05 responsibilities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam in management and implementation of plans on electricity development

On October 21, 2013, the Government issued Decree 137/2013/ND-CP detailing implementation of the Electricity Law and the Law on amending the Electricity Law

05 responsibilities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam in management and implementation of plans on electricity development
05 responsibilities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam in management and implementation of plans on electricity development (Internet image)

Decree 137/2013/ND-CP stipulates the responsibilities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam in management and implementation of plans on electricity development as follows:

  • Perform state management on planning for electricity development; guide on planning annual electricity investment and development on the basis of the approved plan on electricity development;
  • Announce the national master plan on electricity development, including the amended master plans already been approved;
  • Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministries, sectors and People's Committee of provinces and central-affiliated cities in formulating mechanisms, solutions to implement the master plans on electricity development and submit to the Prime Minister;
  • Organize the monitoring, examination over implementation of the national master plan on electricity development;
  • Annually sum up, assess result of implementation, impacts and influences of implementation of the master plan on electricity development for reporting to the Prime Minister.

In addition, this Decree also clearly stipulates the responsibilities of the People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities in management and implementation of plans on electricity development in Vietnam as follows:

  • Announce plans on electricity development of provinces and central-affiliated cities including the amended plans already been approved;
  • Allocate land fund in plans on land use at localities for electricity projects in the national master plan on electricity development and plans on electricity development of provinces and central-affiliated cities already been approved;
  • Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate strictly with investors in implementing ground clearance, compensation, supports for residential removals and resettlement for electricity projects;
  • Organize the monitoring, examination over implementation of the master plans on electricity development of provinces and central-affiliated cities at localities;
  • Annually sum up, assess result of implementation, impacts and influences of implementation of the master plan on electricity development of provinces and central-affiliated cities at localities and report to the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

More details can be found in Decree 137/2013/ND-CP, which comes into force from December 10, 2013.

Ty Na


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