Amendment to the Regulations on Organizing the Collection of Appraisal Fees for Fire Prevention and Fighting Design Approval

Recently, the Minister of Finance has signed and promulgated Circular 52/2019/TT-BTC amending and supplementing certain articles of Circular 217/2016/TT-BTC stipulating the collection rates, collection policies, payment, management, and use of verification fees for documents and materials upon individual request; Circular 258/2016/TT-BTC stipulating the collection rates, collection policies, payment, management, and use of appraisal and approval fees for fire prevention and fighting design.

Article 2 of Circular 52/2019/TT-BTC, which amends and supplements Article 4 of Circular 258/2016/TT-BTC, stipulates that the fee-collecting organizations for the appraisal and approval of fire prevention and fighting designs are state management agencies with the function of approving fire prevention and fighting designs, including:

Fee-collecting organization for appraising and approving fire prevention and fighting designs, Circular 52/2019/TT-BTC

Illustrative image (source: internet)

- Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue (Ministry of Public Security).- Provincial and municipal police departments under central authority.

Thus, compared to Circular 258/2016/TT-BTC, Circular 52 has removed the fee-collecting organizations being the provincial and municipal Fire Prevention and Fighting Police, and retained only the two organizations mentioned above.

Additionally, Circular 52/2019/TT-BTC also amends and supplements Article 3 of Circular 217/2016/TT-BTC, which stipulates the fee-collecting organizations for verifying documents and materials at the request of individuals include: Department of Professional Records (Ministry of Public Security) and the provincial and municipal police under central authority.

See the full text of the regulations at Circular 52/2019/TT-BTC, effective from October 1, 2019.

Tue Ba


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