6 prohibited acts in the management and protection of national defense works and military zones from January 1, 2025 in Vietnam

Below are 06 acts prohibited in the management and protection of national defense works and military zones effective from January 1, 2025 in Vietnam.

6 prohibited acts in the management and protection of national defense works and military zones from January 1, 2025 in Vietnam​ (Image from the internet)

Regarding this matter, LawNet provides explanations as follows:

1. 06 prohibited acts in the management, protection of defense works and military zones from January 1, 2025 in Vietnam

Based on the provisions on prohibited acts stipulated in Article 8 of the Law on the Management and Protection of Defense Works and Military Zones 2023 (effective from January 1, 2025), the following 06 acts are prohibited in the management and protection of defense works and military zones:

- Seizing, appropriating, illegally occupying, and trespassing; vandalizing, damaging the architecture, structure, and equipment of defense works and military zones.

- Unauthorized collection, appropriation, destruction, and disclosure of confidential files, documents, and information pertaining to defense works and military zones.

- Unauthorized use, use for wrong purposes; changing the purpose of use, demolishing defense works, and relocating military zones in violation of the law.

- Building, exploiting, and placing equipment that affects the architecture, structure, usability, safety, and confidentiality of defense works and military zones.

- Obstructing and resisting the execution of duties by management, protection forces, or agencies, organizations, and individuals involved in the management and protection of defense works and military zones.

- Misusing and abusing positions, powers, and assigned duties in the management, protection of defense works, and military zones for profiteering, infringing upon the interests of the State, and the legitimate rights, and interests of organizations, households, and individuals.

2. Classification of defense works and military zones in Vietnam

- According to the importance and requirements for management and protection, defense works and military zones are classified into Special Group, Group I, Group II, and Group III.

- The Special Group includes crucial defense works and military zones which must apply particularly stringent management and protection measures to ensure absolute secrecy and safety:

+ Defense works and military zones serving the leadership of the Communist Party, the State, and strategic-level units of the Ministry of National Defense; defense works and military zones critical to the protection of forces and defense tools for safeguarding the Fatherland;

+ Special research, experimental, and production facilities for weapons and equipment;

+ Other constructions as decided by the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam.

- Group I includes very important defense works and military zones with rigorous management and protection requirements to ensure confidentiality and safety:

+ Type A defense works and military zones serving defense operations along borders, skies, seas, and islands; military and defense tasks at the campaign level; wartime evacuation constructions of central agencies, ministries, and industries;

+ Type B military zones include national military training centers, military zone-level firing ranges, regional firing ranges, sea firing ranges; firing range constructions, training grounds built within military zones specified at this point;

+ Type C military zones include ammunition depots, weapons, technical equipment, logistical materials; factories, enterprises producing, repairing weapons, ammunition; test, processing, and disposal areas for strategic-level weapons, ammunition; defense works for storing, repairing, disposing of weapons, ammunition, equipment, researching, testing, producing national defense products built within military zones specified at this point;

+ Type D military zones include working headquarters of the Ministry of National Defense; defense works for daily living, studying, working, built within military zones specified at this point.

- Group II includes important defense works and military zones with strict management and protection requirements to ensure confidentiality and safety:

+ Type A defense works and military zones serving tactical-level military and defense tasks;

+ Type B military zones include division-level shooting ranges, provincial military command headquarters, and equivalent; centers, training grounds, specialized firing ranges; firing range constructions, training grounds built within military zones specified at this point;

+ Type C military zones include ammunition depots, weapons, technical equipment, logistical materials; factories, enterprises producing, repairing weapons, ammunition; campaign-level national defense product factories; defense works for storing, repairing, disposing of weapons, ammunition, equipment, researching, testing, producing national defense products built within military zones specified at this point;

+ Type D military zones include working headquarters of military zones, army corps, army branches, arms branches, and equivalents; defense works for daily living, studying, working, built within military zones specified at this point.

- Group III includes defense works and military zones applying management and protection measures to ensure confidentiality and safety:

+ Type A defense works and military zones include ancient citadels, forts, bunkers, trenches, and pillboxes left by history;

+ Type B military zones include regiment-level, district-level, and equivalent firing ranges, training grounds; firing range constructions, training grounds built within military zones specified at this point;

+ Type C military zones include tactical-level ammunition depots, weapons, technical equipment, logistical materials; defense works for storing, repairing, disposing of weapons, ammunition, equipment built within military zones specified at this point;

+ Type D military zones include headquarters of division-level, provincial military command, and equivalent offices; academies, schools, research institutes, hospitals, military clinics, rehabilitation, and convalescent centers; national defense cultural and sports centers; service accommodation zones; military museums; detention facilities; defense works for daily living, studying, working, built within military zones specified at this point.

(Article 6 of the Law on the Management and Protection of Defense Works and Military Zones 2023)

Nguyen Ngoc Que Anh


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