Approval of Phu Yen Province Planning for the period 2021–2030 with a vision to 2050 in Vietnam

What are the regulations on Phu Yen Province Planning for the period 2021–2030 with a vision to 2050 in Vietnam approved by the Prime Minister? – Van Trong (Phu Yen)

Approval of Phu Yen Province Planning for the period 2021–2030 with a vision to 2050 in Vietnam

Approval of Phu Yen Province Planning for the period 2021–2030 with a vision to 2050 in Vietnam (Internet image)

On December 30, 2023, the Prime Minister issued Decision 1746/QD-TTg approving the Phu Yen Province Planning for the period 2021–2030, with a vision to 2050.

Approval of Phu Yen Province Planning for the period 2021–2030 with a vision to 2050

(1) Development objectives until 2030

* Overall objectives

Striving by 2030, Phu Yen will be a province with modern and sustainable development. Economic development is based on maritime advantages with the following pillars: Industry (metallurgy, refining, petrochemicals, energy, etc.); high-quality service tourism; high-tech agriculture; maritime transport and logistics. Successfully implementing the objectives of digital transformation, developing the digital economy, greatly improving the business investment environment, and becoming an attractive investment destination for large domestic and foreign enterprises. There is a synchronous and modern economic and social infrastructure network. The people's material and spiritual lives are enhanced, the living environment is improved, political security, social order, and safety are maintained, and national defense and security are strengthened.

* Specific objectives and targets

- Economic:

+ The average growth rate of gross product (GRDP) in the period 2021–2030 will reach about 8.5 - 9%/year; the average GRDP per capita by 2030 will reach about 150–156 million VND.

+ Economic structure by 2030: Industry - construction accounts for about 34%; services account for 46%; agriculture, forestry, and fisheries account for 15%; and product tax (except product subsidies) accounts for about 5.0%.

+ The contribution of total factor productivity (TFP) to growth reached over 40%.

+ The average labor productivity growth rate reaches 7.0 - 7.5%/year.

+ The growth rate of state budget revenue in the area (excluding land use fees) is an average of 9 - 10%/year.

+ Total investment capital needs in the province in the period 2021–2025 will reach about 95–98 trillion VND, and in the period 2026–2030, they will reach about 190 - 200 trillion VND.

+ Total tourist arrivals to Phu Yen reached 7,000,000 visitors, including 600,000 international visitors. The tourism industry's GRDP contribution to the province's total GRDP reached about 15%.

+ The proportion of the digital economy accounts for 30% of GRDP;

+ The urbanization rate reaches about 50%, urban areas develop in a smart direction.

- Regarding society:

+ Multidimensional poverty rate will be reduced to less than 1.5% by 2030.

+ The rate of trained workers reaches 85%; the rate of workers with degrees and certificates reaches 40%. The proportion of workers in the agricultural sector decreased to less than 35%.

+ Create new jobs for 23,000–25,000 workers each year

+ Percentage of national-standard schools: Preschool: 55% of schools meet level 1 standards; Primary school: 60% of schools meet level 1 standards; 5% of schools meet level 2 standards; Secondary school: 65% of schools meet level 1 standards; 2% of schools meet level 2 standards; High school: 50% of schools meet level 1 standards; 25% of schools meet level 2 standards.

+ Average life expectancy reaches 75.5 years; healthy life expectancy (in years) is over 68 years old;

+ The rate of people participating in health insurance reached over 98%; reaching 42 - 44 hospital beds/10,000 people; 12 doctors/10,000 people;

+ The rate of malnutrition in children under 5 years old decreased by weight to less than 9% and by height to less than 15%.

- Regarding environmental protection:

+ Maintain forest coverage rate at 48%.

+ 100% of the rural population has access to hygienic water, of which 80%–85% have access to clean water that meets standards; Strive to supply nearly 100% of the urban population with clean water through the centralized water supply system. Ensuring water supply for industrial zones and clusters.

+ The rate of hazardous waste collected, transported, and treated according to regulations reaches 95%; the rate of collected household solid waste is over 95%, and 70–80% is recycled, reused, or treated with advanced technology; the landfill rate after treatment is not more than 30%.

+ Urban areas must have a wastewater collection and treatment system that meets standards; the rate of wastewater collection and treatment in grade I urban areas reaches at least 50% and over 20% (for the remaining urban types).

+ The rate of industrial parks with centralized wastewater collection and treatment systems meeting environmental technical standards reached 100%.

- Regarding infrastructure:

+ Complete investment in the infrastructure system framework: modern seaport and airport; Highways connect conveniently with regional provinces and the whole country; Digital infrastructure capable of promoting and improving digital transformation efficiency; Basic urban infrastructure is modernly invested and well organized; Science and technology infrastructure and training development form a hub for science, technology, and innovation.

+ The rate of communes meeting new rural standards is over 90%; the rate of communes meeting model new rural standards is about 30%.

- National defense and security: Proactively grasp the situation, predict and promptly handle situations, not being caught unawares; effectively prevent and combat traditional and non-traditional security challenges; Strengthen national defense and security in both potential and posture, build a strong provincial defense area, all-people defense posture associated with the People's security posture, and strong all-people border defense posture in the new situation, contributing to maintaining political security, social order, and safety, and promoting local socio-economic development.

(2) Vision to 2050

Phu Yen becomes a province with a diverse and prosperous economy and good development compared to other localities in the country. By 2035, Phu Yen province can balance the state budget. As a marine economic center of the Central Coast region; have a smart, green, sustainable, and unique urban system in which coastal cities attract tourists and have a livable environment for the region and the whole country. Synchronous and modern infrastructure system. Socio-economic activities and public administration are operated mainly according to the mechanisms of the digital economy and digital society. Economic sectors, developed in smart ways and with green and circular economic models, continue to be an attractive destination for large domestic and foreign investors. The province's traditional cultural values are preserved and promoted effectively, contributing significantly to socio-economic development; national defense, security, social order, and safety are firmly guaranteed; and people have prosperous and happy lives.

More details can be found in Decision 1746/QD-TTg, taking effect on December 30, 2023.

Ho Quoc Tuan


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