste according to the law.

(30) Managing and organizing the implementation of banking industry communication activities related to the functions and duties of the State Bank of Vietnam.

(31) Managing the organizational apparatus, official payroll, number of workers, job positions, civil servant structure according to rank, public employee structure according to professional title, and the number of employees in public service providers; deciding on rotation, transfer, appointment, re-appointment, dismissal, resignation, retirement, resignation, commendation, discipline; policies, incentive policies, training, retraining officials and public employees and workers under its authority according to law.

(32) Submitting to the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam regulations on recruitment mechanisms, incentive policies for officials appropriate to the specialized operational activities of the State Bank of Vietnam.

(33) Managing finance, assets assigned according to law.

(34) Performing other duties, powers assigned by the Government of Vietnam, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam and according to law.

The aforementioned information describes the changes in the organizational structure of the State Bank of Vietnam.

Le Quang Nhat Minh


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