Amendment to the organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam: Some agencies are no longer listed in the organizational structure

From March 1, 2025, the organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam will be implemented according to Decree 40/2025/ND-CP, replacing Decree 96/2022/ND-CP.

Thay  đổi  cơ  cấu  tổ  chức  Bộ  Công  Thương:  Một  số  cơ  quan  không  còn  tên

Amendment to the organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam: Some agencies are no longer listed in the organizational structure (Image from the Internet)

Organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Viettnam from March 1, 2025

According to Article 3 of Decree 40/2025/ND-CP, the organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry and Trade is prescribed as follows:

The following entities assist the Minister in performing state management functions:

- Department of Planning, Finance, and Enterprise Management.

- Department of Foreign Market Development.

- Department of Multilateral Trade Policy.

- Department of Oil, Gas and Coal.

- Department of Personnel Organization.

- Department of Legal Affairs.

- Ministry Inspectorate.

- Ministry Office.

- National Competition Commission.

- Department of Domestic Market Management and Development.

- Department of Electricity.

- Department of Innovation, Green Transformation, and Industrial Promotion.

- Department of Industry.

- Department of Trade Remedies.

- Department of Trade Promotion.

- Department of Export and Import.

- Department of Industrial Safety and Environment.

- Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy.

- Department of Chemicals.

The following are public service providers serving the Ministry's state management function:

- Institute for Strategic Research, Industry and Trade Policy.

- Industry and Trade Newspaper.- Industry and Trade Magazine.

The Department of Multilateral Trade Policy is organized into 3 divisions; the Department of Foreign Market Development is organized into 6 divisions.

The Minister of Industry and Trade submits to the Government of Vietnam for consideration and decision the issuance of a decree prescribing the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the National Competition Commission.

The Minister of Industry and Trade submits to the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam the issuance of a list of other public service providers under the ministry.

The Minister of Industry and Trade prescribes the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the units under the Ministry, except for the National Competition Commission, which is implemented according to Circular 40/2023/TT-BCT.

Some agencies are no longer listed in the organizational structure

Certain entities according to Article 3 of Decree 96/2022/ND-CP are no longer named in the organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry and Trade according to Article 3 of Decree 40/2025/ND-CP, including:

- Department of Science and Technology.

- Department of Asia - Africa Markets. (Merged into the Department of Foreign Market Development)

- Department of Europe - America Markets. (Merged into the Department of Foreign Market Development)

- General Department of Market Management. (Merged into the Department of Domestic Market Management and Development)

- Department of Domestic Market. (Merged into the Department of Domestic Market Management and Development)

- Department of Energy Saving and Sustainable Development.

- Department of Electricity Regulation.

- Department of Electricity and Renewable Energy.

- Department of Local Industry and Trade.

- School of Central Industry and Trade Official Training.

Tasks and Powers of the Ministry of Industry and Trade

According to Article 2 of Decree 40/2025/ND-CP, the tasks and powers of the Ministry of Industry and Trade are prescribed as follows:

(1) Submit to the Government of Vietnam draft laws, draft resolutions of the National Assembly; draft ordinances, draft resolutions of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly; draft decrees, draft resolutions of the Government of Vietnam according to the annual law-building program and plan of the Government of Vietnam, of the ministry and resolutions, projects, schemes, and programs summarized according to the assignment of the Government of Vietnam, Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam.

(2) Submit to the Government of Vietnam, Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam for approval and organize the implementation of strategies, planning, long-term, medium-term, annual development plans; report to the Government of Vietnam, Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam propose investment policies for national target programs, pre-feasibility study reports for critical national projects within the scope of the sectors managed by the ministry as prescribed by law.

(3) Approve strategies, schemes, development plans, programs, and development investment projects in the sectors under the state management scope of the ministry according to the decentralization and authorization of the Government of Vietnam, Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam.

(4) Issue circulars, decisions, directives, and other documents on state management of the sectors managed by the ministry; direct, guide, inspect and organize the implementation of legal normative documents within the ministry's management scope; direct and organize the implementation of propaganda, dissemination, and legal education within the state management scope of the ministry.

(5) Build national standards, issue national technical regulations, economic-technical norms in the sectors under the state management scope of the ministry; organize the implementation of measurement activities, intellectual property and organize the management, guidance, and inspection of quality for products, goods, conditional business sectors under the state management scope of the ministry as prescribed by law.

(6) Implement energy policies including electricity, coal, oil and gas, new energy, renewable energy, and other energies; manage electricity demand; electricity regulation; chemicals, industrial explosives; heavy industry, light industry; industrial promotion, industrial clusters, handicrafts; industrial technical safety; environmental protection in the industry and trade sector; trade and domestic market; food safety; export, import of goods; logistics services; trade remedies; e-commerce and digital economy; market management; competition and consumer rights protection, managing business operations by multi-level methods; trade promotion; international economic integration; foreign market development, regional and bilateral cooperation; science, technology, and innovation; green transformation, energy saving and efficient use, sustainable development, sustainable production and consumption, responding to climate change in the industry and trade sector; public services.

(7) Perform management tasks for construction investment projects under the specialized construction management within the defined management scope as per construction law.

(8) Perform the state management function on prices within the scope of management as prescribed by law.

(9) Manage state for commercial presence activities and business investments by foreign service providers, foreign investors in Vietnam in the industry, and trade sectors and according to the provisions of law, including:

(10) Perform the issuance, adjustment, revocation, extension of licenses, confirmations, certificates, and other forms of documents as prescribed by law within the ministry's state management scope.

(11) Manage industrial construction project quality within the state management scope of the ministry as prescribed by law.

(12) Manage national reserve goods according to the allocation of the Government of Vietnam.

(13) Perform international cooperation in industry and trade; implement industrial and trade cooperation activities with international organizations; build partnerships with multinational companies; receive and organize the management and coordination of ODA and foreign technical assistance in the trade and industry sectors as prescribed by law.

(14) Lead in resolving investment dispute cases arising based on contracts, agreements, commitments with foreign investors negotiated and signed by Ministry of Industry and Trade, or on behalf of the State, the Government of Vietnam.

(15) Perform state management duties on statistics, analysis, and forecasting in the industry and trade sector; collect and compile information on national statistical indicators as prescribed by the Statistics Law; carry out national statistical survey programs within the responsibility of the Ministry of Industry and Trade according to the Statistics Law and decisions of the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam; build and implement the Industry and Trade statistical survey program.

(16) Exercise the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of the state owner for state-owned enterprises and state capital invested in other enterprises as prescribed by law.

(17) Perform duties, powers concerning associations, non-governmental organizations under the state management scope of the ministry as prescribed by law.

(18) Inspect, examine, resolve complaints, denunciations, prevent corruption, receive citizens, and handle administrative violations according to the ministry's state management function; conduct specialized inspections in the field of industry and trade as prescribed by law.

(19) Decide and direct the implementation of the ministry's administrative reform program according to the objectives and content of the state administrative reform program approved by the Government of Vietnam, Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam.

(20) Manage organization, apparatus, staff, officials, and public employees; reward, train and develop human resources in the industry and trade sector; implement salary policies and incentive policies, discipline for officials and public employees under the ministry's management scope as prescribed by law.

(21) Manage financial assets assigned and manage, organize the implementation of the budget estimates of the Ministry of Industry and Trade according to state budget law, public asset management and use law, and public investment law.

(22) Fulfill other duties and powers assigned by the Government of Vietnam, Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam, and according to law.

Above is the content regarding the changes in the organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Le Quang Nhat Minh


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