3-Step Food Safety Inspection at Food and Beverage Service Business Establishments in Vietnam

3-Step Food Safety Inspection at Food and Beverage Service Business Establishments in Vietnam
Tuyết Hoan

Decision 1246/QD-BYT was issued by the Ministry of Health of Vietnam regarding Guidance on the implementation of policies on three-step inspection and food sample storage for food service establishments.

Three-Step Food Safety Inspection is the process of checking, recording, and storing documents at the recording facility to control food safety (FS) throughout the process from the entry of raw materials, food, preliminary processing, processing, distribution, storage, and transportation of food until consumption at the facility in Vietnam.

Guidelines for Three-Step Food Safety Inspection in Vietnam:

STEP 1 Pre-processing Food Inspection

1. Inspect food raw materials before they enter the food service business:

1.1. Types of products and accompanying documents for each type of product. Specifically:

- Fresh, frozen food: product name, weight, Animal Health Certificate; information on the product label (product name, manufacturer, manufacturing address, manufacturing date, expiration date, packaging specifications, weight, storage requirements)...

- Pre-packaged foods, food additives: product name, weight, inspect product label (product name, manufacturing facility, manufacturing address, lot number, manufacturing date, expiration date, packaging specifications, weight, usage instructions, storage requirements). If necessary, inspect documents related to the product (Certificate of Eligibility for FS, Certificate of Conformity or Certificate of Food Safety Compliance for the product...).

1.2. Inspect and evaluate the sensory quality and FS of each type of incoming food including color, smell, integrity of the product... and actual storage conditions (if required).

1.3. Encourage quick tests for certain quality and FS indicators for some food raw materials.

In case the raw materials, food inspected and evaluated do not meet quality and FS requirements, clearly record the handling measures for the product such as: discard, return, destroy...

2. Food imported for processing in the facility's kitchen:

- For food imported for immediate processing: Follow 1

- For food received from the facility's storage: Follow 1.2.

3. Information on pre-processing inspections is recorded in Form No. 1.
STEP 2 Inspection during food processing

1. Inspect sanitary conditions at the facility from the start of preliminary processing, processing until the food is completely processed:

- Personnel involved in processing: uniforms, hats, gloves, jewelry...

- Processing equipment and tools: use of tools for processing, containing raw and cooked foods, places for raw and cooked foods...

- Sanitation of processing and auxiliary areas: floor, drainage, trash cans...

2. Sensory evaluation of the dish after processing: during preliminary processing, processing, if any abnormalities (color, smell...) in raw materials and food are detected, they should be inspected, evaluated, and discarded, with clearly recorded handling measures.

3. Record the start and end times of processing each dish.

4. Inspection information during food processing is recorded in Form No. 2.
STEP 3 Inspection before consumption

1. Inspect the distribution of food, food display area

2. Check dishes against the meal menu.

3. Inspect the sanitation of bowls, plates, eating utensils.

4. Inspect covering tools, food storage equipment and means (for food not consumed immediately or transported elsewhere).

5. Sensory evaluation of the dishes, in case of abnormal signs or strange smell, taste, promptly implement handling measures and record specifically.

6. Inspection information before consumption is recorded in Form No. 3.

Forms for Three-Step Food Safety Inspection in Vietnam (Download the forms at Decision 1246/QD-BYT)


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