06 contents of inspection of university and college admissions in Vietnam 2023

06 contents of inspection of university and college admissions in Vietnam 2023
Trần Thanh Rin

What will the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam inspect and examine regarding the enrollment of universities and colleges in 2023? – Phuong Thao (Binh Thuan)

06 contents of inspection of university and college admissions in Vietnam 2023

06 contents of inspection of university and college admissions in Vietnam 2023 (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

On July 28, 2023, the Ministry of Education and Training issued Official Dispatch 3765/BGDDT-TTr on guiding the implementation of inspection and examination of enrollment at all levels of higher education and college degrees in Early Childhood Education in Vietnam.

06 contents of inspection of university and college admissions in Vietnam 2023

All stages of enrollment in higher education and college degrees in Early Childhood Education are inspected and examined; which focuses on the following topics:

(1) The development and promulgation of documents and regulations on enrollment work

- Building, issuing, and publicizing enrollment regulations, documents, and enrollment guidelines, enrollment process, enrollment results according to each mode, level, industry/group of training majors of the previous two years;

- The establishment and assignment of tasks by the Admission Council, the assisting committees of the Admission Council;

- Admission notification.

(2) Determination of enrollment quota

- Determining, allocating, and publicly announcing enrollment quotas for training levels, training forms, and enrollment methods according to regulations. Paying attention to the identification and assurance of criteria for determining targets; the implementation of the training institution's accountability before the Ministry of Education, Training and Social Affairs as prescribed;

- For teacher training majors and training institutions that have been notified to suspend the exercise of autonomy to determine enrollment quotas, the quotas shall be implemented according to the notices of competent state management agencies. ;

- The determination and compliance with the quality assurance threshold, especially the entry threshold for teacher training and health professions with practicing certificates.

(3) The announcement and publicization of the enrollment scheme

- Developing, announcing, and publicizing the enrollment scheme, in which the introduction of the training institution, the training disciplines, and programs are allowed, the results of education quality accreditation, the rate of graduates, and the rate of employment are in accordance with the professional qualifications of the graduates;

- Information on training costs, tuition fees, enrollment service fees, and other service fees for the course and each academic year; scholarship policy; tuition fee exemption and reduction; financial support; dormitory accommodation; and other preferential and supportive policies for learners;

- Enrollment plans, subjects, and conditions for enrollment; enrollment methods, selection combinations, and enrollment targets for industries; each enrollment method; each enrollment group and training program; registration process and procedures; and other necessary information for candidates;

- Plans to deal with risks when implementing enrollment and commitment to the training institution's responsibility;

- The adjustment of the enrollment scheme (if any).

(4) The organization of the entrance exam

- The formulation and publicization of exam regulations, exam organization schemes

- Preparing facilities for the exam; the composition of the examination council; the examination board committees;

- Form of exam organization (paper-based exam, computer-based exam, other exams...);

- Complying with regulations on the issue of exam questions, printing, copying, confidentiality, delivery, receipt, transportation, and protection of exam questions;

- Carrying out the responsibilities of the staff involved in the organization of the exam, the relevant people, and the candidates;

- Exam marking:

+ Organizing training and guidance on Regulations and related documents for staff participating in exam marking;

+ Implementing processes on beat making, beat security, and exam management;

+ Performing the responsibilities and duties of the head of the examination marking committee, the examination marking secretary, the head of the marking subject, the marking officer, the examination marking officer, and relevant officials:

Assigning tasks to the Examination Board, the secretary, and the coordination in performing tasks between the secretary, the examiner, and the head of the marking subject; Coordination between service and security forces during the examination; plans for handling unusual situations; discussing and agreeing on grading guidelines, answers, and scoring charts; the total number of marks for each marking subject;

+ Implementing the process of delivering and receiving exams; an independent 2-round grading process; the arrangement of staff in the examination rooms; filling out information on the scorecard; agreeing on test scores, processing test marking results, and implementing the process of marking multiple-choice exams;

+ Implementing the process of entering points;

+ Organizing the evaluation and review: The establishment and confidentiality of the list of leaders and members of the Appraisal Board according to regulations; the drawing of cards, the drawing of beats, the re-beating of beats, the organization of re-evaluation according to regulations.

(5) Recruitment work

- The implementation of regulations on recruitment:

+ Announcement of the recruitment examination on the content, time, and form of notification;

+ Receive, review application files, update, and publish recruitment information in the mass media;

+ Distributing and receiving application dossiers: Time to distribute and receive dossiers, form of receipt, location of application collection, valid and lawful papers certifying study results, priority categories, encourage, reserve, work time, review conditions on the legality of input of the prescribed types of foreign language certificates;

+ Preserve the results of the matriculation; the development of a direct admission plan, an early enrollment plan for a number of separate enrollment methods, and a plan for additional admissions (if any);

+ Admission fee.

- Determination of admission score:

+ The process of determining the passing score; the implementation of regulations on multiplying coefficients in recruitment; priority subjects; nominating candidates in enrollment;

+ Publicize admission results, list of successful candidates;

+ Printing, sending admission notices, and summoning successful candidates.

(6) Admission and examination of records of successful candidates

- The requirement of required documents and priority documents in the candidate's admission application;

- Handling late admission candidates;

- Checking the candidate's profile;

- Checking, supervising, and implementing the direction of superiors and recommendations of the inspector in the recruitment work; the settlement of complaints, denunciations, recommendations, and reflections of the head of the training institution;

- The storage of enrollment records.

Requirements for inspection of university and college admissions in Vietnam 2023

The inspection and examination of university and college enrollment in 2023 must ensure the following requirements:

- Complying with the provisions of law, ensuring seriousness, honesty, objectivity, publicity, democracy, and timeliness; inspection and examination with focus; Not replacing the duties of the Admission Council, does not obstruct the normal activities of organizations and individuals participating in the enrollment work.

- Inspection and examination activities are independent of the inspected and examined subjects, ensuring the correct order, procedures, and contents as prescribed by the law on inspection and examination.

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 3765/BGDDT-TTr, dated July 28, 2023.


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