06 types of e-documents assessing and classifying the quality of cadres and civil servants in Vietnam from September 15, 2023

06 types of e-documents assessing and classifying the quality of cadres and civil servants in Vietnam from September 15, 2023
Trần Thanh Rin

What are the types of e-documents assessing and classifying the quality of cadres and civil servants in Vietnam from September 15, 2023? – Thu Phuong (Khanh Hoa)

06 types of e-documents assessing and classifying the quality of cadres and civil servants in Vietnam from September 15, 202306

06 types of e-documents assessing and classifying the quality of cadres and civil servants in Vietnam from September 15, 2023 (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

06 types of e-documents assessing and classifying the quality of cadres and civil servants in Vietnam

From September 15, 2023, all types of quality assessment and classifying e-documents include:

(1) Minutes of the meeting to comment on and evaluate.

(2) Assessment sheet, quality rating of cadres, civil servants, and public employees.

(3) Comments of the committee of the place of work (if any).

(4) Conclude and notify in writing the results of the evaluation and quality classification of cadres, civil servants, and public employees of competent authorities.

(5)  Application for settlement of recommendations on the results of assessment and classification of the quality of cadres, civil servants and public employees (if any).

(6) Other relevant documents (if any).

In addition to being kept in electronic form, the documents specified in (2) and (4) are also kept in writing in the records of officials, public employees, and public employees.

(Article 22 of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP, amended in Decree 48/2023/ND-CP)

More details can be found in Decree 48/2023/ND-CP, effective as of September 15, 2023

Principles of evaluating and classify  the quality of cadres, civil servants, and public employees in Vietnam

According to Article 2 of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP, the principles for assessing and classifying the quality of cadres, civil servants, and public employees include:

- Ensuring objectivity, fairness, and accuracy; no respect, oppression, favoritism, or formality; ensuring the right competence to manage and evaluate cadres, civil servants, and public employees.

- The evaluation and classification of quality must be based on the assigned responsibilities and tasks and the results of task performance, expressed through specific jobs and products; for cadres, civil servants, and public employees, leading and managing must be associated with the results of performing tasks of agencies, organizations, and units assigned to manage and take charge of them.

- Cadres, civil servants, and public employees who have worked in the year for less than 6 months are not qualified to evaluate and classify but still have to review their working time in the year, except for maternity leave.

Cadres, civil servants, and public employees who are absent from work as prescribed by law in the year from 03 months to less than 6 months, shall still carry out the assessment but not rate the quality at the level of completing tasks well or higher.

Cadres, civil servants, and public employees taking maternity leave according to the provisions of law, the result of quality classification in the year is the result of quality classification of the actual working time of that year.

- The results of assessment and classification of the quality of cadres, civil servants, and public employees according to the provisions of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP are used as a basis for communication in the evaluation and classification of party members' quality.

Competence to evaluate and classify the quality of cadres, civil servants, and public employees in Vietnam

Specifically, Article 16 of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP stipulates the competence to evaluate and classify the quality of cadres, civil servants and public employees as follows:

- For cadres

The level competent to manage cadres shall evaluate and classify the quality of cadres according to cadre management decentralization.

- For civil servants

+ The assessment and classification of the quality of heads of agencies, organizations, and units shall be performed by the heads of superior agencies under their direct management;

+ The evaluation and classification of the quality of deputies of heads and civil servants under their management shall be carried out by heads of agencies employing civil servants.

- For public employees

The competence and responsibility to evaluate and classify the quality of public employees shall comply with the provisions of Clauses 1, 2 and 3, Article 43 of the Law on Public Employees.


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