Approval of Son La Provincial Planning for the period 2021 - 2030, vision to 2050 in Vietnam

What are the regulations on Son La Provincial Planning for the period 2021 - 2030, vision to 2050 in Vietnam approved by the Prime Minister? - Que Chau (Son La)

Approval of Son La Provincial Planning for the period 2021 - 2030, vision to 2050 in Vietnam

Approval of Son La Provincial Planning for the period 2021 - 2030, vision to 2050 in Vietnam (Internet image)

On December 25, 2023, the Prime Minister issued Decision 1676/QD-TTg approving the Planning of Son La province for the period 2021–2030, with a vision to 2050.

Approval of Son La province planning for the period 2021–2030, vision to 2050

(1) Development goals until 2030

* Overall objectives

- Striving by 2030, Son La province will become a province of rapid, comprehensive, sustainable, and equitable development. Strive to make the province one of the well-developed provinces of the Northern midlands and mountainous regions, the center of the Northwest sub-region; the tourism key of the Vietnam-Laos border region and the Northern midland and mountainous region; and the agricultural product processing center of the northern midland and mountainous region. Convenient connection with major socio-economic centers of the region, the country, the international region of the Mekong sub-region, neighboring countries, and ASEAN. Strengthen defense, security, and foreign affairs; protect independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity; and maintain a peaceful and stable environment, contributing to the development of the region and the country.

- Develop Son La to continue to become a province with multi-sector and multi-sector development, including: industry, services, agriculture, urban, and rural areas. Among them, agriculture applies high technology; ecological, cultural, and historical tourism; smart urban areas and new rural areas rich in identity are the focus; green industry and large-scale urban systems are top concerns. Develop a synchronous infrastructure system; have a close development relationship with neighboring provinces in the region and the whole country; have a sustainable ecological environment; and have an effective response to climate change.

* Specific goals and targets until 2030

- Regarding economic:

+ The average growth rate for the period 2021–2030 reaches over 8%.

+ Economic structure in the period 2021–2025: agriculture, forestry, and fisheries about 20–21%; industry—construction about 30–31%; and services about 40–41%. Economic structure in the period 2026–2030: agriculture, forestry, and fisheries are about 17–18%, industry—construction is about 32–33%, and services are about 43–44%.

+ GRDP per capita by 2025 will reach over 60 million VND/person, by 2030, it will reach about 100–120 million VND/person.

+ State budget revenue in the area by 2025 will reach over 6,250 billion VND, and by 2030 it will reach over 8,000 billion VND.

+ Total social investment capital in the period 2021–2025 reaches over 120,000 billion VND, and in the period 2026–2030, it reaches over 150,000 billion VND.

+ The digital economy will reach about 10-15% of GRDP by 2025 and 20-30% of GRDP by 2030.

+ The urbanization rate in the whole province by 2025 will reach about 20.6%, and by 2030 it will reach about 25.8%.

- About culture and society:

+ Human development index (HDI) reached 0.7.

+ The average life expectancy of people is over 75 years old, of which the healthy life span is over 68 years.

+ The rate of multidimensional poverty in households decreased by an average of 2-3%/year.

+ At least 80.8% of communes meet new rural standards; continue to maintain Son La city to complete the task of building new rural areas, with at least 03 district-level units meeting new rural standards by 2030.

+ The rate of trained workers will reach over 60% by 2025 and over 70% by 2030. The rate of workers with degrees and certificates by 2025 will reach about 30%, and by 2030 it will reach over 40%.

+ Percentage of schools meeting national standards by 2025: Preschool reaches 70%, primary school reaches 72%, middle school reaches 76%, and high school reaches 88%; By 2030: preschool reaches 80%, primary school reaches 82%, middle school reaches 86%, and high school reaches 98%.

+ The number of doctors/10,000 people by 2025 will reach 9 doctors and by 2030 will reach 9.5 doctors; the number of hospital beds/10,000 people by 2025 will reach 31 hospital beds and by 2030 will reach 32 hospital beds.

+ The rate of communes, wards, towns and villages, sub-zones, and residential groups having cultural houses by 2025 will reach 100%; Strive to reach about 60% of cultural houses meeting prescribed standards by 2030. Building cultural and sports projects that meet national and international standards in districts, towns, and cities for tourism development to ensure that they meet the conditions for organizing international cultural, sports, and tourism events .

+ The proportion of the urban population using clean water by 2025 will reach over 94%; by 2030, it will reach over 96%.

+ The proportion of the rural population using clean water meeting standards by 2025 will reach about 50%, and by 2030 it will reach about 60%.

- Regarding environment:

+ Forest coverage rate will reach 48.5% by 2025 and stabilize at 50% by 2030.

+ The rate of urban solid waste collected and treated reached 98%.

+ Rural household solid waste is collected and treated at 93%.

+ Hazardous waste is collected, transported, and treated according to regulations, reaching over 98%.

+ Domestic solid waste is treated with direct burial technology, accounting for less than 50% of the total amount of waste collected.

+ The rate of urban wastewater treated to meet prescribed standards and regulations is over 50% for urban areas of grade II and above and over 20% for the remaining urban areas.

+ The rate of industrial parks and industrial clusters ensuring environmental protection regulations reaches 100%.

- Regarding national defense and security:

+ Ensure national defense and security; firmly protect sovereignty and border security; ensure social order and safety; continue to firmly consolidate the provincial defense area; and comprehensively build a people's security posture associated with an all-people defense posture and an all-people border defense posture. Combine the tasks of socio-economic development with strengthening national defense and ensuring security. Strengthen border defense in foreign affairs and build borders of peace, friendship, cooperation, and development.

+ Build a comprehensively strong armed force, improve overall quality and combat readiness, and complete all assigned tasks. By 2030, 100% of communes, wards, towns, agencies, units, and schools will meet drug-free standards; 100% of agencies, businesses, educational institutions, and residential areas in communes, wards, and towns will meet the standards of "Safety, security, and order".

(2) Vision to 2050

By 2050, Son La will be an important development pole of the Northwest region; have a synchronously developed and modern infrastructure system; and have an economic foundation that is competitive with other provinces in the region and the whole country. The urban system has a key development orientation with the orientation of forming large urban areas associated with urban green belt roads, serving as a driving force for socio-economic development and territorial balance on the basis of exploiting the advantages of high mountain areas, the Da River lakebed, and the Moc Chau plateau for the purpose of developing agriculture and tourism. The economy develops stably, sustainably, and fairly; grows at a steadily increasing pace; meets social targets better and better; effectively uses natural resources and growth resources; has green production and social living spaces adapted to climate change; has a dynamic investment environment; and guarantees political security, national defense, and social order and safety.

More details can be found in Decision 1676/QD-TTg, taking effect on December 25, 2023.


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