Application for promotion examination for Vietnamese official (Latest)

What does the application for promotion examination for Vietnamese official include? This is a question that Lawnet has recently received quite frequently from our readers. Lawnet provides the answer as follows:

Illustrative photo

According to the stipulations in Article 16 of Unified Document 05/VBHN-BNV unifying the Circular guiding recruitment and promotion exams for officials, an application for the promotion exam for officials includes:

- A résumé of the official in the form number 2c, certified by the official's employing agency.

- An assessment and evaluation of the official by the head of the official's employing agency based on the criteria and conditions stipulated in Clause 3, Article 29 of Decree 24/2010/ND-CP.

- Copies of diplomas and certificates required for the registered exam rank, certified by a competent authority.

- A health certificate issued by a competent medical agency within 30 days, counting from the date of submission of the promotion exam dossier.

- Other requirements as stipulated by the professional standards for the exam rank of the official.

The agency managing the official is responsible for considering and deciding on the list of officials meeting the criteria and conditions for the exam and for retaining and managing the application for the promotion exam of the officials participating in the exam.

Nguyen Trinh


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