Approval of Ha Nam province planning for the period 2021 - 2030, vision to 2050 in Vietnam

What are the regulations on approval of Ha Nam province planning for the period 2021 - 2030, vision to 2050 in Vietnam approved by the Prime Minister? - Khanh Vy (Ha Nam)

Approval of Ha Nam province planning for the period 2021 - 2030, vision to 2050 in Vietnam

Approval of Ha Nam province planning for the period 2021 - 2030, vision to 2050 in Vietnam (Internet image)

On December 26, 2023, the Prime Minister issued Decision 1686/QD-TTg approving Ha Nam Provincial Planning for the period 2021–2030, with a vision to 2050 in Vietnam.

Approval of Ha Nam province planning for the period 2021–2030, vision to 2050 in Vietnam

(1) Development goals until 2030

* Overall objectives

By 2030, Ha Nam province will be built to be rich, beautiful, and civilized, striving to achieve a decent level of development in the Red River Delta.

Maximize and effectively promote potential, advantages, and resources for Ha Nam to develop quickly, comprehensively, and sustainably; become an environmentally friendly industrial and high-tech center with great socio-economic efficiency; Cultural tourism center associated with spiritual cultural tourism, relaxation, recreation, entertainment, and sports; develop agriculture applying high technology, clean agriculture, producing goods with high productivity, quality, and value; have a high labor productivity growth rate on the basis of promoting the effective application of science - technology and innovation in socio-economic development and environmental protection and improving the quality of human resources; have a synchronous, modern system of technical infrastructure, social infrastructure, and digital infrastructure and convenient connections with provinces in the region and the whole country; The fields of culture, society, ecological environment, social security, material and spiritual life of the people are guaranteed and constantly improved; ensure national defense and security, maintain political stability, social order and safety.

* Specific objectives and targets

- Economic:

+ The average economic growth rate (GRDP) in the period 2021 - 2030 reaches about 11.2%/year;

+ The economic structure of industry - construction accounts for 70.5%, the service industry accounts for 26%, and the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sectors account for 3.5%;

+ GRDP per capita reached over 230 million VND;

+ Total social investment capital for the period 2021–2030 reaches 758 trillion VND;

+ Striving for state budget revenue in the area to reach over 21,000 billion VND;

+ The growth rate of social labor productivity in the period 2021–2030 reaches 11%/year;

+ Striving for the digital economy to account for 25-30% of GRDP;

+ Total factor productivity index (TFP) reached 30%.

+ Striving for an urbanization rate of over 60%;

+ 70% of communes meet advanced new rural standards, model new rural areas, and strive to have 03 districts meet advanced new rural standards.

- Regarding society:

+ Period 2021–2030, create new jobs on average for over 25,000 workers/year;

+ The rate of trained workers reaches over 80%, of which the rate of trained workers with degrees and certificates reaches over 65%;

+ 100% of public preschools and high schools meet national standards; of which 70% of schools meet national standards level 2;

+ By 2030, strive to have basically no poor households in the whole province;

+ Achieve the ratio of 11 doctors/10,000 people and 32 hospital beds/10,000 people;

+ Reduce the rate of children under 5 years old with height-for-age malnutrition to less than 15%;

+ The proportion of the working-age population participating in social insurance reached over 60%, and the proportion of the population having health insurance reached 99%.

- Regarding environmental protection:

+ 100% of Ha Nam province's population has access to clean, hygienic water.

+ 100% of urban waste is collected and processed; 98% of rural waste is collected (95–98% is treated).

+ 100% of newly established and expanded industrial zones and clusters have wastewater treatment systems that meet technical environmental standards; The proportion of urban wastewater treated before being discharged into the environment reaches over 60% in class II and higher urban areas, over 40% in class III and IV urban areas, and over 30% in class V urban areas.

+ Forest coverage rate reached 4.5%.

- Regarding infrastructure development:

+ Synchronous investment in technical and social infrastructure systems for Ha Nam High-Tech Park, industrial parks, industrial clusters, Tam Chuc National Tourist Area, Nam Cao University Area, and other important functional areas, meeting the development needs of the province during the planning period.

+ Upgrade and expand the transportation infrastructure system in the province, ensuring smooth connection and circulation. Provincial roads meet minimum standards for level III and IV plains. Planning the system of feeder roads, parallel roads, intersections, and infrastructure along the route to ensure compatibility and connection with urban infrastructure and local transport infrastructure; key bridges, main intersections, and river crossings; and at the same time, attracting social resources to invest in specialized roads to resolve traffic bottlenecks and ensure safety and convenient traffic connections, serving local socio-economic development.

+ Synchronously and modernly develop information and communication infrastructure, meeting the requirements of building a digital government, developing a digital economy, a digital society, and ensuring information security.

+ Balanced, harmonious, and synchronous development of power supply network infrastructure according to the National Electricity Development Plan for the period 2021–2030, vision to 2050. Renovate, upgrade, and build new 500kV, 220kV, and 110kV stations and lines to meet the needs of socio-economic development and people's daily lives.

+ Build a large-scale key irrigation system to meet the needs of socio-economic development. Proactively control water sources, ensuring the needs of socio-economic development and people's lives. Strengthen capacity to prevent natural disasters and adapt to climate change.

+ Build a modern solid waste management system where solid waste is collected, classified at source, and treated in accordance with the law, complying with national environmental standards and technical regulations.

- Regarding national defense and security:

Firmly ensure national defense and security in the province; closely link and harmonize economic, cultural, and social development with ensuring national defense and security; and promote political stability, social order, and safety.

(2) Vision to 2050

By 2050, Ha Nam will become a centrally run city, a smart and modern urban area; and the logistics center for industry, high technology, medicine, health care, education and training, tourism services, and trade in the Red River Delta.

Ha Nam's prosperous economic development is associated with protecting the ecological environment in the key direction of being smart, creative, green, clean, and sustainable with the growth pillars having a high level of development and become an important development driving force of the Red River Delta, especially high-tech industries, manufacturing and processing industries, services, cultural, spiritual, and ecological tourism, and sports. The social environment of Ha Nam province is civilized, modern, and democratic, and the people of Ha Nam develop comprehensively. Politics, defense, and security are maintained, and social order and safety are guaranteed.

More details can be found in Decision 1686/QD-TTg, taking effect on December 26, 2023.

Ho Quoc Tuan


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