Activities of the Advisory Council for Environmental Task Selection include what?

Circular 56/2015/TT-BGTVT stipulates the management of environmental tasks using state budget funds managed by the Ministry of Transport, issued on October 08, 2015.

Activities of the Advisory Council for Environmental Task Selection, Circular 56/2015/TT-BGTVT

Illustrative Image (Source: Internet)

Circular 56/2015/TT-BGTVT stipulates the activities of the Advisory Council for Environmental Task Selection as follows:

- The official meeting of the Council will only proceed when two-thirds (2/3) or more of the members established under the Decision Forming the Council are present (either physically at the meeting or participating online). The meeting must include the Chairman of the Council or the Vice Chairman of the Council (in case of authorization by the Chairman in their absence) and the Secretary member;

- The Secretary of the Council sends the consolidated dossier of environmental task lists to the Council members five (05) working days before the Council meeting date;

- Council members participating in the meeting are responsible for completing the task selection evaluation forms as per the format stipulated in Appendix 2 issued with this Circular.

Additionally, the Circular also specifies the responsibilities of the Environmental Department, including:

- Consolidate the list of environmental tasks based on the registration of organizations;- Advise the Ministry leadership to establish the Advisory Council for Environmental Task Selection, comprising the Chairman of the Council, one (01) Vice Chairman of the Council, and one (01) Secretary member who is an official of the Environmental Department; members include representatives from the Finance Department, the Science and Technology Department, and related agencies and units under the Ministry with relevant expertise;- Organize the meetings of the Advisory Council for Environmental Task Selection;- Consolidate and submit to the Ministry leadership for review and approval the results of the environmental task selection to be implemented in the annual plan by May 31 of the preceding year.

For further details, see Circular 56/2015/TT-BGTVT effective from December 1, 2015.

Le Hai


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