112 Violations by Party Members Subject to Immediate Expulsion from the Vietnam Communist Party

To assist our Customers and Members in understanding the current legal provisions regarding situations where Vietnam Communist Party members are immediately expelled from the Communist Party upon committing violations, Lawnet has compiled the following article.

According to Regulation 102-QD/TW on disciplinary actions against Vietnam Communist Party members in violation, the following 112 acts will result in immediate expulsion from the Vietnam Communist Party:

1. Deliberately speaking, writing content that distorts history, distorts the truth, denies the leadership role and revolutionary achievements of the Vietnam Communist Party and the nation.

2. Refuting or denying Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, the principle of democratic centralism, socialist democracy, socialist rule of law state, socialist-oriented market economy; demanding implementation of the "separation of powers", "civil society", "pluralism, multiparty".

3. Deliberately disseminating misinformation, distorting the guidelines and policies of the Vietnam Communist Party and the State; defaming the leaders of the Vietnam Communist Party and the State; the traditions of the nation, the Party, and the State.

4. Exploiting democracy, human rights, ethnicity, and religion to engage in activities harmful to political security, social order, and safety.

5. Colluding and linking up with hostile forces, reactionaries, and political opportunists, and dissidents to propagate opposing thoughts and views; encouraging, organizing, and gathering forces to oppose the Party and State.

6. Engaging in activities within reactionary political parties and organizations.

7. Inciting dissatisfaction, dissent, and opposition within the ranks. Exploiting information media, social networks to malign, defame, and undermine the credibility and leadership role of the Vietnam Communist Party.

8. Influencing, persuading, and shaping public opinion contrary to the Party's line.

9. Denying the leadership role of the Party over the armed forces; demanding “neutralization” of the military and police; distorting the people's comprehensive national defense and security strategy.

10. Denying the leadership role of the Party over the press, literature, and the arts. Creating and promoting culturally and artistically distorted works that debase the history and reputation of the Party and its leaders.

11. Being unorganized, undisciplined, abandoning posts multiple times without justifiable reasons; acting against the guidelines, resolutions, directives, decisions, regulations, rules, conclusions of the Party and State policies and laws.

12. Exploiting democratic rights to engage in factionalism, group interests, or sectional interests causing disunity within organizations, agencies, and units where they operate.

13. Retaliating against those who provide feedback, engage in struggles, critique, report, or supply information, materials, and evidence related to violations by their agency, unit, organization, or individual.

14. Organizing fake document production, ballot fraud, or manipulating election results.

15. Engaging in election sabotage.

16. Organizing forces, factions, clans to campaign for self-nomination, accept nomination, and nomination contrary to state organizations' rules, the Fatherland Front, and social-political organizations.

17. Failing to comply with speech discipline and protecting the secrets of the Party and State, leading to the disclosure of information, unauthorized distribution of documents, artifacts on professional principles and regulations; spreading misinformation about Party internals, negatively impacting political stability, discipline, and unity within the Party and people, taking advantage of bad elements and hostile, reactionary forces to distort and undermine the Party and State.

18. Exploiting democracy, human rights to propagate against the Party and State; deliberately speaking, writing, illegally storing, or widely disseminating information, materials, and artifacts with content contrary to the Party's political Platform, Party statutes, Party resolutions, directives, or uploading content against the Party's guidelines, state laws online.

19. Inciting, luring others to participate in unauthorized symposiums, seminars with content contrary to the Party's guidelines, state policies, and laws.

20. Exploiting the right to retain opinions, the right to freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly to propagate against the Party and State, denying Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought.

21. When Party members commit wrongdoings, received reminders or explanations from competent authorities but do not heed, continue to make speeches, writings, statements, disseminate memoirs, complaints, and letters attacking the Party’s leadership, defaming, slandering to erode the people's trust in the Party, State and our policies.

22. Acting as intermediary, accepting bribes in recruitment, nomination, appointment, reappointment, job arrangement, or promotion, salary increase, promotion, awarding academic titles and honorary titles against regulations for officials and public employees, workers.

23. Engaging in position trading, degree trading, job transfer; bribing to include oneself or others in planning, appointment, transfer, reward, position change.

24. Exploiting positions and powers to illegally intervene in recruitment, planning, transfer, appointment, arrangement, mobilization of staff.

25. Falsifying documents to gain admittance to education, recruitment into agencies, organizations.

26. Using the Party membership card to borrow money or assets.

27. Independently researching, producing, using codes to conduct activities infringing upon national security.

28. Exchanging, distributing information, materials, objects containing Party and State secrets via telecommunications networks, the Internet, and other media.

29. Distorting case files to avoid prosecution, investigation, prosecution, trial, reducing charges, changing charges, changing preventive measures for offenders, or covering for, aiding criminals.

30. Directing or coercing subordinates directly under their supervision to retaliate against investigators for legal violations in organizations, agencies, units under their direct supervision.

31. Providing cover, protecting, and supporting criminal activities causing significant incidents in areas under their direct supervision.

32. Exploiting positions and powers contrary to sector regulations in professional activities or contrary to law in procedural activities.

33. Forcing or bribing individuals or organizations to cover or reduce charges for others.

34. Concealing, failing to report, or destroying evidence, case files, and materials.

35. Deliberately not deciding on prosecution, investigation, prosecution, trial leading to the expiration of the handling time or deciding on prosecuting cases, prosecuting suspects contrary to legal provisions.

36. Deliberately falsifying or advising false conclusions, deciding on illegal handling to cover for others in inspection, auditing disciplines.

37. Opposing, obstructing, bribing, retaliating, persecuting, controlling, slandering those involved in inspection, auditing, those providing information, documents, evidence for inspection and auditing activities.

38. Deliberately not deciding on inspection, auditing when detecting signs of Party and law violations; falsifying conclusions; deciding, handling illegally; falsely reporting, covering for agencies, units, organizations, individuals who violate the law.

39. Organizing, coercing, inciting, inciting, assisting, bribing, dragging others into filing false complaints or accusations or creating pressure, demands, or gathering crowds to complain, accuse causing public security and order disturbance.

40. Exploiting complaints, accusations to disrupt order, causing damage to agencies, organizations, individuals to oppose the Party, State; distorting, threatening, seriously defaming the prestige, honor of agencies, organizations, responsible individuals or infringing on the lives of those responsible for resolving complaints and accusations.

41. Opening foreign accounts illegally; participating in money laundering activities.

42. Chairing, advising, proposing, participating in issuing policies, procedures, regulations contrary to the law creating group interests or sectional interests to profiteer.

43. Concealing assets to avoid asset declaration, income; resisting or obstructing the inspection, monitoring, verification of assets and income.

44. Deliberately not directing or organizing asset recovery or obstructing corrupt asset recovery activities.

45. Using draft inspection, auditing concludes to threaten inspectees and audit for profiteering.

46. Deliberately directing administrative or economic handling of corrupt acts with criminal indications or illegally exempting criminal liability of corrupt offenders.

47. Exploiting, abusing positions and powers to cover or collude with businesses, other objects to do illegal acts, profiteering; condoning, covering, assisting corruption.

48. Bribing, accepting bribes, intermediary in bribery; intermediary in administrative procedures or exploiting work positions to intermediary and earn commissions in all forms against regulations. Giving and accepting commissions or intermediating for illegal commissions. Harassing or demanding money when performing duties.

49. Embezzling assets, exploiting social security policies and relief funds to corrupt; exploiting the establishment of funds for profiteering.

50. Exploiting positions and powers to advise, appraise, approve, bid, direct bidding or decide on investment, licensing, State capital ratio in enterprises for profiteering in all forms.

51. Exploiting positions and powers to influence others or falsify work to profiteer; using State, collective assets unlawfully while performing duties to profiteer.

52. Exploiting positions and powers, responsibilities, tasks to cover, assist individuals violating the law; obstructing or illegally intervening in inspection, auditing, investigation, prosecution, trial, execution, amnesty, clemency for personal interests.

53. Colluding between the tendering party with bidders, between state management agencies with tendering parties and with bidders to alter tender files, colluding with appraising agencies, consulting, supervision, inspection agencies causing damage to the collective, national interests.

54. Allowing illegal project division into tender packages; leaking bidding materials and information; arranging tender collusion causing damage to the State, businesses.

55. Using personal influence to impact, interfere, or intentionally report falsely or dishonestly about information altering the selection results of contractors, contract signing, execution causing damage to the State, businesses.

56. Falsifying, manipulating, agreeing, or forcing others to falsify or manipulate, alter accounting documents, or intentionally agreeing, forcing others to provide, confirm false accounting information, numbers.

57. Producing counterfeit money; transporting, storing, circulating counterfeit money, fake gold.

58. Incorrectly performing, beyond the scope, subject of collateral, and loan guarantees; not fully or accurately implementing regulations on collateral, loan guarantees.

59. Violating credit granting regulations to major shareholders, founding shareholders; lending in the interbank market, buying shares to take over other banks.

60. For sectional interests engaging in takeover activities of commercial banks or colluding to establish businesses to obtain loans from owned or shareholder-controlled banks.

61. Directing or colluding with subordinates to create false documents, vouchers to appropriate State, organizational, and citizen funds and assets.

62. Illegally managing and operating funds; organizing unauthorized sponsorship solicitations.

63. Exploiting fund establishment for illegal activities or harming national interests, security, defense, national solidarity or sponsoring terrorism, other sabotage activities.

64. Illegally converting land use purposes, destroying land.

65. Falsifying, defrauding documents, altering records in issuing land use rights certificates, housing ownership rights.

66. Deciding to allocate land, lease land, reclaim land, licensing resource and mineral exploitation illegally.

67. Issuing documents or directing, organizing illegal land coercion and reclamation for sectional interests.

68. Engaging in recruitment, admission, training but deliberately allowing individuals without qualifications and conditions using unapproved diplomas, certificates, certifications to take recruitment, admission exams, promotion exams.

69. Exploiting positions and powers to cover for officials, Party members under management using unapproved diplomas, certificates, certifications.

70. Directly participating or assisting the production, consumption, or brokerage of unapproved diplomas, certificates, certifications.

71. Chairing, initiating, or actively participating in forming associations illegally; organizing association activities contrary to principles and purposes causing social negative impacts.

72. Initiating principles, purposes, content, form; chairing, preparing plans, assigning, gathering forces, participating in discussions, propagandizing, mobilizing, inciting, bribing, coercing others to participate in illegal protests, crowd gatherings violating Party and State regulations, causing security and order loss.

73. Supporting participation in protests not permitted by competent authorities or permitted but exploiting or assisting hostile forces to sabotage the Party and State.

74. Activities and actions causing interference with operations of agencies, organizations, Vietnam Communist Party and State leaders, the Fatherland Front, and social-political organizations causing serious consequences.

75. Violating marriage prohibitions, violating monogamous marriage policies.

76. Forcing spouse (or spouse), child to perform unethical, unlawful acts not subject to criminal liability.

77. Refusing to fulfill, failing to fulfill alimony obligations to parents, alimony obligations to children after divorce as provided by law.

78. Deliberately marrying a foreigner or overseas Vietnamese who is ineligible for marriage as per Vietnamese law.

79. Marrying a foreigner or overseas Vietnamese with knowledge of their significant criminal activity, subversive attitude, or activities against the Party and State.

80. Marrying a foreigner or overseas Vietnamese without reporting in writing to the Party cell about that person's background, or reporting but the competent Party organization disagrees but still carrying out the marriage.

81. Deliberately concealing from the Party organization; forcing children to marry foreigners, overseas Vietnamese against Party and State regulations.

82. Relating with foreign organizations, individuals, overseas Vietnamese with subversive activities, harming national interests.

83. Knowing but still accepting sponsorships from individuals and organizations with subversive activities against the Party and State.

84. Agreeing with, covering, assisting subversive activities of foreigners or overseas Vietnamese against the Party and State.

85. Providing, disclosing information, materials, objects within the scope of Party and State secrets to foreign individuals, political hostile organizations, reactionaries in all forms.

86. Engaging in activities within foreign hostile and reactionary political parties and organizations.

87. Giving birth to a fifth child or more.

88. Deception in giving birth or adopting when actually it is biological, intentionally having additional children beyond regulations.

89. Abandoning post while on duty, not monitoring and promptly handling patient developments leading to death.

90. Negligence, failing emergency, and medical care promptly leading to patient death.

91. Setting material conditions or extorting substantial gifts, money from patients or patients' families during medical examination and treatment.

92. Erasing, modifying medical records to avoid responsibility; exploiting medical examination and treatment to profiteer from health insurance.

93. Concealing, assisting serious violations of subordinates leading to offenders subject to criminal prosecution.

94. The head, deputy head of an agency, organization, unit, or locality intentionally reports false information, conceals crimes, serious violations of Party discipline, State policies, laws, or conceals prolonged internal disunity in the area under their direct supervision.

95. Directly causes or due to bureaucracy, negligence, allows the agency, organization, or locality under their direct supervision to become disunited, seriously violate Party discipline, and State laws.

96. The head of an economic organization of the Vietnam Communist Party, State, is irresponsible or willfully violates regulations leading to prolonged losses in production or business units, legal violations causing serious damage to State funds, collective and individual workers' property.

97. Abuses entrusted duties, advisory roles by proposing to competent authorities for promulgation of wrongful resolutions, directives, decisions, policies, and policies for group or local interests.

98. Abuses the name, means of the agency, workplace, business premises, organization where they work or supervise to cover up, aid smuggling, produce counterfeit goods, trade prohibited goods, or engage in socially delinquent activities.

99. Organizes the production, sale, circulation, and distribution of prohibited and harmful cultural products.

100. Illegally produces, stores, trades, transports, or organizes the illegal use of narcotics.

101. Engages in usurious lending, uses any form of unlawful means to collect debts.

102. Organizes, harbors, and brokers prostitution; organizes prostitution activities; provides protection for prostitution; exploits service businesses for prostitution activities.

103. Masterminds, initiates, organizes gambling in any form or reoffends after being penalized for gambling behaviors.

104. Retaliates or represses those who detect, report, prevent acts of domestic violence.

105. Tortures, mistreats, beats, or commits other acts harming the health, life; insults, degrades honor, dignity; isolates, expels, or subjects family members or caregivers to constant psychological pressure.

106. As a leader or commander, seriously insults the dignity, honor, or uses corporal punishment on subordinates.

107. As a subordinate, seriously insults the dignity, honor, or assaults leaders, managers, commanders, and colleagues.

108. Organizes agitation to divide unity among religions domestically and internationally.

109. Engages in extreme, blind superstition; practices divination, shamanism, fortune-telling, geomancy for profit or other purposes.

110. Abuses religious freedom to sabotage the peace, independence, unity of the country; incites violence or propagates war, contrary to State policies and laws.

111. Abuses religious freedom to divide the people, ethnicities, religions; disrupt public order, harm the lives, health, dignity, honor, property of organizations and individuals; obstruct the exercise of civil rights and duties.

112. Hosts, participates in, or advocates, supports, or shelters individuals or organizations to newly establish, construct temples, shrines, worship facilities of religions without the permission of competent State authorities.

Nguyen Trinh


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  • Address: 19 Nguyen Gia Thieu, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
    Phone: (028) 7302 2286
    E-mail: info@lawnet.vn
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